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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

This is: Don Juan
This is: Don Juan (Don? Donnie? DJ? What nickname is best?). He's the Middle Child of the Dempseys, a family headed by two eccentric Irish poets. Like his parents he has a creative streak but never commercialized it, keeping his writings private while spending his life helping other writers get their work published. He idolizes his namesake and wants to be viewed as a dramatic, brooding hero, but at best is a dramatic, brooding pain in the ass to everyone around him.

His needs are:

  • Clients. Don Juan co-owns a Winickus Press, a publishing house, with one of his investor friends. It's generally acknowledged as the place to get published when your content is a little too risqué for the other major publishing companies. He published J. Alfred Darrow's memoir in 1888 which was purposefully edited to be vague on the subject of cannibalism. You get the gist.

  • Friends. Other late twenty-something rich boys who cause trouble or who have caused trouble in the past. Even those in polite society know him for his antics, which nowadays mostly include whoring, drunken recitations of his parents' poetry at 3am on weeknights, and expressing a blatant disregard for propriety—especially around his younger sister's debutante friends. Also fine with late twenty-something middle class boys, but they need to be rich enough or irresponsible enough to get lit like him.

  • Women. He's of marriageable age and he's aware of this, but he has no intention of actually getting married. That does not stop him from trying to corrupt debutantes' attitudes (not their bodies. He doesn't do that) by openly flirting with them at parties. This is why he doesn't usually get invited to Coming Out Balls (which he is perfectly okay with). Just because he has his own ideas of marriage doesn't mean I'm not up trying, but his muse seems allergic to traditional hurling so any attempts would need a decent hook.

  • ... Men?. Don Juan has been aware of his own physical attraction towards men or a while and chalks it up to being one of those things unavoidable as a horny rich son of eccentrics, but he's less comfortable with his emotional attraction towards men. I would like to explore this. Make him feel gooey inside so he can panic about it.

Obviously, I'm tossing Cleon Broadmoor at you with the fury of a thousand suns. He's all for making Don Juan question himself or more. :P

I don't think I really have anything else for him, sadly as most of my more not-straitlaced menfolk are in their 30's or much younger. xD Kenneth Cosgrove is bisexual but probably mostly tolerates his existence xD

I'd kill for a thread or letter exchange where Dempsey asks Alfred if there's any possibility of a sequel to his book ;D

Oz, obviously — will thread them any time anywhere.

Late 20-something types: Reuben Crouch is slightly too old and MC but I could see them being involved in similar types of shenanigans while Ben was living at Excalibur because he used all his income in those days on partying. Eldritch Morgan similar age/class but he does NOT have time for your shenanigans.

Henrietta Cartwright or @"Juliana Binns" would have interesting reactions to being flirted with, for very different reasons xD Jules seems like a stretch though since she doesn't do the usual party scene anymore.

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   Don Juan Dempsey [Bree]

MJ made this <3
If he's ever been injured, I have Maple here! Irene wouldn't mind him too much either. Also offering up Sebastian for hurling/bi-panic feels for him >D

Sry this was short, I'm still hungry and only had cereal for dinner. You know where to find me, I am down for all the things

[Image: QFB5GZw.jpeg]
S'up Bruv!
He would know about Chris's own publication history, he could have published one of her books under her pseudonym which was perhaps considered too gruesome in some circles.

I also suggest the idea of cyrano-ing Porphyria! Chris will be doing it - it's just a case of if Brother wants to be a co-conspirator.

He probably gets invited to things Ginny throws as he counts as one of her 'daring' invitees - like right on the boarder between the right kind of fun and just a bit too scandalous, but he gets invites to things.

He and his buddies could be regular drinkers at Roses - pretty girls, strong drinks and it 'passes' as an artistic scene because of the singing - there are boys on the downlow as well.

I am my mother's savage daughter, The one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones
[Image: x2GW7DK.png]
I am my mother's savage daughter, I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voice
MJ made glory
Phyri probably makes fun of him all the time but he is also probably the brother & sibling she's closest to?

William Blake Abrahams was the year above at school, MC, also Gryffindor, extremely shy and easy to tease so I think he would have been kinda intimated by/awkward around Don  Juan at school. That said, his parents owned a print-shop and he went travelling on the continent after graduating so there is opportunity for them to have bumped into each other here and there since – possibly even for Bram to be "sensible friend chaperon" in the vein of this if that's something you're into. xD And/or, Bram does illustrations for novels now so could work w/his publishing press? Many options here, lmk~

Savino Zabini is not quite as ~troublemaking rich boy but is a friend of Cleon's and is ~persuadable to getting lit and does like poetry and art and stuff, so they might still get on.

Barnaby Wye is exactly his type of horny arty late twenties rich boy except, ya know, 300 years dead. Is there room in his friendship circles for a ghost???

Yell at me if you want threads <3

The following 1 user Likes Elias Grimstone's post:
   Raphael Malfoy

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Hello again — I have a new character who is not at all disagreeable to being seduced.

Beautiful set by Kit!
Hi. I was hoping you would be Aidan's partner in -- what did you name it? Winickus Press? For years it was known as McLoughlin Publishing and it has a reputation -- a very good reputation! Winickus Press? Why not keep the name McLoughlin Publishing? Is there anyway we can meet at the Leaky Cauldron or somewhere else and discuss this new name idea of yours? I understand you bought the company and it's yours, I guess, but I thought you were saving it for me. I mean you bought it to save the workers' jobs and -- we must talk!

HI YES. If I don't reply to you here, assume I'm sending you a PM/Discord/Skype/smoke signal.

@"Christabel Dempsey" Ozymandias Dempsey Thomasina Dempsey Porphyria Dempsey We should all have a family dinner/outing at some point. Preferably when shit's going down in a public space and everyone can have an opinion on how to deal with it. Otherwise I will get around to requesting (or responding to existing) sibling threads <3

Tilda MacFusty Yes bi panic feels <3 Omg what if Don Juan gets hurt and they have a fun meet-cute that may or may not go absolutely nowhere. I am also down for threads with Irene or Mabel if you need anything specific Smile

Elias Grimstone Definitely want to explore a potential friendship between Bram and Don Juan. Also he would 100% be friends with a seer and a ghost just for the drama of it all.

Dorothea Twycross YES LET'S TRY IT. I miss our threads D:

Aidan McLoughlin Hi! I believe the ad I posted was actually for the friend who went in on the investment with him, not the previous owner of his publishing company. Don Juan won the publishing company Winickus Press in 1888 instead of 1885 like in Aidan's app, so the timelines don't really work out. It could be cool if they were competing publishing companies, but I can't see them being the same ones Smile

The following 2 users Like Holly Scrimgeour's post:
   Elias Grimstone, Tilda MacFusty

set by MJ <3
(February 5, 2022 – 5:46 AM)Holly Scrimgeour Wrote:  HI YES. If I don't reply to you here, assume I'm sending you a PM/Discord/Skype/smoke signal.

@"Christabel Dempsey" Ozymandias Dempsey Thomasina Dempsey Porphyria Dempsey We should all have a family dinner/outing at some point. Preferably when shit's going down in a public space and everyone can have an opinion on how to deal with it.
We have a group thread the morning Sina goes missing (Oz + Christa + Phyri) which you're still welcome to join Smile

When you say "shit's going down in a public space" do you mean "Oz picks a fight with Law Enforcement"? Because if so I can accommodate that :P If not we'll have up wait until his wife is back because Oz is not doing anything else in the meantime xD

The following 1 user Likes Ozymandias Dempsey's post:
   Holly Scrimgeour

MJ is the light of my life <3

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