There was something in his eyes and the way he almost solemnly returned to the bed that left Verity stunned for a minute. Everett was the picture of a gentleman. He'd rescued her in a blaze of glory like a prince slaying a dragon. He married her despite all the complications and reasons to do otherwise. Even now, when only a few layers separated them, Everett was accepting of her boundaries.
So why couldn't she move the boundaries and allow something more between them?
Tonight wasn't the night to try.
Changing as quickly as she could without stumbling or otherwise making a fool of herself, Verity yanked her nightgown over her head and climbed into bed besides him. She laid on her back, her arm nearly hanging off the bed with the amount of distance left between them, and stared at the ceiling. "Good night, Everett."
So why couldn't she move the boundaries and allow something more between them?
Tonight wasn't the night to try.
Changing as quickly as she could without stumbling or otherwise making a fool of herself, Verity yanked her nightgown over her head and climbed into bed besides him. She laid on her back, her arm nearly hanging off the bed with the amount of distance left between them, and stared at the ceiling. "Good night, Everett."

set by mj