December 31st, 1890 — Hogsmeade NYE Festivities
After missing nearly the entire month of December, and with it all the excitement leading up to Christmas, Fallon was eager to spend New Year's with Jesse. An evening of ice skating, warm drinks, and fun was the exact distraction they needed from the brewing tension between them. The fight they had days before her leaving created a rift, a repairable one for sure, but a rift nevertheless. Still, she was utterly determined not to dive into those tonight. The facts of her career weren't like to change in a day, and if they did then she had far greater concerns than a fight with her beau.
The makeshift skating rink was a tad crowded, but they had managed their loops without any major catastrophe. (At the very least she hadn't fell, which was her biggest concern when agreeing to skate. The only experience she had with the sport was throughout her years at school and those had long since passed.) Fallon maintained a respectable distance from him as they walked through the various rows of stalls and open shops.
"This is nice," she told him in a low voice that only he would hear. "Being out with you. I'm glad we decided to do this."