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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

ZomBee Rising
[Image: giphy.gif]

Summer!Bee Has Arrived!
My deepest apologies for my vanishing; May and June flat out sucked. COVID + the end of the school year was absolutely insane.

However, school is over and I am FREEEEEE as freeee as the wind blows!

With that said, I need to catch up, obviously and my list so far looks like this;

Things I Know About

Jess/Ned, Delilah, Jellon
Daff/Cliff, Quinlan
Eugene/Gus, Desi
Sloane/Richard, Bitchitt
Tybsie, Meri

What I need from you guys is things I'm missing that you want; things that are dead you're totally over (and that's fine, not going to hurt my feelings!); things that are dead and you want!; things that are too far in the past and you would like to be done with either in a quick wrap or a deadification; did I say I'd start something and didn't? Did you start something for me and I missed it? Please help a scatterbrain out!

I also need NEW THINGS! Especially for
Holden - plot intensive things coming this week

Ella summer shenanigans

Eugene fam stuff - his divorce from Astrild is pending so he can start appropriately courting Tilda

Season!Things for Torie & Tillie

Summer shenanigans for Sloane at the Zoo, she'll be interning there for the summer!

Rhys could use some uh work things?

Owen needs a new death!plot //eyes Kayte

Eva is baby impending fyi @ her fam/friends!

Holler at me my loves!

ETA I have a hankering for Beckett Longbottom  because it is the season and I need one UC dude to toss around. Plus he needs to get married asap; an Anthony Bridgerton-inspired plot anyone? Get at me!

I have Thursdays and Saturdays completely to myself and I will also be around more consistently on weekday evenings because I will not be Dead Inside from working all day. I have missed youuuuuu my Charming Darlings!

The following 3 users Like Elsie Kirke's post:
   Barnabas Beck, Jack Dorset, Juniper Edevane

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
MY FLOWER. MY ANGEL. You know what I want most of all and I will spend FIVE GLORIOUS DAYS seducing you if I don't get her it before then Wink

More immediately,
  • Talk Holden/Lavinia
  • I have bachelors and friends for your #SingleLadies
  • The death plot is incoming, don't you worry your pretty little head

I am currently in the bowels of Report Card season (the tradeoff for starting later than you is going later, too >.>) but also an Olympic-level slacker, SO

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   Elsie Kirke
Mason is going on a vacayyy with Gus. So pack your bags. Someplace warm lol.. And then Gus. All the time.  They are going to be  best friends if Gus has anything to say.
I also offer Delilah to him for summer things.

Let Cliff be a thorn in Rhys’s side because he likes to steal things. And cause a ruckus. Drunk in public? Check. And honestly? Could probably use a day or two in a jail cell xD

Atticus for Torie & Tillie. That is all. Oh, I guess June too, now that’s a deb and trying to be less of a terror. She could use some more friends lol

The following 1 user Likes Gus Lissington's post:
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[Image: UkiVTG8.png]
Are you student? Learn how to earn house points!
(June 17, 2022 – 1:43 PM)Gus Lissington Wrote:  
Mason is going on a vacayyy with Gus. So pack your bags. Someplace warm lol.. And then Gus. All the time.  They are going to be  best friends if Gus has anything to say.
I also offer Delilah to him for summer things.

Let Cliff be a thorn in Rhys’s side because he likes to steal things. And cause a ruckus. Drunk in public? Check. And honestly? Could probably use a day or two in a jail cell xD

Atticus for Torie & Tillie. That is all. Oh, I guess June too, now that’s a deb and trying to be less of a terror. She could use some more friends lol

I am SO HERE fore the Mason/Gus Broventures this summer! We could also do Mason/Delilah letters while he's bopping around the world?

Hahah Rhys just loves tossing people in jail, so that can totally happen!

Yesss, I need to get Tillie's debut up, I think early July!

The following 1 user Likes Elsie Kirke's post:
   Gus Lissington

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
Welcome back! I can't really have anything old for catch-up, but if you're in the market to add new things to the list I can offer ghost shenanigans for pretty much anyone in vicinity of Hogwarts or Hogsmeade. I also have John Griffiths the new Honeyduke's employee for Quin specifically. Let me know if anything strikes your fancy!

The following 1 user Likes Theodosia Bartlett's post:
   Elsie Kirke

[Image: 85h4kTf.png]
I mean obviously there are room for bestie shinanagiins this summer with Calla and Sloane!!

