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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

One Step, Two Step
July 4, 1890 — The Sanditon Resort
Julius Scrimgeour

"Mr. Scrimgeour," Helga greeted, taking his hand as the music began to fill the air. It seemed like only yesterday that they'd danced together, and while she was more than pleased to be paired with a friendly face, his presence only reminded her of poor Lucy.

The death of her friend had put life into perspective: she could be vain and judgmental under the pretense of self-respect and deprive herself of friendship, or she could relax her expectations an get off her high horse. Mr. Scrimgeour was the type of person she would have cut from her life two years ago, but she was now determined to solidify the acquaintanceship.

"Once again we meet on the dance floor. I hope my dancing has not left a poor impression," she teased. He was light on his feet, but could she expect any less from a former auror?

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   Jack Cardew, Julius Scrimgeour

set by MJ! <3
"I should run hastily in the opposite direction, were that the case," Julius joked in answer, deftly guiding Miss Scamander through the familiar steps of a waltz.

To frolic upon the dance floor had not been the wizard's intention in attending the evening's ball, but Julius had to admit, he was relieved to have a familiar face (and the enjoyable company that came with it!) as his first prescribed dance of the evening. Miss Scamander was becoming rather a regular companion on the dance floor, a fact that Julius did not mind in the least.

"As for myself, I do hope I've not yet led you astray!"
— @"Helga Scamander" —

[Image: hcvhx7z.png]
graphics by mj ♥ —
Helga could not avoid the smile that found itself on her lips. He was a man of humor, which was good; Helga despised nothing more than a bore, and a bore on the dance floor was worse than any type of bore!

"I would not dare let you know if you had," she quipped. It was difficult to miss the difference in height between them, but less noticeable was how his stride did not overtake her. Her mother had once advised her to seek a gentleman much taller than herself to avoid the shame of short sons, but she'd found that taller men were difficult dance partners. Their arms never fit in the right place, and worse: she always felt like a rag doll being dragged around. Mr. Scrimgeour, however, seemed to accommodate her just fine, whether he was aware of it nor not.

"Tell me, Mr. Scrimgeour," she said, pausing for a moment as they twirled, "Do you frequent the Sanditon, or has today's festivities drawn you from the serious life of the Ministry?" She'd never been to the Ministry, nor had she any reason to, but from what she'd gathered it was a dark place that drained the life out of its employees. (Or at least, it had drained all the fun out of her sister.)

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   Julius Scrimgeour

set by MJ! <3
This was treacherous ground (metaphorically; the dance floor itself was impeccable) and Julius knew he could not unburden himself upon Miss Scrimgeour with the tale of love lost.

"My dear sister suggested to me that I might be spending too much time focused upon my work," the wizard allowed instead, chuckling, "and as she possesses a great deal more wisdom than I myself can claim, I thought it best to take her advice. I admit," Julius added, "I have not yet been given cause to regret my decision in that regard!"
— @"Helga Scamander" —

[Image: hcvhx7z.png]
graphics by mj ♥ —
Helga had not heard of Miss Scrimgeour since the unfortunate incident, and her mind briefly wondered off to how she was faring. The girls had once attended school together, but the overlap in their friendship circles was so slight that Helga rarely spoke to her except through a mutual friend.

Helga only hoped she would not be the next Miss Scrimgeour—marred by a family member's scandal and left only as an afterthought.

"Sisters are good for that. We love our brothers dearly, but are not afraid to nag when a good nagging is needed," she jested, flashing a smile. She thought of Eugene, whom she used to pester to attend parties with her before his embarrassment of a marriage. Now he was practically widowed, and a father to an infant, at that!

"I've spent the last few days here enjoying the festivities," she said. Society had taken advantage of the new addition to the resort, and Helga found that she was growing more fond of the seaside every day. If only the Sanditon could construct an all-magical village nearby! "Have you have a chance to visit the Terrace?"

set by MJ! <3
"Not yet, I am afraid," Julius admitted sheepishly. As he could not admit his true reason for this aloud—he did not wish to encounter the Manwarings en masse—he did not elaborate. Instead, he asked Miss Scamander to do so. "I should welcome your own review of it."
— @"Helga Scamander" —

[Image: hcvhx7z.png]
graphics by mj ♥ —
"It's beautiful," she said with a smile. She hoped he would not just take her word for it, because she'd never had the mind for vivid descriptions. "I have not been inside one of the residences yet, but the exteriors fit the surroundings like a painting. Their gardener deserves an award, too. I've never walked along such an enchanted-looking pathway!" she added.

set by MJ! <3
"Then I shall endeavor to find the time to take it in myself," Julius replied, "if it comes so highly recommended." Perhaps in the autumn, when the Manwarings had returned home.

