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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Prudence Pomfrey
Full Name: Prudence Pomfrey
Nicknames: Not really a nickname but she is called Madam Pomfrey by her students, possibly also known as Prue.
Birthdate:  May 29, 1825
Current Age: 65
Occupation: Hogwarts Nurse
Reputation: 9* For Kayte discretion as she is a female spinster. Tbh I have no idea.
Residence:  She lives and sleeps at Hogwarts throughout the year to be ever present encase of emergency and goes travelling throughout the Summer Holidays - visiting family and friends or going travelling with any income she has accrued.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Willow, Phoenix feather. Supple, Bendy, Flexible, 12”
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle Class
Family: Steadfast [father] & Anne [mother], and her older sisters Temperance [1815-1844], Verity [1822-1856] and younger brother Wayte-a-while [1835]. Vitalis [1841]; Love [1844-1877]; Battalion [1871]; Lament [1877] (There could be more however the children of Vitalis and other siblings of Lament are unknown to Prudence.)

Appearance: Prudence is a tall woman, and in her youth had brown hair paired with brown eyes. There is a great many grey hairs now scattered throughout her hair.  She is 5’7” and isn’t considered fashionable by most standards - choosing comfort and practicality over style, often preferring to wear wizarding robes or clothing. She is right handed.



A Maledictum handed down in her bloodline caused the pureblood Pomfrey family to accept new blood into the family, hoping to weaken the curse that dogged their family since as far back as the Norman invasion. It was arranged for Anne Thompson, a young, gifted muggleborn who was an interning healer of some cleverness, to marry heir Steadfast Pomfrey however the marriage would become fraught with conflict as Anne was not informed of the issues with the bloodline before marriage and afterwards found herself becoming more of a carer for her husband's afflicted family members than a wife as the Pomfrey family had no desire to make their curse public.

The relationship between the two quickly soured and turned to resentment as Anne resented her new position as an unpaid healer, and Steadfast believed truly that Anne should be a grateful as a muggleborn for having been given the chance to marry such an old magical family.  It was compounded by the fact that while their first pregnancy was viable and survived infancy [Temperance in 1815], they suffered a great many miscarriages and deaths in infancy. Verity, born in 1822,  was thought to be similar and was a weak child who would not survive infancy and even after was thought to have inherited the maledictum and  the same was thought of Prudence who was born in 1825.... however despite the thought that Prudence would be similarly afflicted she grew into a healthy, hearty, child.

Her ideals of women in the caretaker role began in her childhood with her mother's care of the womenfolk of the Pomfrey family though her mother also instilled in her a desire to remain single and not be "trapped" by marriage, or at least when she chose to wed to know everything about the man and the family of who she chose to wed.  Verity's worsening health inspired her to, when she began Hogwarts to complete her mothers dream and become a healer and find a cure for the familiy's curse. She is ten when Wayte-a-While arrives, a healthy boy who is doted on and receives far more care and attention than she or her sisters from all their family members.

THE HOGWARTS YEARS 1835-1842: Prudence begins schooling with these thoughts in mind and studies as hard as she can, devoting all her time to her studies with little room for anything else. Verity becomes worried that she and Prudence will have no other life than to care for afflicted relatives, and that's the reason that the family has supported Prudences dreams. Temperance Pomfrey who had graduated, is courted and marries. The stress of NEWTS proves too hard for Verity's delicate constitution and she leaves school in her sixth year. As her health is poor many are concerned that she would not survive childbirth and instead she is married to an elderly studious bachelor with no desire for children but who was in want of a wife. Prudence's first nephew is born in 1840 and named Vitalis. Temperance is severely weakened and Prudence discovers that her eldest sister had been hiding the symptoms of her affliction. She is advised by healers to not have any more children and that she was very lucky to have survived the birth of Vitalis.

HEALER YEARS: 1842-1876 - Prudence graduates Hogwarts and follows her dream to be a Healer.  Temperance gets pregnant again, in 1844, and gives birth prematurely to a baby girl. She does not survive the experience. Her brother-in-law wishes to have nothing to do with the child, who being both the instrument of his wife's death and a girl potentially afflicted with the curse gives her to the Pomfrey family. He calls the child Die-Well. She is renamed, by her aunt Verity who becomes her guardian and called Love. With Verity's death in 1856, Love who had already begun schooling, became the ward of Prudence during the summer holidays. Her brother Wayte-a-While, at 21, has little to do with Love or Prudence for that matter and would prefer to pretend that they didn't exist. He marries in 1864 at age 29.

The fact that Love is similarly afflicted comes to light early in Prudence's custody and there appears to be more at work than simple malediction and instead of just a blood weakness and curse she begins to change as well. It renews Prudence's devotion to her subject - as she wishes to find a way to cure her family's curse though finds herself lacking and every lead she investigates gives her a roadblock or a brick wall. Her brother finds himself as unlucky as his father with offspring but it isn't until 1871 that Battalion becomes the first child to survive infancy. Fight-the-good-fight-of-Faith is born in 1875 but is weakly and sick.

1876 is a year of tragedy for the family and they are forced to lay to rest patriarch, Steadfast, Fight-the-good-fight-of-Faith and Love. The Possibility of Love's death being attributed to suicide causes Prudence to re-evaluate her life and to abandon her study as she believes the situation hopeless and she takes a leave of absence from work as a healer and chooses to start work as school nurse at Hogwarts for the 1876-1877 year after the previous one retired hoping for a less heavy, more fulfilling role. She finds it absolutely ironic that of the three sisters she is the only one who swore off of marriage so not burden a potential husband. (It occurs to her that perhaps her mother wasn't as devoted to her husband as she appeared to be.) Having loose ties to the Church of Magical Jesus anyway Wayte-a-While turns into an evangelist. He and Prudence have a falling out over this as he starts to believe that the maledictum's severity in their generation was caused by God though and she finds his attempts to dictate her behavior aggravating. Lament is born in 1877 though an argument at the babies' christening results in an irreversible rift to form between the two and Prudence stops attending mass completely and contact between the two is severed.

NURSE YEARS: 1877-1890. Life is a whole lot nicer than the hospital and Prudence finds herself with new purpose. In 1882 when her nephew comes to Hogwarts, they meet again for the first time since 1877 though she struggles to come to terms with the changes she hears about her younger brother making to the family she decides to not bring her nephew into their feud. Lament begins school in 1888 and she greats her niece, and tries to tactfully find out if she shows any sign of the malediction that plagues their family. Battalion graduates in 1889.

Personality:  Prudence is prudent by nature, and likes to believe she is very sensible. She is fiercely independent and has little patience for dramatics and melodrama but cares very deeply about others.  She would like to think she's learned her lesson and has closed her heart off from pain - having experienced so much death - but unfortunately that isn't the case.

She is rather transient in terms of address and doesn't own much property. She does however own a pet barn owl called Flitwick and a grey tabby cat called Queen.  Her patronus is a cat.

Sample Roleplay Post: [At least a paragraph. Only required for first or canon characters.]
Name: Jen
b>Age: 31
Contact: jjm.bostock (SKYPE)
Other Characters: [If any]
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