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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Why Me?
August 28th, 1890

You of all people know I am not this girl, but I have to tell someone or I might combust and I need you to promise not to say anything.

It starts with an owl on my birthday; Cameron sent me a letter with a bracelet in it. A bracelet, very pretty charm bracelet with a few little charms on it. Thoughtful, right? I thought so. I said as much in a letter back and thanked him. The usual banter occurred, but it had a weird tone to it? Maybe because I was reading it and not hearing it? I don't know, but it rubbed me the wrong way.

Anyway, I had specifically mentioned that I liked the sunflower charm on the bracelet, but they were all pretty, but then every subsequent letter said something like, "well if you don't like it blah, blah, blah." Alice I kind of blew up. I sent him a howler, I was just SO MAD. It turned into a fight through letters and I simply told him that I couldn't do it anymore, not after last year.

Then of all things I get dragged to get my last book for school and I run into him! Naturally we fight some more, because apparently that's the only way we can communicate when it matters. Thank Merlin we were kind of off to the side in an alley, but I have strong suspicions Harrison heard, he was right round the corner and he had this smug look on his face after.

Anyway, we go round and around in circles, the same argument from last year and I finally get him to tell me what was wrong- he was upset I didn't want to take Divination last year for an elective! He took it personally, like I didn't want to spend time with him. Why are boys like this? Aren't they supposed to be the ones who don't care? UGH. Anyway, that was it, end of fight- I hugged him, now I have my bracelet back AND we're good?

What is wrong with me?

Alice Dawson

The following 2 users Like Sloane Bixby's post:
   Cameron Gillenwater, Edison Moony

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
August 28th, 1890

My lips are sealed, I promise.

I'm confused. What do you mean by a weird tone? So much can be misconstrued in letters, perhaps he was just nervous? You're not the most girly of girls. I would be anxious gifting you a bracelet, too. Did you apologize for the howler, at least?

At least you two resolved it quickly this year. I'd hate to watch you two distance yourselves like you did last year. Besides, I don't think Ned could stand the tension. Do you think your brother will tell your mum about the whole ordeal? I know Bridget wouldn't be able to keep her mouth shut if it were me, little rat that she is.

I think it's unfair to think boys don't care. Have you read Pride and Prejudice? Mr. Darcy cares very much, he's just expected not to show it. Maybe that's just the way Cameron is too. Maybe he can't tell you what he thinks, so he gets defensive and snarky.

Either way, can we please try to refrain from fighting with him again until we're at school? You two need a buffer sometimes.
Your Friend,

The following 1 user Likes Alice Dawson's post:
   Cameron Gillenwater

Amazing set by Bee!
[Image: V14YYm.png]
August 28th, 1890

I knew I could count on you!

I don't know, I was telling him about my new wand and how it's not cooperative, I guess I was looking for a little more sympathy but just got a ton of teasing about how temperamental I am. I know I'm not girly, but I'm not unappreciative either! Do I really come across like that? Ned sent me some chocolate and a useful book on being a metamorphmagus without any problems! You know I hate reading!

Yes I apologized for the howler, though I think Harry had a lot of fun helping me make it, since I can't. He's been pretty cooperative, but he also makes some snide side remarks about girls and boys. It's weird. I doubt he'll say anything.

You think I would read something I was not forced to, especially a novel like that? Are you unwell? Did you forget who you were writing to? Your point has merit though, I guess I didn't think about it. I kind of do the same thing. I should have written to you sooner, ugh. We agreed no more fighting, so hopefully we can stick to it.

Today we're plotting on how to keep Selwyn from making it back on the team- bludgers and beaters were banned from the school teams, how crazy is that!? Will you try out for our last chaser position?

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
August 28th, 1890

You are tempermental, but that doesn't mean anything bad, really. You just feel your emotions really intensely. Nothing wrong with owning that. Besides, Cameron teases you for that and much more all the time. It's just how he is.

I think this fight was all just one big misunderstanding. This is why people shouldn't fight via letter. Read books instead, then you won't have this issue.

