Calling all Fisks!!
So Konstantin Fisk and Amelia here have been courting for...since around June/July I think, Lauren? xDD and I'd like to make her as uncomfortable as possible and throw her to the sharks >D I'd love for threads with any of y'all that want them to try and introduce Amelia to the fam! Esp since Amelia has a semi-history with Barnabas Skeeter, I'm wondering if that'll influence their opinions of her
I'm trying to get my shit together, which includes replying more often to post and just being more attentive to my characters, so thank you for being patient with me! <3 It's been a year y'all
@"Zelda Fisk" / Ari Fisk / Nemo Fisk / Dionisia Fisk / Dorian Fisk / Roslyn Ross / Arven Fisk
So Konstantin Fisk and Amelia here have been courting for...since around June/July I think, Lauren? xDD and I'd like to make her as uncomfortable as possible and throw her to the sharks >D I'd love for threads with any of y'all that want them to try and introduce Amelia to the fam! Esp since Amelia has a semi-history with Barnabas Skeeter, I'm wondering if that'll influence their opinions of her
I'm trying to get my shit together, which includes replying more often to post and just being more attentive to my characters, so thank you for being patient with me! <3 It's been a year y'all
@"Zelda Fisk" / Ari Fisk / Nemo Fisk / Dionisia Fisk / Dorian Fisk / Roslyn Ross / Arven Fisk