January 7, 2021 – 8:45 AM
Ruby Urquart — Played by Sofia
October 30th, 1890 — Hogwarts' Library
Ruby knew the feeling all too well. When her own family's scandal had broken out, people began to avoid her and she would hear her name mentioned all around her. This was the case with the 'Lukeson' name these days.
She was sat at the library above a Divination textbook, deep in study. From one of her sides, she suddenly heard whispers and muffled giggles. She looked up and saw Miss Shona Lukeson arrival. Ruby's heart clenched and she instinctively rose her hand to get her attention.
"Miss Lukeson!" When she grabbed her attention, she gestured to the empty seat opposite to hers. "There is a seat here if you want!"
Shona Lukeson

set by MJ
January 7, 2021 – 4:12 PM
Shona Lukeson — Played by Elaine
Why did this have to happen? Avril's life had been looking up! She was married, she had a beautiful baby boy (his name, granted, was not very beautiful, but she couldn't fault them a unique selection) — and now she was undead. Thank the heavens Father had seen fit to arrange a betrothal for Shona — hopefully her intended didn't break contract.
She would not be deterred from the library, however, and found her way to the familiar tables with her Arithmancy textbook clutched tight to her chest. Trying not to meet anyone's eye — until, that is, Miss Urquart drew her attention.
She would be understanding. Shona couldn't help the smile that crept across her features as she hurried across the room and took the seat Miss Urquart offered. "Thank you," she said, "I had feared I would be seated alone."
Ruby Urquart
Set by Bee
![[Image: jjD6oJ.png]](https://*****.host/jjD6oJ.png)
Shona's NEWT courses are Arithmancy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, Transfiguration, and Potions
January 7, 2021 – 6:50 PM
Ruby Urquart — Played by Sofia
Ruby gave Shona a sympathetic smile. "I doubt it, Miss Lukeson. You are so lovely that hadn't it been for me, someone else would have wanted to be in your company." It was true that Miss Lukeson had a very likable personality. Unlike Ruby, who used to be somewhat of a brat. She had used her father's position to befriend the wealthy and the important-sounding, with no regard to how genuine their relationship was. It was no wonder that it all crumbled like a house of cards.
Some distant quiet chatter could be heard. Ruby had become sensitive and assumed anything of that sort involved her.
"They'll soon forget it, Miss Lukeson," Ruby assured the girl quietly, feeling the need to do so. "The season is in a few months, they will be too busy choosing dresses and gossiping about who might be marrying who, to... Discuss your family matters."
Even the Urquart scandal wasn't brought up that much anymore. Ruby had danced with one of the Prewetts during the summer!

set by MJ
January 7, 2021 – 8:47 PM
Last modified: January 10, 2021 – 2:11 AM by Shona Lukeson.
Shona Lukeson — Played by Elaine
Shona couldn't help the slight flush of her cheeks as the fellow seventh year offered such a compliment. "I must thank you, anyway," she replied, setting her book down and flipping it open. "I can't imagine many want me near them right now."
Avril wasn't even her sister and she still felt the repercussions of what had happened. What had been done to her eldest female cousin. A vampire in the family, bearing the family name. Oh, she didn't doubt that a letter from her father was forthcoming. It was expected.
The whispering was bothering her, though, and she found herself rereading a paragraph. Again.
"I should truly hope so, Miss Urquart," she replied just as quietly, turning the page regardless. "Especially the other girls of our year. Though I worry for Mairi." Her little sister had years to go before her peers would forget what had happened to their cousin. Or perhaps it would all blow over by the time she reached her OWLs.
Ruby Urquart
Set by Bee
![[Image: jjD6oJ.png]](https://*****.host/jjD6oJ.png)
Shona's NEWT courses are Arithmancy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, Transfiguration, and Potions
January 8, 2021 – 12:28 PM
Ruby Urquart — Played by Sofia
Ruby guiltily thought that hadn't it been for Topaz's condition, she would likely be one of the people avoiding Miss Lukeson for her cousin's condition. Her sister's misfortune had changed her a lot. It also made her realize that people with such conditions weren't the monsters others viewed them as. She still felt uneasy by the thought of being anywhere near Topaz when she was turned, but she also witnessed her when she wasn't a werewolf. And she was... herself. A bookish, studious girl who couldn't hurt a fly. Ruby or Sebastian could be way more dangerous if someone provoked them.
"They will forget," Ruby assured Miss Lukeson. "They even forgot about my family. There are always people who will be mean, but they would have been mean whether there was a scandal or not."