Much as I love flying, not a chance. We have OWLs next year, my focus needs to be there. Maybe Alycone? I'll still come to the games, though. Selwyn must be so infuriated. Has Cameron heard from him?
Your Friend,

The following 1 user Likes Alice Dawson's post:
   Cameron Gillenwater
August 29th, 1890

Sorry I had to give up and go to bed last night, my hand was sore from writing so much.

So I overreacted as usual, got it. Ugh, temperamental is right. Can't control my feelings or my hair, what a useful human being I am. Hopefully Ned's book will help with the latter.

It's always one big misunderstanding, but he never tells me anything either! It goes around in circles until it explodes. You know me, I wear my heart on my sleeve always and I have to constantly guess with him. It's torture.

Oh come on! We've got Alcyone on the list, Ned too hopefully. Maybe we'll have some promising first years, but hard to count on them. I haven't heard if Selwyn's sent anything to Cam, probably too busy stewing in defeat. It's a pleasant thought.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
August 29th, 1890

A bit, yeah. But he was probably being equally sensitive, too. Oh, Sloane, you're plenty useful. You're the life of our friendgroup, of course you're useful.

He needs to work on his communication skills, too. Just remember he's just as emotional as you are.

I really can't, Sloane. My grandma can only afford so much Hogwarts' tuition. Someone has to help pay for the younger kids too. Wish it were different, though. Quidditch seems like so much fun to play competitively.
Your Friend,

August 29th, 1890

Yeah, yeah, yeah. See what we mean about temperamental. Ned's book has helped though, I was able to change my hair to orange this morning on purpose! So not useless.

We're like oil and water I swear. Or maybe we're too alike. I don't even know how we've made it this far without killing one another. Things seemed settled for the moment though, thank Merlin.

I see where you're coming from. I understand. If quidditch wasn't my career path or I wasn't terrible at school, I'd be doing the same. Your gran is amazing by the way, one of my favorite teachers! Hopefully Alcyone will be able to make it this year, I know she's wanted to for a while, we just didn't have a spot for her. If Selwyn makes it as a chaser, he'll be positively insufferable though. It cannot happen. We escaped him being captain, ousting him altogether would be such an lovely victory! 

The following 1 user Likes Sloane Bixby's post:
   Alice Dawson

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
August 30th, 1890

Sorry. Mum had me helping with the baby yesterday and I lost track of time.

That's amazing progress! Congratulations! You must be so pleased. Do you think you'll have every color nailed down by the time we go back to school? Merlin, that's only two days away.

You're both very similar, I think. Two flames meeting to make one another burn brighter. Quick to consume, quick to burn out. You two just need to learn how to manage the flames instead of letting them grow.

Alycone will make it. I have faith. Selwyn can't be allowed to be a chaser. He'll just hog the ball and miss goals constantly.
Your Friend,

August 30th, 1890

No worries at all!

It's amazing! I've been able to change it to a few different colors and even do my eyebrows too!

You analogy is very good and hits a little too close to home, thank you.

Selwyn has to be a terrible chaser, We'll make it through. We just have to. I'd say you should be team healer, but without bludgers I don't know if we'll need you anymore. Then again, Cam broke his entire leg without them, so maybe not.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
August 30th, 1890

What colors? That's so cool. Soon you'll be able to change your whole appearance! Wouldn't that be fun?

You have to be a healer to be a team healer. Even so, let's keep the injuries to a minimum yeah? I'm still horrified by what happened at the game.
Your Friend,

August 30th, 1890

I can do orange, blue, pink and yellow so far! I'm almost able to grow a mustache too! A mustache!! It's hilarious, I thought Wally was going to spit or this breakfast this morning when I tried.

You're going to be a healer and not for lack of practice with us around. I make no promises whatsoever.

I can't wait to see you in two days!

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
August 30th, 1890

A mustache?! What a sight that'll be to see. Will you work on a beard next?

Me neither! I feel like this summer has dragged on eternally. I'll see you soon!
Your Friend,

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