July, 12th. 1892
It was with great amusement that Basil read Ms. Chang's return of post, after of course, having been much relieved to receive word from her at all! He was pleased too that she was mostly prompt; his worry had been growing after not hearing back yesterday evening and he responded as quickly as he was able, considering her 'hypothetical' seemed very much 'experimental.'
Ms. Chang,
I'm glad to hear it! Yes, the Ministry certainly does seem to have a lot to answer after all this. I can only hope your father's business pursuits remain unaffected.
As for your hypothesis, I am - as always - quite impressed with your formulation. I see no grave errors, save for the fact that likely a transfiguration of this measure will need an expert hand to be undone. If this man wishes to become human again, he will likely need to be aided, and not by a witch or wizard of trifling talents.
Am I to expect a dog of such means sometime soon?
B. Foxwood
B. Foxwood
Perhaps it was a bit presumptuous of him to tease her at the end and think she might send her little experiment to him, but this was their way now. Basil felt no real qualms with his protege as he might have otherwise.