And if it suits your taste i would happily hurl Octavia Fawley at Beckett plot and all.

And I'm sure there might be more i can offer but im pushing it and am gonna be late to work if i keep going.

The following 1 user Likes Calla Potts's post:
   Elsie Kirke

[Image: SQXZU54.png]
look at the pretties mj made me!!!
(June 17, 2022 – 2:51 PM)Theodosia Bartlett Wrote:  Welcome back! I can't really have anything old for catch-up, but if you're in the market to add new things to the list I can offer ghost shenanigans for pretty much anyone in vicinity of Hogwarts or Hogsmeade. I also have John Griffiths the new Honeyduke's employee for Quin specifically. Let me know if anything strikes your fancy!

Yessss I would love a thread with him! Would you like to start or shall I?

(June 17, 2022 – 2:52 PM)Calla Potts Wrote:  I mean obviously there are room for bestie shinanagiins this summer with Calla and Sloane!!

And if it suits your taste i would happily hurl Octavia Fawley at Beckett plot and all.

And I'm sure there might be more i can offer but im pushing it and am gonna be late to work if i keep going.

Woo for zoo shenanigans!

Let me think more on what I would like to do with Becks and I will let you know!

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
First off - excellent thread title.

Holden - could join Walter in the lake exploration. I've also been lack in getting that moving but if he wants a mission there is a thread in that for him.

I don't have much for Ella - bar some pre-Hogwarts excitement, with Honoria.
Maybe Yuri as well - now he's on the house Quidditch team he is very proud of it and think he's just about the coolest, most sophisticated person in town and he has some top of the line quidditch gear

Don't have much for Eugene or indeed Mason.

I think all I'd have for Quinbert is hurling for right now, maybe a thread where yuri makes his apology for thieving.

All I might have for Rhys is maybe Maddie's shop gets robbed?

(June 17, 2022 – 3:34 PM)Honoria Rookwood Wrote:  First off - excellent thread title.

Holden - could join Walter in the lake exploration.  I've also been lack in getting that moving but if he wants a mission there is a thread in that for him. 

I don't have much for Ella - bar some pre-Hogwarts excitement, with Honoria. 
Maybe Yuri as well - now he's on the house Quidditch team he is very proud of it and think he's just about the coolest, most sophisticated person in town and he has some top of the line quidditch gear

Don't have much for Eugene or indeed Mason. 

I think all I'd have for Quinbert is hurling for right now, maybe a thread where yuri makes his apology for thieving.

All I might have for Rhys is maybe Maddie's shop gets robbed?

haha thanks!

Holden has been away on a ministry assignment for months and is currently missing, I should have been more specific, but he'll be back soon and without any memory of anything of his life. #oblivated

Ella is bopping around Hogsmeade at her leisure with her house elf and broom in tow, always! She's not off to Hogwarts yet, one more year, so has lots of time for shenanigans!

Same for Quin and Rhys, both need stuff, so I can toss them in to see where things go!

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty

1. Basil - Basil needs threads with Tillieeeee~~ At his current place in life, he has finished the term and everything wrapped up nicely. He's sad to see this group of seventh years go, more than usual, but he's resigned to the hell that is his life at home over the summer season. We can still do the COB thread with Mason/Gus if we want to! As for season things, anything you sign Tillie up for, assume Basil (or Fox) is interested too. All the hiding, sulking, teasing threads~! Specifically, his birthday is June 21 and THIS YEAR mama fox and Atticus planned the MOST horrendous hen party to marry him off! So 100% Victoire got the invite, and Basil was furious he didn't think to kidnap Tillie to bolster his army, but she could easily be there too and thread and he can be RELIEVED lol. Also, any UC girl hurling, I guess, is also open here to torture him. (But I think I've poked at all your kids already .//squint)

2. Poppy - MORE TILLIE THINGS! Poppy's debut in Surrey is the 17th so we MUST do a thread there with Victoire and/or Tillie (I swear I'm going to overwhelm you so feel free to pump the breaks). That said, pretty much any/all season things sign Poppy up because she will be everywhere. As for Owen, yessss~ All the things! (She had a past thread with Cliff where she and June were daydreaming about him after the spider incident, lol. Or at least Poppy was.) Hm... who else for Poppy? I think that might be everything.