set by MJ
January 9, 2021 – 12:32 AM
Last modified: January 10, 2021 – 2:11 AM by Shona Lukeson.
Shona Lukeson — Played by Elaine
They will forget.
Shona couldn't help but hope that Miss Urquart was right. But a vampire in the family, using the same surname, it wasn't the easiest thing anyone would ever forget! It was like a curse on the family name! She would never be caught being so catty as their peers were. Her mother would be rolling in her grave.
"They did?" she asked softly, slightly adjusting in her seat. Topaz's predicament was infamous — it'd done such damage to their family. She couldn't help but be curious. "Truly?"
It was true that Shona's appearance caught unnecessary stares. She was rather petite, and that did her figure no favors. And on occasion, those stares were followed with mutterings. Shona had grown rather used to being judged for not fitting into their ideal mold for what a young woman should look like. But this...this was her family. Her little sister's future was on the line.
Ruby Urquart
Set by Bee
![[Image: jjD6oJ.png]](https://*****.host/jjD6oJ.png)
Shona's NEWT courses are Arithmancy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, Transfiguration, and Potions
January 9, 2021 – 12:06 PM
Ruby Urquart — Played by Sofia
An uncomfortable feeling settled in Ruby's stomach. She tried to believe that the scandal was past them, that people didn't care that much about Topaz's condition anymore. Her Papa, albeit not the Minister anymore, had retained a high position within the Ministry. They had a comfortable middle-class lifestyle also.
That being said, Delight was still unmarried and Papa had offered her the gift of travel instead of a coming-out ball. Surely, that was because he thought the money would be better spent that way, instead of on a useless debut.
Then again, there were plenty of open minded people. Ruby no longer had delusions that she would be able to make a powerful marriage, like she once did. She could marry someone good and kind hearted though, even if they weren't the most important person in society... Or perhaps she wouldn't marry at all, how bad could that be? Ruby liked the idea of romance and having a big loving family, but she would also like to be an artist and a divination practitioner...
Miss Lukeson was in a different position than Ruby's. She was upper class, she was pureblooded. She couldn't just marry some kind middle-class man with a lowly Ministry position.
"Time passes and scandals cease to be as interesting," Ruby told her friend finally. "By the time your sister is of marriageable age, someone else's cousin will become a vampire, or a werewolf, or be caught kissing a goblin and they'll be too busy talking about that."

set by MJ
January 10, 2021 – 3:30 AM
Shona Lukeson — Played by Elaine
That was all Shona could find herself hoping for. She didn't want the betrothal her father had arranged; she wanted to help people, to be a healer. Genuinely and truly, that was all she really wanted. But she knew her sister wanted a happy, sweet marriage, the sort that they knew now that their parents had never had.
"I find myself unable to wish that upon anyone's family," Shona admitted. "Is it wrong of me to prefer scandals like elopement? At least such a thing is a happy occasion, on the part of those immediately involved." Save when there was another need to marry so quickly, of course. Then she could only hope that the child was indeed the new father-to-be's and born of love. She'd been so happy for Ace — until the worst happened, of course.
Set by Bee
![[Image: jjD6oJ.png]](https://*****.host/jjD6oJ.png)
Shona's NEWT courses are Arithmancy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, Transfiguration, and Potions
January 10, 2021 – 5:19 PM
Ruby Urquart — Played by Sofia
Ruby smiled. "That is true." Her parents had eloped, leading to the creation of a big, loving family. Until her mother died and Topaz got turned into a werewolf, that is.
"Elopements shouldn't be considered that scandalous and horrid most of the time," she commented. "They usually lead to quite happy families." Society would be so much better if people married based on love and mutual understanding, rather than things as shallow as the purity of blood.

