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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
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See Inside
The Sorting Ceremony {1890}
"Now, now, what sort of mind do we have here then?"

How has finding out you're a witch affected you and how you relate to your muggle family?

Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?

If you were forbidden from from doing something that you really wanted to do, what would you do?

Which is your favorite room at home?

If someone were to hand you a book, what sort of book would you want it to be?

What worries you the most about Hogwarts?

Annie Moneypenny

Ah, so this was going to be some sort of self-quizzing exercise. She took a deep breath, determined to be honest with herself (and thus the Hat, she supposed, since it was an all-knowing being. Creature. Entity. Whatever.)

How has finding out you're a witch affected you and how you relate to your muggle family?

"My parents are not normal people, even in the muggle world. Some people call them radicals. Once my Papa even got "talked to" by his superiors for having leaflets in his office—whatever that means," she explained. They were a family of suffragists; the idea had grown more popular in Britain than it was at the time of her birth, but it was still a revolutionary idea that some people didn't support. (Good thing then that she wan't raised by more conservative people.) "I suppose more... devout parents would have been less happy with me, but my parents think it makes me special! They told me it was a blessing that I, a girl, get to go to a private school for magic!

Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?

A leader or a follower? Annie had always enjoyed putting herself into groups, but that was one she'd never considered. "I am neither, I suppose. I like to go my own way and make my own decisions, and if that means following in others' footsteps or leading a crowd, so be it." If she were asked to lead a discussion on a topic she was familiar about, she'd have no problem! She loved to talk, and that was a trait of a leader, right? She could also follow if she was confident in what was being said. "I have never followed anyone to avoid controversy, but neither am I one who naturally takes the lead. Do you know what I mean? I hope I'm making sense."

If you were forbidden from from doing something that you really wanted to do, what would you do?

"I would agree to listen... at least at first." Like the times her Mama said not to spend her spare change on silly things. She usually did not, and then she was happy to have extra money later. "But if I find myself with regrets—you know, really longing for whatever I couldn't do—I might do it anyhow. And don't get me started if I can't do it because of some silly old tradition." She listened in on Papa and Mama's conversations long enough to know that there were plenty of people out there ready to tell young girls like herself what they could or could not do, like wear pants or go run in the sun without a parasol. It was silly, and she would definitely do those things if someone forbade her. Luckily she knew her parents would never.

Which is your favorite room at home?

"Well, it's not really a room, but I like the garden," she explained. She was fortunate to live in the last townhouse on the row, meaning they had a small plot of land between the building and the fence that ran along the street. Her mother had planted some flowers, and the grass always grow too long when it rained. Annie still enjoyed playing games out there in the evenings and on the weekends. If she was lucky, Mama would allow her to bring friends over to practice writing on their slates and they would have tea.

If someone were to hand you a book, what sort of book would you want it to be?

Books! Annie liked books, but only when she enjoyed the subject. She liked adventure stories, some history books (but not many, for many became dreadfully boring before she reached the second chapter!), and some old novels that her mother kept in the library. But her favorites were... "Mystery books," she said matter-of-factly. "They never get boring because of all the build up. You have to keep reading, else you're left with too many questions." If only they kept more at home; Papa preferred nonfiction and mother romance. (For all Annie liked romance novels, she found herself annoyed when the ladies were treated like silly damsels. It ruined so many parts of the book! She consoled herself with the fact that all of those books were written by men, anyways.)

What worries you the most about Hogwarts?

Hogwarts. It was the whole reason she was here! She had so many plans, and so many hopes... "I am most afraid that it won't be as perfect as I've imagined. I've got one good imagination, you see—that's what my Mama says. I find myself disappointed a lot because I always think everything is going to be perfect, and then it's just... not. I don't know how Hogwarts couldn't be near-perfect, though. There's magic everywhere! I can be anything! Anyone! The possibilities are endless." Perhaps not endless, but there were more of them than there were from her London home.

beautiful set by MJ <3

There are three rooms before you: one is filled with musical instruments and tools for all kinds of artistic endeavors; the second room feels warm and inviting, there is a faint whiff of something baking in the air and there are people consumed with various tasks but they all seem contented and friendly; the third room is locked and could contain anything and you know that were you to choose that room the key would appear in your hand and allow you to enter. You also know that after you have chosen a room the other two will forever be lost to you. Which do you choose?