3. Algae - The newest addition! He's ready to love ALL your kids, so we can talk Algae plots at some point too. Basically, he's an upper-middle class, non-discriminatory (class and blood) quidditch player who is on the tail-end of a nasty media crisis. He's a romantic, always falling in and out of love, but is too shy and/or stupid to do anything about it lol. Heeee is Gus' flatmate over the summer (and hopelessly crushing) so I'm sure he will meet Mason!! <3

4. Olixander - If you want him, he is available to cause trouble <3

The following 1 user Likes Basil Foxwood's post:
   Elsie Kirke
(June 17, 2022 – 4:05 PM)Basil Foxwood Wrote:  

1. Basil - Basil needs threads with Tillieeeee~~ At his current place in life, he has finished the term and everything wrapped up nicely. He's sad to see this group of seventh years go, more than usual, but he's resigned to the hell that is his life at home over the summer season. We can still do the COB thread with Mason/Gus if we want to! As for season things, anything you sign Tillie up for, assume Basil (or Fox) is interested too. All the hiding, sulking, teasing threads~! Specifically, his birthday is June 21 and THIS YEAR mama fox and Atticus planned the MOST horrendous hen party to marry him off! So 100% Victoire got the invite, and Basil was furious he didn't think to kidnap Tillie to bolster his army, but she could easily be there too and thread and he can be RELIEVED lol. Also, any UC girl hurling, I guess, is also open here to torture him. (But I think I've poked at all your kids already .//squint)

2. Poppy - MORE TILLIE THINGS! Poppy's debut in Surrey is the 17th so we MUST do a thread there with Victoire and/or Tillie (I swear I'm going to overwhelm you so feel free to pump the breaks). That said, pretty much any/all season things sign Poppy up because she will be everywhere. As for Owen, yessss~ All the things! (She had a past thread with Cliff where she and June were daydreaming about him after the spider incident, lol. Or at least Poppy was.) Hm... who else for Poppy? I think that might be everything.

3. Algae - The newest addition! He's ready to love ALL your kids, so we can talk Algae plots at some point too. Basically, he's an upper-middle class, non-discriminatory (class and blood) quidditch player who is on the tail-end of a nasty media crisis. He's a romantic, always falling in and out of love, but is too shy and/or stupid to do anything about it lol. Heeee is Gus' flatmate over the summer (and hopelessly crushing) so I'm sure he will meet Mason!! <3

4. Olixander - If you want him, he is available to cause trouble <3

Oh Basil, as if Tillie would miss your birthday! Also Torie was there with bells on to flirt with Atticus be a respite from the storm of debutantes. I do still want a Mason/Gus/Basil COB thread if you're interested! I think it'll just be hilarious XD

Poppy - I think I will pop Tillie's debut in the first week of July, but she was obviously there, hiding in the shadows. Torie as well. I will have Beckett Longbottom back for the summer as well, so he would likely be in attendance? Always down for Oppy? Powen? Poppen? things as well! We shall continue on our quest.

Algae - my quidditch peeps include all children, Owen and Beckett hahah, so there you go XD He should definitely meet Bronwyn Moony too as she likes to frequent Gus' flat for visits as well!

Olixander - he and Holden Cartwright would have been in school at the same time, though Algae's late birthday has him a year behind Holden. I'm not sure how well they would have gotten along, probably the opposite, but I would like people from his past around for #obliviation funtimes!

The following 1 user Likes Elsie Kirke's post:
   Basil Foxwood

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
(June 17, 2022 – 3:01 PM)Elsie Kirke Wrote:  
(June 17, 2022 – 2:51 PM)Theodosia Bartlett Wrote:  Welcome back! I can't really have anything old for catch-up, but if you're in the market to add new things to the list I can offer ghost shenanigans for pretty much anyone in vicinity of Hogwarts or Hogsmeade. I also have John Griffiths the new Honeyduke's employee for Quin specifically. Let me know if anything strikes your fancy!

Yessss I would love a thread with him! Would you like to start or shall I?

I can get something started.

The following 1 user Likes Theodosia Bartlett's post:
   Elsie Kirke

[Image: 85h4kTf.png]
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee glad to have you back <3

I am here for anything you want or need! I can offer Theo again for people who know Holden, Ewart if you need him for Eugene, Conall for Eva always, and my assortment of UC society types for any ~seasonal shenanigans. xD

The following 1 user Likes Elias Grimstone's post:
   Elsie Kirke

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
I have an idea for a plot with Rhys and Edgar Minks (as his alias Leon). Leon decides to get ride of some competition by tipping Rhys off about illegal gambling in Hogsmeade. Course he's not going to offer the info for free and hopes to gain Rhys's trust as a way to manipulate him in the future (or simply to use him as an effective tool to deal with rivals so he can improve the income he's gaining from his own illegal gambling/brothels business).

