July 1st, 1891 — Mulciber Home, Wellingtonshire
"MA - MA!"The strangled, high-pitched wail echoed through the Mulciber household, but Flora would not have cared if she'd woken half the neighborhood. She was dying, clearly, and with the amount of blood present on her bedsheet it would only be a matter of time before she dropped to the floor unconscious.
She clutched her pillow against her stomach, expecting at any moment to be overcome with some unbearable pain, and who better to have with her in her final moments of death than her Mama? She frantically glanced around the room, first to the door and then to her desk. Perhaps she should pen a letter to everyone she loved. Nothing long, she told herself, but something. Short notes to her closest relatives, something for Rex and Sirius, and even Hesper. She wanted to be the one to let everyone know she had perished, rather than her poor Mama.
She might have begun to write them, too, if she'd had another moment; but before she could take a step in the direction of her desk, her bedroom door swung open.