(Ty Kayte for helping me find the coding<3)
For the shipwreck the paper will not be publishing individual obituaries unless the person in question was either a high ranking Ministry official (dept heads & committee members) or the head of an upper class family. The rest of you will simply show up in a blanket list of deaths. Please post below with the appropriate form to be added to the list! All submissions must be made by April 16th.
The difference between "perished at sea" and "lost at sea" was whether they found a body that was identifiable. If yes, they perished; if no, they're lost (and might eventually be found if they're following in Alfred & Pablo's footsteps).
Feel free to throw in NPC family members if they're close enough for your characters to mourn them! (Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents). UC & MC could be aboard as passengers, WC if they were employed for the voyage.
A Lost Child:
[First Last], [perished/lost] at sea. S/He was the child of [father] and [mother] [lastname], and was [age] years old.
Only have one parent? Remove the other~
A Lost Wife:
[First Last], wife of [Husband], [perished/lost] at sea. She was [age] years old.
A Lost Man:
[first last], [occupation], [perished/lost] at sea. He was [age] years old.
What if they’re not important enough for an article but a bit more important than just a simple line?
If the character belongs to the upper class, owns a local business, is a professor, or is middle class and has been published in the paper before, they’re entitled to up to thirty words of blurb appended to their designated coding. Lower class? No one cares about you :P

MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER