Nicknames: [Bobby]
Birthdate: [July, 31, 1872]
Current Age: [ 18 Years]
Occupation: [Seamster]
Reputation: [6 & Bobby's father moved Bobby to England in 1881 where he mourned the death of his wife and gambled away their entire estate leaving them with nothing.]
Residence: [Bartonburg]
Hogwarts House: [Gryffindor]
Wand: [English oak, 10 1/2", rigid, unicorn hair]
Blood Status: [Pure]
Social Class: [Middle]
Family: [Father - Jae hyun Moon.]
Appearance: [5'5", small but athletic build, right handed, always impeccably dressed, Black eyes.]
History: [Having been born into one of the oldest pureblood families in Korea. Bobby's life started with all the ease and grace that his station afforded him. However, it was short lived. His mother, having been inflicted by a curse, died on Bobby's seventh birthday, 1879. With the growing turmoil in Korea, the death of his wife Jaehyun Moon failed to cope and relocated them to England in 1881 for what he'd hoped would be a fresh start. As the years went on Jaehyun turned to gambling and drinking, squandering away the deeds to the family properties in Korea in card games and anything else that wasn't tied down and had any fraction of monetary value.
Bobby attended Hogwarts and after giving up on trying to correct people when they didn't pronounce his name correctly and started introducing himself as Bobby instead, it happened once on a whim but the name stuck and he found he preferred it. Even though he did his best to use his natural talent for sewing to help pay his tuition after his father had stopped paying for it when he was in his fourth year. He left a year later, once he had completed his O.W.Ls and started sewing from the living room of the only remaining property they owned, the small townhouse on the edge of Bartonburg that Jaehyun had borrowed money to buy without Bobby's knowledge.]
Personality: [Tenacious, proud, vain, flamboyant.]
Other: [Unnatural fascination with cats.]
Sample Roleplay Post: [The icy winter's air whipped his hair about his face causing him to swear lightly under his breath. He hated the cold, he prayed to Merlin himself for an eternal summer and yet he was yet to be granted such a wish. At least, he mused, he was busy. He had a pile of alterations to do and half were due the next day but Merlin did he need the work. His father had taken off weeks ago on another bender with no clue as to his where-abouts leaving Bobby to wonder where the man was finding the money to do so since no one of any repute would be stupid enough to lend the man more money.
He trudged his way up the steps of their townhouse only to push the door open and find his father passed out across the rug he'd only just cleaned and he found he was glad that his father hadn't managed to sell that as well. "Move, I've work to do" Bobby sighed, kicking the man's leg as he passed to put down the small amount of groceries he'd just purchased.]
Age: [35]
Contact: [PM]
Other Characters: [n/a]
How did you hear about us?: [A friend stumbled onto the site]
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