Annie Moneypenny

Annie's smile faded off her face as the Hat had another question to her. It seemed happy and light at first, yet the more she thought about it the darker it could potentially. She was initially drawn to the third door, because who wouldn't? It was frankly the more curious option; sure she could go where everyone was busy and friendly, and she would be more than pleased to explore the room full of musical and artistic tools for all she struggled to play. She would have explored each and every one of them if given the chance, but the Hat had given her an ultimatum.

You also know that after you have chosen a room the other two will forever be lost to you. Which do you choose?

"I would choose..." She froze. She could imagine it: the heaps of things to explore in the first, many of which she'd never held in her hand before; instruments that she might be good at if she only took the change to try them. It was room of potential. She could also imagine the comforts of the second room; she liked to make friends, and if everyone was so friendly, why not ask around to see what smelled so good? To choose another door would be to miss out on potential friends (and not to mention a good meal!).

But the third room, locked from view by a door and with a key that could magically appear... well, it could hold anything. There could be the world's most dangerous magical creature, a book about the future instead of the history books that filled her Papa's study. There could be a million galleons... or even nothing at all. She would never know if she chose door one or two, and she really, really wanted to know.

"... the third room," she said simply, and then took a breath.

beautiful set by MJ <3


This was it, the big day. Being sorted seemed to stick with everyone the rest of their lives. Bertie couldn't help but be nervous. What if he didn't like his house? Did he really want to be in the same house as either of his siblings? Gertrude seems far too worried about her grades right now, and Bertie wasn't too sure if he wanted to hear about that every time he came back into the common room.

At this moment, he couldn't help but wonder what all of those other children in Egypt were doing right now. He couldn't quite recall what type of schooling they had. Were they sorted? Oh, was that his name? Oof, when was the last time someone had called him Egbert? Probably..., Bertie looked over at Billie. It had been when his mother was calling out to him after he'd run out of the store. And when he was in the tree about fifteen minutes later. He made a face as though having bitten into a particularly sour lemon, before huffing quietly and trying to look neutral once more as he went over to the hat.

It couldn't have taken very long for all of that too happen, as the teacher didn't seem to look too impatient as to how long it had taken him to come up. "It's actually Bertie." He mumbled sheepishly as he sat on the stool. For how often he was actually called Bertie, one would think that his parents should have just named him that.

Magic by MJ
"Well, Bertie, let's have a look at that head of yours."

You are gifted a book but it is one you already own. What do you do with it?

Place the following in order of importance: compassion, practicality, safety, change.

A student takes a disliking to you and challenges you to a duel. They are older than you and know many more spells. What do you do?

If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?

What attributes do you look for in friends?

Which class are you most looking forward to?

Bertie Diggory

Questions? Well, that was fair. If he was to be sorted correctly, wouldn't the hat need to actually know something about him?

You are gifted a book but it is one you already own. What do you do with it?

"Oh goodness, I've had that happen. I never told my friend that I had it, so I asked my friend from Egypt if he wanted it - he is still trying to learn more English, and we send letters back and forth a lot. At least someone else can enjoy the story!"

Place the following in order of importance: compassion, practicality, safety, change.

"My mother would be so upset, so please don't tell her. Compassion, change, practicality, and safety. Mother never likes the fact that I would put safety lower than top priority, I'm the youngest."

A student takes a disliking to you and challenges you to a duel. They are older than you and know many more spells. What do you do?

"In the heat of the moment, I would accept the challenge. Duels are typically planned, from what I've read. My brother or sister would probably talk me out if it before the actual duel took place."

If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?

"I would like to be able to focus better. Everyone gets mad that I often day-dream while they are talking. I don't mean to! There is just so much to think about."

What attributes do you look for in friends?

"Someone that knows how to have fun. Someone honest, unlike Billie. Never mind that. Just someone I can count on."

Which class are you most looking forward to?

"Ancient studies! Or care of magical creatures. Oh, but those are electives. I'm going to have to wait for those. Um... charms? Oh, no, defense against the dark arts! That sounds exciting!"