set by MJ
January 12, 2021 – 4:24 PM
Shona Lukeson — Played by Elaine
"I can only hope as much happiness as an elopement might be possible with a betrothal," Shona sighed, turning her gaze back down to her book for a moment. "Some days I wish Father hadn't. Others, I'm glad he did. I doubt my odds on the marriage market would be that phenomenal, were I to take my chances." And, she failed to add, it gave her an opportunity to follow her dream, until the day her betrothed was ready for her. She only hoped it wasn't too soon.
She wanted a chance to help people.
Set by Bee
![[Image: jjD6oJ.png]](https://*****.host/jjD6oJ.png)
Shona's NEWT courses are Arithmancy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, Transfiguration, and Potions
February 2, 2021 – 11:50 AM
Ruby Urquart — Played by Sofia
Ruby was glad her father didn't do betrothals. She believed in love — there was no point getting married if you didn't love the other person. That wasn't to say that she wouldn't like to marry someone handsome and rich but that was so long as she loved them as well.
She didn't have a very practical view of marriage if we're being honest.
"Don't say that!" Ruby assured her friend.
"You're a lovely person!" Maybe she wasn't considered as attractive as other debs, but she came from wealth and she was a kind personality. Some men would value that more than a pretty face and blonde hair.
"Have you had the chance to get to know your future husband? Have you seen your birth charts?"

set by MJ
February 2, 2021 – 7:20 PM
Shona Lukeson — Played by Elaine
"You're too kind, Miss Urquart," Shona replied, a hand raising idly to touch her hair. The red complimented her complexion, sure, but it wasn't ideal. Just one reason her odds on the market wouldn't be as good as some of their peers. That and the other obvious.
And then Miss Urquart mentioned getting to know her future husband, something Shona hadn't even given a thought to, and something about birth charts? "I'm afraid I don't know what that means." She wasn't in Divination, and hadn't taken it at the OWL level, either.
Set by Bee
![[Image: jjD6oJ.png]](https://*****.host/jjD6oJ.png)
Shona's NEWT courses are Arithmancy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, Transfiguration, and Potions
February 2, 2021 – 7:26 PM
Ruby Urquart — Played by Sofia
Ruby's eyes widened but then she reminded herself that not everyone was a Divination geek.
"Oh, it has to do with astrology, Miss Lukeson. I am sure you are at least aware of your zodiac sign, which is determined by your time of birth? Well, that is just your sun sign. When someone is born, the planets upon the sky are in a certain positions, which could say a lot about what the person will be like and what is likely to occur in their lives. A birth chart shows a person's placements. As far as compatibility goes, an astrologer can tell a lot about whether a pair will be compatible based on certain aspects... Their venus sign and their moon sign and such."

set by MJ
February 2, 2021 – 7:33 PM
Shona Lukeson — Played by Elaine
Oh. The stars and planets. Not something Shona had ever been good at understanding. She'd practically failed her Astronomy OWL, with a Poor grade. The stars were not her wheelhouse, and never really had been.
"Oh. What if I am unsure what time I was born, and do not particularly know who I would ask for that information?" She doubted Father would remember, but perhaps one of the servants? But which ones had been there that day? And what of her betrothed? How would she go about getting his information?
Set by Bee
![[Image: jjD6oJ.png]](https://*****.host/jjD6oJ.png)
Shona's NEWT courses are Arithmancy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, Transfiguration, and Potions
February 2, 2021 – 7:37 PM
Ruby Urquart — Played by Sofia
"The exact time and place of birth are needed for the optimal results," Ruby replied. "Otherwise an astrologer could know only certain planets and we wouldn't have an understanding of your Houses, which play a large role. I suppose there must be a spell one could use to know these things... Charm a piece of paper so your time of birth is revealed... Oh! It is said that when a magical child is born their name appears in some book the Headmaster of Hogwarts keeps!"
They couldn't just walk up to Phineas Black's office and ask for that information for the purposes of drafting a birth chart, though.

set by MJ
February 2, 2021 – 7:42 PM
Shona Lukeson — Played by Elaine
Hmm. Perhaps it was time she wrote a letter to the housekeeper. She would have been present that night, wouldn't she? She'd been with the family forever, having basically come with the house Grandmother and Grandfather gifted her parents. But Mother's maid had been let go within days of her death, and she was the one most likely to know, quite honestly. Maybe the housekeeper would know her name, if she didn't have the appropriate information.
"You've given me a lot to think about," Shona admitted. "I'll have to write a letter or two tomorrow, see what I can learn."
Set by Bee
![[Image: jjD6oJ.png]](https://*****.host/jjD6oJ.png)
Shona's NEWT courses are Arithmancy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, Transfiguration, and Potions