For Torie and Tillie, I can offer Terence Higgs , either for possible hurls or just friendship. If either want portraits or other artwork done, he takes on commissions during the summer. Also, if either are inclined to do art, he also teaches advanced art techniques to any who wish it during the summer, usually in small evening groups, or one on one during the day, depending on the person's preference and schedules (fees will likely be more for private lessons (properly chaperoned of course).

Malcorvus Flint, though not actively looking to remarry, I still offer him as I would really like to eventually marry again. He may not be the most handsome or youngest among available UCPB's but he certainly as plenty of influence.

Lastly if either young lady wants to take risks or be rebellious in any way, Edgar is always a possibility. He's not Upperclass but he's definitely pureblood. He's pretty much upper middle class and hopes to become Upperclass in the years to come. Just needs a little more time to do so. Marrying an UC young lady certainly would give him a nice chunk of funds to elevate him. Besides marriage, he's also available for any one time hurling as he's not above sleeping with any willing lady he can charm.

I would love a thread between Mason and Terence, both are Professors so Mason would at least know who Terence is and that he's Nelson's Uncle.

The following 1 user Likes Walter Staghart's post:
   Elsie Kirke

(June 17, 2022 – 7:07 PM)Elias Grimstone Wrote:  Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee glad to have you back <3

I am here for anything you want or need! I can offer Theo again for people who know Holden, Ewart if you need him for Eugene, Conall for Eva always, and my assortment of UC society types for any ~seasonal shenanigans. xD

I will def need Theo soon, I need to nail down Holden's timeline, but I will let you know!

I would actually LOVE a Ewart/Eugene thread!

You are singlehandedly keeping Eva active, so let's keep that up XD

(June 17, 2022 – 7:18 PM)Walter Staghart Wrote:  I have an idea for a plot with Rhys and  Edgar Minks (as his alias Leon). Leon decides to get ride of some competition by tipping Rhys off about illegal gambling in Hogsmeade. Course he's not going to offer the info for free and hopes to gain Rhys's trust as a way to manipulate him in the future (or simply to use him as an effective tool to deal with rivals so he can improve the income he's gaining from his own illegal gambling/brothels business).

I love your thinking, I just don't know how well it's going to work. Rhys is so straight-laced that he cannot be bribed XD He's no idiot either, it's almost annoying. There's something there, I just don't know what!

Quote:For Torie and Tillie, I can offer Terence Higgs , either for possible hurls or just friendship. If either want portraits or other artwork done, he takes on commissions during the summer. Also, if either are inclined to do art, he also teaches advanced art techniques to any who wish it during the summer, usually in small evening groups, or one on one during the day, depending on the person's preference and schedules (fees will likely be more for private lessons (properly chaperoned of course).

I don't think either is particularly artistic, but Tillie's parents might commission something for her debut this summer! She's pretty bad at sitting still, so that would be funny. Could see where that goes!

Quote:Malcorvus Flint, though not actively looking to remarry, I still offer him as I would really like to eventually marry again. He may not be the most handsome or youngest among available UCPB's but he certainly as plenty of influence.

Lastly if either young lady wants to take risks or be rebellious in any way, Edgar is always a possibility. He's not Upperclass but he's definitely pureblood. He's pretty much upper middle class and hopes to become Upperclass in the years to come. Just needs a little more time to do so. Marrying an UC young lady certainly would give him a nice chunk of funds to elevate him.  Besides marriage, he's also available for any one time hurling as he's not above sleeping with any willing lady he can charm.

I think both of them would be ended by their parents if they caused any Scandal; they are both expected to marry well and at least Torie is planning to do so. Tillie would rather not marry at all XD

Quote:I would love a thread between Mason and Terence, both are Professors so Mason would at least know who Terence is and that he's Nelson's Uncle.

We have one! I replied to it today! Sorry for the wait, it was a rough go for a while!

The following 1 user Likes Elsie Kirke's post:
   Elias Grimstone

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
Hey Bee! I have nothing with you which I should probably fix and not flake on like the gigantic flake I am.

I feel like that's probably going to be either Caroline Weasley with Ella or some Protterbottomsley relative that I'm sure you have? or Greta.......... but I'm more interested in Caroline and Ella.

This ticker exists as an age reminder because Jen is terrible at keeping track of time...

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