February 8, 2021 – 2:25 PM
Elon Wildsmith — Played by Soph
Elon didn't believe her answer. Even though Miss Dawson had shown that she wasn't going after glory, he thought that should have at least been driven by the award. She could never afford a set of professional cauldrons.
"You didn't doubt your abilities, did you?" Elon asked. It was perhaps somewhat pushy of him to try and 'fix' her mindset all the time, but he had good intentions.
"Even I made the finals! I'm sure
you would have given Miss Fraser a proper challenge!"
February 8, 2021 – 2:43 PM
Alice Dawson — Played by Emma
"No," Alice said with a shake of her head. "It wasn't a question of my abilities. Although, Miss Fraser likely still would have won. She's had several opportunities to perfect her brewing skills that have yet to open for me — the internship in particular." Not that Alice would have even dared to apply for such an internship. Her family needed her at home in the summers.
She closed the jar to the salve and wiped the remnants of it onto a nearby discarded handkerchief. "It was an oversight to not sign up." She added.
Amazing set by Bee!
February 8, 2021 – 2:57 PM
Last modified: February 8, 2021 – 2:57 PM by Elon Wildsmith.
Elon Wildsmith — Played by Soph
"It seems to me like you've had nearly the same opportunities," Elon commented. They were attending the same school, had the same professor. It was likely of course that Miss Dawson had a potioneer in her family who helped her in her studies. In any case, once again Miss Dawson was making herself appear like a helpless victim of circumstance.
"Simply one was more active in pursuing more opportunities."
February 8, 2021 – 3:13 PM
Alice Dawson — Played by Emma
"Sure." She agreed, not wanting to provoke yet another conversation about their circumstances. It was unrealistic to expect her to disregard her obligations to her family in pursuit of her own selfish desires. Was it a mistake not to sign up for the competition, yes. Particularly due to the sad state of her aging cauldrons. However, there was nothing to be done about it now.
"Either way. It would seem your potion skills are improving. You might not need a tutor much longer."
Amazing set by Bee!
February 8, 2021 – 3:35 PM
Elon Wildsmith — Played by Soph
"I don't think so!" Elon was quick to say. "I mean, I've made some good progress, but if we were to stop our study sessions, I would quickly fall back to my old ways. Unless you find it tiring, of course. I understand that our OWLs are approaching, but I would appreciate it if we could study together at least! I promise not to distract you!"
Elon was the worst person to study with, especially if he was bored, but he was willing to try for Miss Dawson's sake.
February 12, 2021 – 7:14 PM
Alice Dawson — Played by Emma
Her OWLs weren't until next year, but Alice wasn't going to correct him in his hospital bed. "Well, I would hate to see all the progress you've made go to waste," she said with a slight smile.
Amazing set by Bee!
February 20, 2021 – 7:17 PM
Elon Wildsmith — Played by Soph
Elon smiled and then decided he ought to do something
very brave and flirty. He reached his hand and placed it on her shoulder. "Thank you, Miss Dawson," he said and looked into her eyes. He thought this was very bold and flirty of him, but really it was rather awkward.
February 21, 2021 – 4:13 PM
Alice Dawson — Played by Emma
That she was holding his hands only seconds ago was compartmentalized as a necessity for healing. The profession called for dealing with all sorts of injuries in all manner of places, holding hands was likely to be mild in the grand scheme of things. Mr. Wildsmith touching her shoulder, though,
that wasn't an act of healing or anything really.
Alice flushed from her head to her toes as she slid from his touch. (While she did find Mr. Wildsmith incredibly handsome, she still wasn't convinced he wasn't trying to use their class difference as a way to entice her into
improper activities. She might not have had the world class upbringing that he had, but her mother had raised a proper lady.) "Of course, Mr. Wildsmith. I tutor quite a few people and I'd hate to see any of them fall back on their studies." She replied mildly.
Amazing set by Bee!
February 27, 2021 – 7:22 PM
Elon Wildsmith — Played by Soph
It was his time to flush when she slid away from his touch, though it would have happened even if she hadn't. He wasn't used to talking to girls
like that, even if he and Elijah would occasionally talk about the things they would do with hookers. Things they had picked up from older boys and likely pornographic imagery that managed to find its way to their hands.
"They would never with a great tutor like you, Miss Dawson," Elon replied. "You are a blessing to anyone who makes your acquaintance."