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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

This Is: Juniper

This is Juniper, affectionately June, a seventh year Slytherin who has a (borderline) fascination with anything morbid and likes to try to practice dark arts in her spare time. The Edevanes in general dabble in it, and her dad has spent the past 11 years trying to bring his wife back from the dead with plans to sacrifice his new wife when the time comes. She's quite corrupted. I would say people have suspicions about the Edevanes, although if anyone feels the need to discover and be horrified by the family, sure.

I'm open to anything plotting wise with her!Smile

Friends: Her partner-in-crime is Poppy Dashwood, but I think she'd have more friends outside of her. (Sorry dear haha.) I wouldn't say she's very nice, but she's approachable. She's only cruel to those who she thinks deserve it. She's not a purist, so I think she would befriend people, at least at Hogwarts. She is (more than likely) a member of the Transfiguration club and maybe the Care of Magical Creatures club.

She'd also love to befriend anyone who can get her books and things from Knockturn Alley and the black market she couldn't obtain herself.

Love Interests: Well, June has an identical sister, Ophelia, who she likes to pretend to be when it comes to this; she has little care as to what happens to her sister's reputation. (Her first dark arts curse was against her sister, so that's their relationship in a nutshell.) Right now she's sworn off anyone because she slept with someone older who broke her heart and now her immediate goal in life is to curse him.

Disdain: Looking at everything above, June probably isn't super popular with some people. It can be mutual. There's definitely a lot of things "off" about most of the Edevanes.

Other: I'm open to other ideas haha. She would love to meet some beasts and creatures.

The following 1 user Likes Juniper Edevane's post:
   Poppy Dashwood

[Image: Ts48j1U.png]

Venusia Crickerly is a year below her in Slytherin; I think they would likely get along (Crick is also very approachable) but not really trust one another?

I have some weird things I figured I'd throw at you, let me know if any strike your fancy! -
Kieran Abernathy covers creatures (including dark ones) for the Prophet if she's into that - he is also very secretly a werewolf
Ivy Sandow is also an Out of Place in Knockturn Alley but intrigued sort
Hey, Juniper, do you want to buy some sketchy potions (abortion, poison, love, whatever?) Noble Greengrass will probably sell one to you.

MJ made this!
I have limited choices here, just Sloane Bixby my 5th year Gryffindor! She's on the house team as a seeker and is a metamorphmagus. She's pretty outgoing, but I honestly do not know what she would think of June. Down to figure it out IC though!

I also play the herbology professor Mason Skeeter and the headmaster Phineas Black but he's pretty useless lol

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
A few things for you:

Agrimony Macnair is a Black Market Inventor and Arms dealer, he'd likely be a good connection for Juniper! He's not a purist, but he can be cruel when he wants to be, and short most of the other times.

@"Adrienne Selwyn" is in her year! Likely a good year/dorm mate, Adrienne's not too much of a wild child, she's pretty calculating and is also friends with Venusia so whatever Juniper's relationship would be with Venusia, is likely her relationship with Adrienne Smile

[Image: ohwRsWh.jpg]
Yussss June is the best <3 I only have Ida to offer right now, but in the same year + Transfig club so they definitely know each other? I thinkkk we've established Poppy Dashwood and Ida as dorm mates and friends.   

In a lot of ways they can get on. Both can be reserved at first but passionate about the right topic. Ida doesn't blink an eye at the morbid from a pure intellectual/'wow that's fascinating' pov. Since Ida prefers practical magic (transfig, charms, dada) I could totally see them like, practicing dueling together or something? Or they have a weird interest in unusual objects and Ida unearths something from her dad's warehouse of shipments from the East? bahaha.

That said they also contradict each other in many delightful ways Smile Are they like the devil and angel on Poppy's shoulders?! haha. Ida isn't a total prude because she can be vocal and gutsy among friends, but she's never been kissed herself, and thinks most men are trash. I could see her enabling their antics though (purely from a "well now you got me curious..." standpoint), or if it's for a righteous cause like spite <3. But she'd be scared of being the center of attention if they wanted to make a scene, or to take a big risk with lots of unknowns. She'd be complaining the whole way there x)

The following 1 user Likes Ida Chang's post:
   Poppy Dashwood
Venusia Crickerly Oh, yes. I would love for her to be friendly with people in her house! I can see them not trusting each other, especially because June has things she so shouldn't have hidden. Whoops.
Kieran Abernathy Oh, I think she absolutely would be into that. Her secret life goal (she has a lot of those lol), is to meet every kind of creature, so of course she'd enjoy reading about them.
Ivy Sandow So they've probably bumped into each other at least once. June might be weary of her, but, who knows.
Noble Greengrass Done and done. Poison because she's a scorned lover? Absolutely. A sketchy potion to do who knows what to her sister? Top of the list. Take her money.

If you want to start, or have me start any, just let me know! June is my wild card and I have no idea how she reacts to things haha.