As the musicians played their final note, Julius withdrew his hands from Miss Scamandar with a friendly smile before turning to offer them his applause.
— @"Helga Scamander" —

[Image: hcvhx7z.png]
graphics by mj ♥ —
Helga smiled as they parted. She had to admit she found him a favorable partner on the dance floor, even if she was not sure he thought the same of her! Hopefully they would meet once more before the season's end.

Next on her dance card was Aristotle King. She knew of him, but she'd never had the pleasure of meeting him, let alone obtaining a formal introduction!

Aristotle King

set by MJ! <3
And just like that Aristotle's first dance was over and he wait for his next partner to approach him whilst he wondered if he would recognise them or know them at all. An unfamiliar woman approached him, and he smiled slightly at her. Despite his earlier reservations he was quite enjoying himself and the evening so far had been an interesting experience and he was meeting new and interesting people that who no doubt would come back to him later.

"Shall we begin, Miss.... "

[Image: age.png]
"Miss Scamander," she said brightly, allowing him to rest his arm on her upper back. He was just as tall as Mr. Scrimgeour; she only hoped he was just as light as on his feet.

As the music began, Helga focused her attention on the steps, but could not allow a dance with a stranger to go without conversation.

"So tell me, Mr. King, were you a Hufflepuff at school? I think I remember you from when I was a young student." He looked more familiar up close; she was almost certain they'd shared a house.

set by MJ! <3
"Scamander," He repeated after her and rested his arm on her back delighting at the physical contact.

"And yes, I was a Hufflepuff. I graduated in 1882 but that was eight years ago! You must have a very good memory." He took another look at the girl infront of him. She was familiar enough that they must've been at school together, in the same house even but he'd seen hundreds of faces since then. All beautiful and unique but eight years ago was a long time. He was impressed.

[Image: age.png]
It wasn't that long ago... was it? Well, at any point, it meant that Mr. King was old enough to be a proper suitor.

"I graduated back in '87. I had plenty of friends, so I'm sure we had a mutual one at some point," she explained. Her mind briefly went to Lucy—bless her poor soul!—before she nearly tripped over her own feet. She caught herself and smiled up in apology.

"How has life been since graduating Hogwarts? It's such a dull path for most women; men have plenty more opportunities," she conversed, hoping to extrapolate whatever data she could about him.

set by MJ! <3
"You may be more acquainted with my younger sister then, Calantha King. She only graduated last year."He smiled and politely ignored her slip. He usually wasn't the most athletic of people - he was a creative, an artist for goodness sake but Calantha's presence in his life had certainly given him enough practice on the dance floor. His younger sister loved to dance and he could remember many hours in his youth spent practicing with her. It had cured him of any clumsiness in that regard

"I went abroad after Hogwarts, I wanted to study the works of the Italian and French masters up close and personal. I only recently returned for my grandfathers funeral."

*Calantha King is a NPC feel free to use her as you like. She's a rambuncius Gryffindor who is considered quite modern though she still only aspires to marriage.

[Image: age.png]
The name Calantha King was more easily recognized than Mr. King's, and now the connection was clear. She'd never been friendly with many of the Gryffindors (her friends were usually Hufflepuffs or Slytherins) but they had a way of making themselves known to the entire school.

"I do remember her," she said with a simple nod. More interesting than a younger sister was his travels and apparent interest in the arts. Unfortunately, the music came to a stop just as Helga opened her mouth, and she flashed him an apologetic smile.

"You must promise to tell me all about it the next time we meet. I've never met an artist," she said with a genuine warmth that she rarely shared with anyone, let alone a stranger!

set by MJ! <3
He let her go as the music ended and gave a slight smile at her enthusiasm.

"I will next time," He promised, and wondered if he would return on that promise. If Calantha had her way he'd never leave England again so perhaps it would indeed happen, next time. He bid her farewell and walked back ready for the next dancer to approach and the next dance to begin.

[Image: age.png]

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