Magic by MJ
"I see..."

You encounter a sphynx who presents you with a very challenging puzzle. If you answer incorrectly the sphynx will attack. You are allowed to seek help but only from one source.

Bertie Diggory

You encounter a sphynx who presents you with a very challenging puzzle. If you answer incorrectly the sphynx will attack. You are allowed to seek help but only from one source.

"Well, if I had enough time to seek a good source, I would probably find a book on the topic. Authors are supposed to have everything checked when it's non-fiction, right?"

Magic by MJ


Phoenix was excited to finally be at Hogwarts. She'd heard so much about the school over the summer, and the year leading up to her sorting ceremony. She was surprised by how much different it was to see the Great Hall in person than hear about it through letters and stories from older students.

She heard her name, mildly relived that her full name – her true name – hadn't been revealed like Billie's had been. She nervously made her way up to the front of the crowd of students.

MJ made Phoenix's set!
"Let me see now..."

How do you feel towards your parents?

What is your favorite word?

What have you been looking forward to most about Hogwarts?

What does family mean to you?

Why did you choose 'Phoenix' as your name?

You've taken a disliking to one of your professors, what do you do about it?

Phoenix Wright

how do you feel towards your parents?

Phoenix wasn't sure how to answer the question. If she had been asked last year, when she had just been untransfigured from stone, she would have had said she hated them for abandoning her, for causing her to be turned into a stone in the first place.

Now though? She wasn’t sure. She hadn't seen them, hadn't wanted to see them. She was happy where she was. She might have missed them a tiny bit, but she'd never admit that to anyone.

"Indifferent, for the most part." she decided on that to answer the hats question.

"What is your favorite word?"

Did she have a favorite word? Not really. She didn't use one word more than another one. That she knew of, anyway. Maybe she used one more than another and didn't realize it.

She shrugged at the question, "I don't think I have a favorite word."

"What have you been looking forward to most about Hogwarts?"

This one didn't take much thought. "Being on the Quiddich team, and learning magical history."

"What does family mean to you?"

Phoenix took a moment to think about the question. What did family mean to her? She supposed it meant someone who watched out for you, claimed you as their own even if they didn't like you. Her Blood family wasn't the same as the family she had made for herself.

"To me, family means, always being on someone's side even if they're not making the best choices."

"Why did you choose 'Phoenix' as your name?"

"Phoenix means 'rebirth' in a way, right? And that... that's essentially what happened to me and the other kids that spent years as lawn ornaments."

She was surprised at how little thinking that answer had required.

"You've taken a disliking to one of your professors, what do you do about it?"

What would she do? Probably try to figure out why she didn't like them and change how she went about their classes. Or possibly just pay enough attention to stay out of their way and get help from another student because obviously she wasn’t going to pay enough attention to the teacher to be able to pass their class.

She didn't know how to answer the question so she didn't.

MJ made Phoenix's set!


Anne couldn't feel her legs, which was stupid because they were most certainly there. Like a right idiot, she actually looked down for confirmation. Still there, still awkwardly long and skinny. This would be easier if she could have just gone first! While all of the first years had been told they needed to wait their turn, Anne had audibly groaned at her least favorite word: wait. She had been waiting for this moment for years and here she was, still waiting. The last hour had taken longer than every year of her life!

Then it happened.

Anny Moony!

Anne did not get 'full named.' She did not get in trouble, at least not in recent memory. She was good, going out of her way to make sure mum and Ned didn't need to worry about her. Hearing her name from a stranger, in a room full of near-strangers, being called to a piece of millinery that would decide the course of the rest of her life felt a lot like getting in trouble.

Taking a deep breath, she remembered what mum had told her as she and Ned were off to the train, 'Just be yourself.' That, Anne could do. Head held high and giving a smile to the rest of the first years waiting with her, Anne approached the hat. Catching sight of Ned she gave him her best brave smile before taking a seat. The brim slipped over her eyes, causing her to stifle a giggle as the idea of playing hide and seek with the future caught her off guard. Remembering her manners as the Sorting Hat settled, Anne made sure to speak clearly.

"Hello, Hat. I'm ready."

[Image: rOjzpw3.png]
MJ about made me cry with this one!
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