Ford wasn't known to be the type of person who easily lost his temper. Patience was an absolute requirement for working in the Spirit Division, and on a typical day Ford had a nearly boundless supply of it. Even today he'd started out well enough. He'd been stressed and tense due to a variety of other factors in his life, the latest being what absurd novelties he was expected to pay for in the name of Verity's upcoming wedding, but he'd been trying not to let all of that impact his work. He'd done his paperwork that morning just as usual and arrived at the home of Mrs. Niall, who had filed a complaint about obnoxious and intrusive behavior on behalf of her new home's spiritual resident. This sort of thing was fairly common, and usually resolved with a good moderated chat involving all parties, but Mrs. Niall was having none of that. She'd been insisting vehemently from the moment he arrived that she didn't need to talk through her grievances, she only needed the ghost removed (which his division really didn't do except in the most dire of cases, and never on so meager evidence as the word of one widow). She'd threatened to go over his head to his supervisor rather than participate in a conversation. She'd threatened to go to the newspapers and tell them the ghost had threatened her virtue and propriety which... what? The first was literally impossible, and the second seemed far-fetched unless the spirit was spying on her while she bathed. While technically feasible, based on her appearance Ford rather doubted it. The ghost hadn't gotten a word in edgewise since his arrival, but Ford had seen him around town before and had never taken him for the type who would enjoy watching old women undress.
The last straw, however, had been when she declared if the Ministry was unwilling to help her, she'd take matters into her own hands and get a spirit mirror. Ford hated spirit mirrors even before he'd been accidentally trapped in one this summer, and he hated that they were legal. There was no reason this woman, just by virtue of being alive, ought to be able to evict the previous resident of this house and sentence him to purgatory in a mirror.
So he might have raised his voice a little. Which the woman hadn't liked at all. She'd shooed him out of the house, but kept loudly berating him as he went, so that in the end they hadn't ended their interaction so much as moved it to a very public street corner. Given her earlier threats to go to the newspaper, Ford had to wonder if this hadn't been her plan all along.
She was screeching about the wait time on filing a complaint with his division in the first place (admittedly it had taken three weeks to respond to her report) when they were interrupted by... someone who was speaking with some measure of authority, despite looking like he was younger than Ford.
"There's not," Ford interjected firmly, before the shrieking widow could take stock of the new situation and adapt her performance. "Just a melodramatic banshee who bought a house with a ghost and now pretends to forget that he was there first."
He could have added and he'll still be there when you're gone but he didn't want to jinx it. The last thing anyone needed was for her to die and stick around to haunt the property.
Set by Lady!