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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Happy New Year Charmers Smile

So, as some of you know I've been out of the loop due to a death in the family and seeing as how cutting myself off from all the things I love isn't going to make him less dead I desperately want to get things up and running on Charming again.

With that in mind I require the following for the following:
  • Xandra has a sexy new set but sadly no active threads and this needs addressing. She is Fisk-adjacent, and therefore Ministry-party-adjacent and she's currently not seeking a husband IC but OOC I would love some romance/inappropriate sex/mild to moderate scandal scenario. She is also available for St. Mungo's based threads, any illnesses or injuries you may have, and also terrible workplace mistakes. Essentially she's available for anything.
  • Angel also has nothing at the moment but I'd love to thread out her relationships with her siblings in more detail, ideally individually as I famously cannot cope with group threads. She is also excessively hurlable and this year I plan to do something about this. (She's also on drugs which makes the latter slightly more troublesome.) Hit me up for hurls or bitching.
  • Connie is going at the end of this month unless I can think of something for her to do. This will break my heart.
  • Everyone else is open for new threads many of which I know we've discussed and I dropped the ball with. Please assume that anything goes and I'm ready to blow up my character's lives with inappropriate sexual encounters. Other stuff too but mostly those.

The following 3 users Like Marlena Scamander's post:
   Marie-Louise Prewett, Tilda MacFusty, Valerian Macnair

[Image: NKWBLG7.png]
MJ: still raising the graphics bar as of 2022
At the end of November Raphael received a cursed object in the mail and now is scarred. We should have a thread with him and Angel in the aftermath of them.

Freddie/Gretchen. I just had him deactivated bc I had nothing going on but once you're ready to resume I can bring him back, even if the admin will hate me for it :P <3

We can think up something for Holly/Connie! I don't want to lose her, either. Maybe Holly gets herself into some sort of trouble and Connie helps her work her way out of it? Maybe I kill off Holly's only sister for the ~drama? Let me know!

I desperately want to revisit Dio/Enoch after three years <3

set by MJ <3
Now that he's marrying her sister, would love to do another round of Aldous/Lena!

Hello my love.

I would love a Torie/Angel thread ASAP! Could also chuck her at Enoch for laughs!

I can help with Lena via Winnie, Febby or Eugene!

I still want Daffy/Auntie Ailsa!

Mason/Mama over the holidays?

Legit will help you anywhere you need my love, just let me know!

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
I love reading Connie threads and I wish I had something for her, but if Meserimus and she had some work threads - or some discussion over a student? thats literally all I can think of but if Meserimus can be thrown in to a plot/idea to keep Connie in the mix I am down for it!

[Image: wl0I79B.jpg]
Lady is a wonder
[Image: preg.png]
Xandra - thread that is awkward for them both where her and Ross are alone w/ each other?
Angel - I have Camilla. Cash has also informed me he would do drugs with her at a party.
Others - I would be down to revive Camilla/Harriet if you are, I think that Enoch and Ivy Sandow would hate each other which is amusing to me, I would also be down to have another Kieran/Morwenna at any point, Lena/Elliot??, basically I'm here for anything you need forever

<3 love u

MJ made this!
Xandra: Ari exists for family friends/being a healer bro if that is ever useful. xD

Angel: Estelle & Angel should bond over sniping about Torie together >D Yassine would also happily flirt with her again.

Connie: Carmelina is puttering about at Hogwarts as usual!

Other things off the top of my head: Phyri & Enoch's thread is definitely still active somehow, I replied to that quite recently! If you would like anything new for any of our marrieds, please assume I'm down! If Marlena still hangs out at the ABC, she and Jude should chat sometime. Conall is due home from his travels about now so can come annoy Temperance at your earliest convenience.

Let me know if/when you would like me to make any threads for you <3

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

EXECUTIVE DECISION - with the exception of the following my brain will not compute old threads and therefore I am forging ahead towards newer, shinier things and I'm hoping you will all forgive me for letting things die a death.

Phyri & Enoch
Brynn & Enoch
Harriet's threads with Hermione, Camilla and Faustus can live as they are plotty
Xandra & Ben

And thus onto the newer, shinier things - I am up for pretty much all the things, though broadly atm those things are the ones that are quite amusing to me personally, so I shall list the suggestions below and you just tell me if you'd like me to start or if you would like to (plz be aware that opting for the Lauren option here may take longer...) (Also this list got long, <3 <3 you all)

Raph/Angel - scar drama
Gretchen/Freddie - belated Xmas shenanigans?
Holly/Connie - wtf have you done now Holly?
Dio/Enoch - future mistress hurling :P

Aldous/Lena - LOVE their whole vibe

Torie/Angel - let the hatred commence
Winnie/Lena - and the shippp
Daffy/Ailsa - does she have drama to discuss?
Mason/Morwenna - I have FINALLY replied to their old one which could be archived and we can have something newer?

Connie/Meserimus - awkward conversation about the wellbeing of the teenage girls?

Xandra/Ross - I genuinely cannot decide what their relationship is so I'm excited to find out
Angel/Cash - always up for drugs

Estelle/Angel - I crave the hate
Conall/Temp - always a joy to me and not to Temperance, the best combo
Also, and you didn't say this, but I want to start an Ailsa/Ester thread and you can't stop me

[Image: NKWBLG7.png]
MJ: still raising the graphics bar as of 2022
I will reply and archive Skeeters!

I can probably handle 2 new threads, with whomever speaks most to you! Winnie definitely needs some ~distraction, so that would be my pick, but I'm open!

Daffy does have drama, but Torie is easy to post too!

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
I’ll start two and you can start two? I’ll do Fetch and Dio/Enoch if you do Connie/Holly and Raf/Angel <3

set by lady <3
OH HELL YEAH do I want that Ailsa/Ester! >D

I can stick Estelle/Angel and Conall/Temperance on my list and you take the other two at your leisure?

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
(January 24, 2022 – 10:10 PM)Elsie Kirke Wrote:  I will reply and archive Skeeters!

I can probably handle 2 new threads, with whomever speaks most to you! Winnie definitely needs some ~distraction, so that would be my pick, but I'm open!

Daffy does have drama, but Torie is easy to post too!

Winnie/Lena and Daffy/Ailsa it is! I'll do the first if you do the second?

(January 24, 2022 – 10:32 PM)Raphael Malfoy Wrote:  I’ll start two and you can start two? I’ll do Fetch and Dio/Enoch if you do Connie/Holly and Raf/Angel <3

Do you mind if we swap Fetch and Raf/Angel? I don't know all the details about what happened to him and I'm guessing Angel does so best not to blag it :P Unless you've already started of course, in which case crack on!

(January 24, 2022 – 11:28 PM)Elias Grimstone Wrote:  OH HELL YEAH do I want that Ailsa/Ester! >D

I can stick Estelle/Angel and Conall/Temperance on my list and you take the other two at your leisure?

Perfect! I'll link you when I'm done <3

The following 2 users Like Marlena Scamander's post:
   Elsie Kirke, Raphael Malfoy

[Image: NKWBLG7.png]
MJ: still raising the graphics bar as of 2022
(January 24, 2022 – 9:12 PM)Marlena Scamander Wrote:  Xandra/Ross - I genuinely cannot decide what their relationship is so I'm excited to find out
Angel/Cash - always up for drugs
excited abt camilla/harriet & I will add both of these to my starter list!

[Image: PxGk0D8.jpg]
set by Bree

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