Sloane Bixby June is deathly afraid of flying, so that right off the bat is a strike lol. But who knows, maybe they could be unlikely friends, or acquaintances. I'd be down to thread them some and see where it goes. Let me know if you want me to start anything!
Mason Skeeter Well, fun story. She's trying to get access to the restricted section for ~reasons~ and Basil Foxwood already shot her down, so maybe he's next. If you're up for an awkward thread, let me know. She's determined. (She's not ballsy enough to interact with Phineas Black lol)

Agrimony Macnair will definitely be visited by June on several occasions; she's not quite sure what she's after, but if it can curse someone, she's in. I think she'd put up with almost any kind of treatment, because well, she's quite desperate ATM.
@"Adrienne Selwyn" I'd also love to throw them together and see what happens. I think (hope?) June would be nice enough to both of them, but she's kind of odd, so who knows.

If you want any starters, lemme know!

Ida Chang  Aww, yes. June loves her already<3 She will definitely need her help with Transfig, but she's deathly afraid of flying, so she wants to turn into something with wings. (Preferably a bat, but... she won't be picky haha). If she's friends with Poppy Dashwood, then they probably spend a lot of time with each other - Poppy is definitely her best friend.

Dueling? Yes. She has thing weird thing with her twin (read as: June likes to hex her), and now she has to keep her skills sharp. Unearthing weird items? Also yes. June is all about the the unknown and the interesting items, so she'd have a lot of fun poking around anything Ida brought.

And I love the idea of them being the devil and angel on her shoulder. June is definitely turning out to be more of a wildcard than I expected from her, but that's fun I suppose. And right now they can agree men are trash, as June is still broken heartedly from her little... summer fling.

If we want to throw them together, let me know! I can start, or you can start. Or we can drag Poppy in and do a three-way.

The following 2 users Like Juniper Edevane's post:
   Mason Skeeter, Poppy Dashwood

[Image: Ts48j1U.png]

I def have more that would fit but drive-by with Dash Wink

graphics by Lady ❤ —
haha Mason is KIND of a pushover, so he'd be an easy target!

[Image: Mason-MJSig.png]
magic by MJ the magnificent
Langston Dashwood Poppy Dashwood would kill her, but I mean... June is into it. So, whatever. Let's do it ha. Any and all.

Mason Skeeter Hhaha, that's good! She's so determined to get into that section. I can definitely start something for the two of them Smile

The following 2 users Like Juniper Edevane's post:
   Elsie Kirke, Langston Dashwood

[Image: Ts48j1U.png]

Nelson Higgs is in her year, UCHB, but I think he would feel the "off" vibes from her so might steer clear.

If she takes Ancient Runes Carmelina Cramming would be one of her professors.

Kristoffer Lestrange is currently threading with Poppy so might remember her as well, he was in Slytherin a few years above. Was a Prefect but kinda into Dark Arts so probably let people off for rule-breaking if he liked their vibe. Also makes forays into Knockturn Alley on the downlow so could flaunt this knowledge at her. xD

Jay Fox works at a shop in Knockturn Alley, Fox & Son, that tends towards the darker stuff, might have business ties to her family!

Ishmael also has black market ties and happens to be a vampire! He can be found either in London or in Hogsmeade/the Forbidden Forest if she wants to meet a vampire sometime when she's not at school.

Barnaby Wye is a local ghost, and can float into the school anytime if she has any questions about Undeath xD

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Nelson Higgs Haha. June just grinned, so that's fine.

Carmelina Cramming Oh, yes! I think she'd like at least one female teacher in her life she could trust lol. One she won't wink at, so there's that. Sorry Professor Foxwood.

Kristoffer Lestrange is about to be her best friend xD Especially when she needs something and isn't sure how to obtain it haha. She'll suck up to him if he has something she wants haha. Apparently she gives out favors like candy, too.

Jay Fox Oh, yes! Her dad would definitely frequent there, so I'm sure June has gone to pick things up for him, or whatever. Maybe she'll try to convince him to sell her something. She wants to curse someone (though not sure how badly lol), and needs some ~things~ to do it.

Ishmael Yes, yes and yes. June has a small, loose plot later to become a vampire later on, so I'd love for her to meet one. Maybe it'll change her mind lol.

Barnaby Wye xDD So, June has this weird thing with the portraits, so maybe she'll befriend him to see if she can get answers haha. And then just find him friendly or whatever and want to continue being his friend.

Clearly June just wants to befriend everyone you have lol. I can throw up a starter for any of them if you're interested!

Dark arts you say? Cecily has a natural unnerving talent for such things; however, she wants to show she's more than her ancestry and prove everyone wrong by graduating and landing a job at the DMLE, so either she's might be too goody-two-shoes for Juniper (or is she?) Do with that what you will!

Cici is also:
A housemate!

(February 8, 2022 – 10:59 PM)Cecily Smirnov Wrote:  Dark arts you say? Cecily has a natural unnerving talent for such things; however, she wants to show she's more than her ancestry and prove everyone wrong by graduating and landing a job at the DMLE, so either she's might be too goody-two-shoes for Juniper (or is she?) Do with that what you will!

Cici is also:
A housemate!

Cecily Smirnov Well, her love of dark arts is something she hopefully keeps hidden lol. She has things she shouldn’t but oh well. June tries (key word) to be good, so maybe Cici can rub off on her. Or June will corrupt her lol. But yes. I think we should toss them together and see what happens.

[Image: Ts48j1U.png]

Ani here is also in June's year. Ani is fairly friendly and her family is well known private healers.

And Sisse Thompsett is two years her junior and is nice to everyone.

And since MJ threw Ishmael at you I'll also mention the other forbidden forest vampire Galina.

[Image: m7WuxxI.png]

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