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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Concern & Candies
Sloane Bixby

August 24th, 1890

Happy birthday!  I do hope you're going to find something fun to do today, despite recent occurrences.  I'm not the best at gift giving, but I have enclosed two things that I hope will be enjoyable and possibly useful. Please excuse the condition of the book. A woman I'm acquainted with down on the corner of Stump Road and Kidnapper's Lane is a metamorphmagus, along with a few of her fully grown children. She wrote some tips for them long ago, and she was kind enough to allow me to pass it along to you. She is also willing to speak with you. I have not told her your name.

I have also packed some sweets into the parcel. I asked my mother to charm them so they won't melt in the heat.

Are you doing alright? I know the events at the World Cup were rather startling. I didn't wish to make a big deal of it at the time, but you looked a bit distressed. Are you doing okay? Was your brother alright after the match?

I hope you enjoy your birthday! I will see and talk to you soon.

Your friend,

Ned Moony

Enclosed with the letter is a very beat up, old, handwritten, and clearly used book about metamorphmagus abilities.  In exchange for it, Ned did a handful of errands and chores for the old woman who had it in her possession.  He also tossed in a few sweets from Honeydukes since he was sure Sloane wouldn't be that thrilled about a book for her birthday.

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   Sloane Bixby

[Image: FmFuKc.png]
Pretties by Bee <3 <3
August 24th, 1890

Thank you! I'm doing alright, thank you for checking. It was quite the shock to the system, but Rufus is alright. He was taken care of by the healing staff at the match and doesn't seem to be having any lasting impacts. Just sore as far as I know. I don't usually let it get to me, but that was jarring, I hope my hair didn't scare your sister, I can explain it to her when we get back to school.

Your gift was so incredibly thoughtful, thank you. You really pay attention, don't you? I can't wait to read it and you know how much I love to read. I'll see how it goes and keep your offer to connect with your neighbor for another time. Rufus has been trying to help me (he's a metamorphmagus too) but I think I try his patience a little too much. I'm not the best student in a lot of regards.

Thank you for the sweets as well, they were perfect. I really appreciate both the gifts and you checking in, you're a good friend Ned.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
August 24th, 1890

I'm glad to hear you are both doing alright. I do hope the second half of the match also sees your brother safe. Will you be in attendance, or would your mother prefer you didn't? I'm a bit nervous the whole ordeal has turned Anne away from quidditch. I do hope that subsides once school resumes. I think she would enjoy club quidditch, at the very least. I hope it hasn't changed your mind either?

I don't think it was your hair that frightened her, but I'm sure Anne will have quite a few questions and likely ask for a demonstration. I apologize for that ahead of time. She's intensely curious.

Just say the word, and I shall connect the two of you.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer. If you need anything, you know where I live to send an owl.


[Image: FmFuKc.png]
Pretties by Bee <3 <3
August 25th, 1890

I think once the excitement of school sets in, Anne won't shy away from much of anything. Hopefully, with this book you've give me, I'll be able to give her a proper demonstration, so please don't be sorry! Ned this book is fantastic! It's clear that it's been written by somebody who knows the ins and outs of what it's like. I actually spent some of last night reading through the first part, cannot thank you enough.

I'm sticking it out through quidditch certainly, there isn't much that could pull me out of playing. We can't let Selwyn get away with too much this year.

I do indeed know where you live and I could potentially need a place to hide when I murder Cameron, but I'll let you know.

The following 2 users Like Sloane Bixby's post:
   Billie Farrow, Cameron Gillenwater

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
August 25th, 1890

I'm glad the book is helpful! Mrs. MacNiven said she tired of repeating herself, so she wrote an instructional book for her growing brood. It was a good thing; I'm not sure I know of anyone who has so many children and grandchildren, save for Miss Dawson's family. Of course, they're not all metamorphmagi.

Yes, it's best not to let Selwyn get too big of a head. Though, I do hope you don't plan too much trouble with him. If that's the case, I cringe to think of our House Cup chances. I can't exactly play favorites.

What do you mean you wish to murder Cameron? What has happened? You do realize murder will ruin your future professional quidditch prospects?


[Image: FmFuKc.png]
Pretties by Bee <3 <3
August 25th, 1890

Stop being reasonable. You cannot always appeal to my quidditch preservation.

He's. Just. So. Frustrating. I wish he could be more like you sometimes. You are never infuriating, nor do you say insensitive, dumb, ridiculous things. Nor do you send me a present for my birthday and then subsequently spend the next five letters saying I won't like it, even though I did! You sent me a book with no issues! I don't even like to read! (I do like this one though, I promise!) Talk about mixed signals! I don't even know why I bother sometimes. It's just so ridiculous.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
August 25th, 1890

If being reasonable keeps you out of mortal peril, I shall keep doing so.

Perhaps, Gillenwater was just unsure about the gift? That seems like an odd response after sending someone a present. There must be some underlying reason. What is it that he sent you?


[Image: FmFuKc.png]
Pretties by Bee <3 <3

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