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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Probably Awkward
As she sat to compose her professor-mandated letter (how did one even communicate when one did not even know who their rescipient was?), it occurred to George that this was, perhaps, one of the few areas in which the expectations of her as a "gentleman" were similar to those she would face if (a big if), she ever were to lead her life as nature intended.

20th October, 1890
To the unknown young lady,

I hope ardently that this letter finds you in good health and spirits both. It strikes me as something of a hardship to communicate with an unknown, particularly with the knowledge that there exists a third, silent participant in our conversation (good evening, Professor Benwick). With luck, this experience shall grow more natural as time progresses.

To aid in that mission, I wish to know wherein your interests lie, that I might prove a more engaging correspondent. I look forward to your reply.

Mr. X.
Gretchen Lestrange/Elladora Black

He/Him/His by those around her.
She/Her/Hers OOC and in her own narration.
20th October, 1890
To Mr X,

I hope you will forgive any awkwardness on my part in the structuring of this epistle as, as you noted yourself, it is rather difficult to know how to corrspond without knowing the identity of the recipient. It is almost as though it were a futile exercise given that I am not sure how I would ever come to be in contact with someone I did not even know the name of.

Inkeeping with the spirit of the thing though I shall respond accordingly. I have a vast interest in potions and music, the former of which I am quite adept at (I do hope this does not give me away?) and the latter of which I hope one day to truly excel at. It is fortunate that the pianoforte is an interest that will likely never be blocked to me.

I return the question back to you, Mr X. Until such time I send best wishes for your health.

Mademoiselle L.
George Waterford/Aldous Crouch

[Image: Gretchen-Sig.png]
Bee is tremendous, isn't she?
26th October, 1890
Bonjour, Mademoiselle L.,

You are quite right that to find oneself corresponding with a stranger is highly improbable (and I would even add, ill-advised); I hope you do not think I believe you to be that sort in the slightest. Perhaps our professor will read your words, and allow it to inform her practice in future.

Music is something I am pleased to say we have in common. I am passable at the piano, but shall not say where my true skill can be found as I worry it would not be in keeping with the intentions of our (puzzling) assignment. I must admit that your expressed interest in potions comes as something of a surprise. While I have never been of the sort to think that women mustn't have such academic interests, I rather thought most young ladies would try to hide such things. Perhaps I need to broaden my realm of acquaintances.

I look forward to our continued exchange.

Mr. X.
Gretchen Lestrange/Elladora Black

He/Him/His by those around her.
She/Her/Hers OOC and in her own narration.
29th October, 1890
To Mr X,

It is a curious thing that we refer to each other as strangers when in truth we have likely spent a deal of time together in one form or another. Perhaps as partners in charms or half-asleep in astronomy? I certainly do not expect I will ever correspond with anyone in the future with whom I have shared quite so many experiences.

Your musical ability intrigues me and forces me to guess. Are you a talented singer perhaps? Or a violinist? Skill with music is, I believe, a sign of a composed mind and I am glad to find that you have that. I am less thrilled at your surprise over my potion aptitude – without giving too much away it is safe to say it is something of a family trait though further acquaintance with my family can be a fraught thing for some.

Another question to keep things rolling – have you made plans for your life after Hogwarts? At the moment it feels like the whole world but nothing can last forever.

In friendship,
Mademoiselle L.
George Waterford/Aldous Crouch

[Image: Gretchen-Sig.png]
Bee is tremendous, isn't she?
3rd November, 1890
To the mysterious Mademoiselle L.,

From a logical standpoint, of course, I know that you are correct: we have shared most, if not all, of our time at Hogwarts, but I cannot help but feel that this very fact makes us even greater strangers in this endeavor. We are starting from scratch, as it were; we knew one another, but have had that acquaintance all but stripped away.

Again, I do apologize if my surprise at your interest in potions caused offense, for it was not at all my intention. Indeed, potions is a complex discipline, and such an aptitude speaks to an eager and intelligent mind indeed. I wish my own skill were half so developed as that which I have imagined for you in absence of your identity.

To music—I fear I have long been too self-conscious for something that requires such vulnerability as singing. While music is a talent, to be sure, it is instruments that leave room for those not naturally blessed to become talented, and so it is to an instrument that I have devoted my musical education. I fear our dear Mrs. Benwick might chastise us if I give away anything that might reveal my identity, so I shall not gift you with the knowledge of which instrument I practice (yet), but perhaps, at some juncture in future, you and I might join in a duet.

Life after Hogwarts is such a daunting topic of conversation; I often worry I have not adequately planned for life at Hogwarts, and I have been here already for more than half a decade! I suppose I ought to say that I will join the Ministry of Magic as the men in my family are apt to do, but I confess here, with this gift of anonymity, that it is not a notion that fills me with excitement. It does not fill me with dread, either—rather, I am decidedly apathetic about my opportunities. Perhaps I shall run away to the Americas and become an explorer—though I do not think the nerves of either parent would handle such an action!

I hope in saying that I have not caused offense. I know that I am privileged to simply expect that I might earn a Ministry career when not all of our peers have the same options before them. Still, though, surely there is more in the world available than what is simply expected of us?

Mr. X.
Gretchen Lestrange/Elladora Black

He/Him/His by those around her.
She/Her/Hers OOC and in her own narration.

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