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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Wake Up, Sunshine
September 15th, 1890
I hope you're not too buried beneath Mount Paperwork or the Ireland fiasco today. A perk of not being permitted to work (and they are so very few) is not having to the Old Fart's work. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll retire before I'm back. Doubtful.

In the interest of starting over, I propose we stick to letters until my activities are a little less monitored. Your brother is one of the aurors keeping watch on my flat, I think anyway, and you were right. I can't risk losing my job for impropriety, no matter how much I'd like to. Plus, the little personal knowledge I know about Gabe tells me he wouldn't let either of us live it down.

September 15th, 1890
late morning

Ireland's been suspiciously quiet the last couple weeks, I head out the end of the week to follow up. My supervisor thinks an unannounced visit might be in order, to ensure everything is going according to the plan set in place. Should be a quick day trip, however. Mount Paperwork is as high as ever, been busy. I swear the start of the school year prompts a lot of accidental magic. My youngest brother set off for another year. Odd to think he'll be the last Hatchitt at Hogwarts until Gabe's kids go. Feels like one of us has been there forever.

Deal. Gabe did mention he was on surveillance for a little while. Must have been what he meant. Makes me feel better knowing a Hatchitt gets to keep an eye on you. You are quite right, we would never hear the end of it. Because you are on house arrest, I've included your scarf and socks, as well as a detective novel I've just finished recently, thought you might enjoy it. How is Miss Skovgaard handling being detailed?

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
September 15th, 1890
Thank you for my scarf and socks back. I had gotten rather attached to the scarf and it's already back to keeping me warm.

How much trouble do you think we would get into if I assisted you with Mount Paperwork? I can fake my way through ministry reports like none other. My younger brother just started as a first year as well. Can't believe he's already old enough to attend school. Kieran and I meant to see him off, but you know why that didn't happen.

Malou is as protective as ever. The other day I had reopened the wound on my toes and she wouldn't allow me to tend it them myself. For the best, I suppose. I do have to say her working still is probably best for our friendship, I can get a bit snippy when I'm under house arrest.

September 15th, 1890
late afternoon

I'm glad you still want them. Are you back to feeling close to a normal temperature all of the time?

I do appreciate your offer, but it would take me far longer to teach you the ridiculous shorthand we use in the office than for me to do it myself unfortunately. I swear whoever came up with these abbreviations was a nutter. I should send you an old, out of date case file to see if you can puzzle it out.

It's it weird when younger siblings are no longer little? I always thought they'd stay that way forever. Thankfully good friends never change. I'm sure Miss Skovgaard is just doing what she thinks is best (and I for one, wouldn't argue with her).

A forced vacation never sets the right mood, how can I make it better for you?

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
September 15th, 1890
Late Afternoon
Honestly, I'm not sure if I have or not. My hands aren't cold to the touch anymore, but I am staying bundled nevertheless. You learn not to take warmth for granted when you're that cold.

Please, send me an old case file. As much as I love reading (the detective novel is interesting, by the way!) I would kill for something truly challenging. Something that requires thought and focus. That would make my forced vacation much more interesting. What do I win if accurately decipher the shorthand?

So weird. I still remember teaching him how to walk, and now he's off to school. Don't blink, I guess.

Oh, I wouldn't dare fight her on healing matters. She has fixed me up on more than one occasion, and I've long since learned her word is law. Malou is also the chef in our house, so if I piss her off I won't get fed. I may be tiny, but I have an appetite as large as a horse. (Oh, how I miss the Hogwarts feasts!)

September 15th, 1890

Well that's progress then. At least it's still warm enough outside for a while yet. I'm not sure what you'll do once winter rolls around and you won't light a fire.

I've included one of my first cases, names blocked out for privacy, though it was one of my cousins, so I feel like it's not too much of a faux pas. Good luck figuring everything out, I still use a cheat sheet sometimes. Dealer's choice if you figure it out, I'm open.

I was 12 when Les was born, it's surreal to say the least. He's going into his 5th year now, we both have late birthdays, but I know what you mean by teaching them to walk and then suddenly they're taking OWLs.

Miss Skovgaard strikes me as someone not to cross, fortunately she knows what she's doing. It'll be nice to have a friendly face at the hospital next time I wind up in there. Though I usually wind up in Artifacts. I can cook a little myself actually, survival when living on your own dictates some level of self-sufficiency. Thankfully the boarding house provides most of the meals.

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
September 15th, 1890
I'm quietly dreading it. Lots of blankets and layers to avoid the fireplace for a while yet. I'm hoping that if I keep my back to it it won't haunt me as much. I spent a lot of time in the cave staring at the flames while Mr. MacFusty slept, and, considering how ill he was, he slept a lot.

As long as you don't wind up in the beast division she might still be able to check in on you. She knows how to heal just about anything after dealing with me all this time. I know a few things too, rudimentary field first aid. She's always horrified by my work, but it gets the job done.

That's good to know. I ... cannot cook. At all. I've tried many, many times and it doesn't end up well. Cleaning is more my speed, which works out well with her and I. What's it like living in a boarding house?

