As the big Gryffindor also had a splendid combination of beans, Vincent figured they were on a lucky streak and he rolled a funny looking orange one to the side. He held it carefully between his fingers and examined it for dark spots. He was startled then by Cass’ big laugh. Turning towards his friend, Vincent watched as all the animations ran across the other’s’ face. He loved how expressive and openly honest Cassian could be; it was one of the thing Vince sometimes wished he could emulate half as much. He always tried to tell the truth and be as straightforward as he could but… for some reason he still got the short end of the stick generally.
Rolling his eyes a touch, Vincent offered the orange-looking bean to Cass. “You do have a big head,” he replied, deadpanning. “As for your plans, I enjoy them! Really, I do,” Vincent laughed. “But I’m just saying, a break isn’t terrible either.” Outside the now open window a soft rain began to pitter-patter. Vince let the silence carry as he considered the question he’d been posed. He could think of a great many things he wanted to do in this soft bed, by the romantically open window with the rain on the other side, and all of them involved touching Cass in some way. He knew he damn well couldn’t say as much however, so he leaned back to share the other’s pillow and sighed.
“I don’t know,” he mumbled quietly. “I could read to you,” he offered, teasingly. As he said it, Vince turned his head towards Cass and wished the other would lean back and lay with him. Maybe then he could just… carefully brush too-long bangs out of the Gryffindor’s face and Cass would realize how perfect he was. Vince almost snorted at the thought; maybe in another life.
![[Image: vincesig.gif]](
i desire very little but the things i do consume me