July, 14th. 1892
Basil couldn't help but smile despite Ms. Chang's denial; he wasn't so sure he believed her, but the idea of her transfiguring a suitor into a dog made him chuckle anyhow.
Ms. Chang,
I should applaud your creative use of transfiguration in the ball room, but recommend a rat rather than a dog. Less mess.
The news is, in fact, alarming; at risk of sounding too parental, I appreciate your staying indoors. There is plenty I have to occupy your time should you need it.
As it goes, I wrote to an old colleague of mine - a Ms. Jupiter Smith - a few weeks ago to see if she had ever come across anything in her research regarding the following. (Ms. Smith is an avid archeologist, one who very much reminds me of you. The next time she is in London I'd love to make an introduction.)
In an olde text by a sir Larry Boyd, the gentleman states: "ancient creatures once evolved into a certain clan of witch and wizard known to the modern day as amazonians." Ms. Smith has spent some time in the South, but unfortunately could not refer me to anything new. I mention this now in case you come across anything in your own reading that may align, or warrant further investigation.
B. Foxwood
B. Foxwood
Ida Chang ( Jupiter Smith fyi)