This case file is intense with the shorthand. Definitely a challenging puzzle, especially when accompanied by wine. (Only one glass, my senses are not at all dulled. You can tell your brother that if he asks.) I'm going to enjoy figuring out the cipher tomorrow.

September 15th, 1890

I'm sure you'll figure it out. Charm the blankets for added warmth? There's lots of options.

Very very rare that I deal with any kind of creature. Which is good, I'm not very good with magical creatures. Regular pets sure, magical creatures not so much.

Hopefully going to be getting better at it, a friend of mine from the boarding house and I are going to move out and start renting a flat in Bartonburg within the next month. The boarding house isn't so bad for guys like me, but some more independence and privacy would be nice.

Good luck, looking forward to seeing what you come up with! I'm going to call it a night, early morning tomorrow. Sleep well.

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
September 15th, 1890
A friend of mine claims to be very talented at transfiguration, maybe I'll ask them for help when it time. Charms can't be too difficult for a transfiguration master.

Good luck with the flat! I'm very grateful to not live in a boarding house. Ours is in London, though. Either way, privacy is a great privilege and I hope you two do well together!

Enjoy your early morning. Perhaps the only perk of this all is being able to sleep in without complaint. I'm still survivingly solely on coffee, though. Talk to you soon.

September 16th, 1890
Late morning

A friend hmm? How lucky for you. So do you regularly have friends over? Sounds like trouble. However I'm sure wondering could be worked out.

I'm very much looking forward to it. My mother says she would hire a maid to come in a couple times to clean, way there the at least. I'm a pretty neat guy, don't like a lot of clutter, so it shouldn't be a problem. Time to really learn how to cook though.

Mornings don't bother me as long as I've gotten enough sleep, which is rare. Thank goodness for coffee. How's the case file coming?

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
September 16th, 1890
Not too many. Won't deny that I'm trouble. I did go missing for a week, after all.

Your mother is a wise woman. I'll trade some cleaning charms for warming ones if you need. Clutter is the bane of my existence. Only thing I allow in terms of clutter are books. I could make a table out of my book collection, or a Christmas tree even. Haven't had time like this to read in years, though.

If I had the choice I would sleep in until noon daily. Malou knows not to try and talk to me until I've had at least one cup of coffee. The case file is interesting. I think I've deciphered two of the abbreviations. There's one I think I'll need a better frame of reference for. It's certainly complex.

September 16th, 1890
After lunch

I don't have too many personal effects so the move should be relatively easy. I'll have to get the furniture from my bedroom at ma's house, but between Tybalt and I, I'm sure we can manage. Books will definitely be a large part of my inventory as well.

Fair trade, maybe I'll even make you dinner sometime.

I used to be the way, I think adulthood has ruined me. Every once in a while on a Saturday I'll catch up and sleep all day. But it's rare.

If I help you with the case file, does that defeat the purpose?

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
September 16th, 1890
Tybalt? As in Tybalt Kirke? He was my year mate. I enjoyed the few chats we had, he's a good man. Nice pick of a roommate. Could've done better in the Quidditch match, though. I don't buy that it was the wind.

I'll do the dishes if you do. Should I save a date on my social calendar? It's very busy, you know.

The continued late nights at the office has allowed my terrible habit to continue. I'm at least tolerable after two cups of coffee?

Yes, it does. Wouldn't be a challenge otherwise. I think I figured out another one. I'll send it back with my notes once I finish for you to look over.

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   Jesse Hatchitt
September 16th, 1890
Late afternoon

Oh well, fancy that. Yeah he and I played quidditch against one another in school. Good guy, we get along well enough to live together hopefully. Bloke was crazy for even trying out, though he played in the last World Cup as well, so maybe that had something to do with it.

Depends, is that what you want to cash in for your prize? I don't make dinner for just anyone.

It takes two cups, good to know. I'll keep that in mind for the future, when you get back to work. Any word on that by the way?

I'm quite interested to see what you come up with. I'll be thoroughly embarrassed if you get it so quickly.

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
September 16th, 1890
Late Afternoon
I'm sure it did. Tell him Abernathy says hello next time you see him, it's been ages.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed to be back to work by the end of the month. Your brother probably has more insight there than I do. Supposedly, they have a suspect but no proof. So, we'll see. I'd like to be able to go for a walk freely again without fearing for my life.

There's definitely a few I'm stumped on. The context makes a few different answers possible. 7/10 count as a win? If so, I will claim dinner as my prize.

September 16th, 1890
Early evening

Will do, should be viewing a couple options after a return from Ireland tomorrow. Busy day.

Well that's good news, you must be going stir crazy by now. I know I would be. I can only ask Gabe every so often before it becomes suspicious. He already asked if it was my owl going in and out all day. Need to change that up. Hopefully they have the right guy.

Ah yes, being on the writing side is certainly different. I'll give it to you if you get the majority. Dinner it is then, any requests so I can practice after of time?

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!

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