The other accepted the cigerette and Bernard lit it, taking a number of quick pulls on his own till it was spent and he pulled and lit another one, flicking the butt into the gutter.
'Better for you' Bernard said a little sourly, he had been having visions since he was a child and every single one, without exception had been bad luck, some unfortunate event that had inevtiably followed the vision. 'I've never managed that myself, some people are just cursed I guess' he siad with a mirthless chuckle.
'Better for you' Bernard said a little sourly, he had been having visions since he was a child and every single one, without exception had been bad luck, some unfortunate event that had inevtiably followed the vision. 'I've never managed that myself, some people are just cursed I guess' he siad with a mirthless chuckle.
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