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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Cats and Hedgehogs
May 13, 1890 - Lower Levels of Hogwarts
It was evening, and Sweetie needed to rest for a minute after so much studying. Exams were quickly approaching. Soon Sweetie would be 'fighting' for her right to be among the ranks of the unspeakables. To have her dream job. After years of study, she was determined to achieve her goals. She did become an animagus at quite an early age, after all.

But now she needed to rest her mind. Too much studying would result in a lack of thinking all together, and she certainly didn't want that. So she decided to go for a stroll. Having notified a member of the Hogwarts staff, she was making her way down the halls in her cat form. After a while, she had made her way into the lower levels. Deciding that perhaps it was time to get back to the dorm, she stopped upon hearing an unfamiliar sound. It wasn't human noises, it sounded almost mouse-like. Slowly, and quietly, making her way down the hall and towards the corner, she made a very human-like peek around the corner to find... is that the same damn hedgehog?!

Aubrey Davis/Elias Grimstone

Another end of the year meant the kids were flapping about everywhere being frantic about exams of all kinds, which was half curse, half blessing. On the upside: they were too busy to notice him, mostly. On the downside: when they did, they usually wanted to use him as a spell-testing dummy.

Never gonna happen, suckers. Instead, Aubrey had trotted off out of the Slytherin Common Room to the kitchens for a hearty snack. He had dragged out a dish of all sorts he’d collected from right under the house elves’ noses, and had plopped himself down in a deserted nook of the darkened corridors to feast. He had been snuffling his way through a sticky iced bun for pudding when he looked up... and saw two large, glowing cat eyes rounding on him.

Aw, fuck.

Aubrey squeaked, his spines bristling in anticipation of an attack.

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   Acacia Darlington, William Abbott

Formerly known as Davis, Elijah Urquart's pet hedgehog.
Having been spotted, Sweetie scrunched her nose - as best as a cat face could manage - and promptly sat. Deciding further analysis of the situation was in order.

The younger students were more prone to using unsuspecting animal as test subjects before exams. However, Sweetie had turned an owl into a tea cup a week ago. So it was fair to assume that she was not beyond turning a hedgehog into a pincushion when the need occurred.

Noticing the pile of food next to the hedgehog, it did give Sweetie a surge of curiosity. How did a little hedgehog manage to sneak so much food out of the kitchen? While not a feast by human standards, the food was more than enough for one lone hedgehog. Which did leave Sweetie giving a brief glance around for any hedgehog companions before setting sights on the one before her once more.

The fucking cat just sat.

Fucking sat there in front of him. Just - looking. Blocking his way out of the corner, yes. Ready to pounce? Aubrey wasn’t sure. Maybe it wasn’t eyeing him and just eyeing the food?

How the fuck did he know? He’d never understood cats.

Tensed, Aubrey remained where he was, deliberating his options. He could make a run for it, and hope the cat didn’t catch him and chew him up and spit him out like a spiky furball. He could stay where he was, and curl up in a ball in the hedgehog way in the hopes the cat wouldn’t think ball of wool, I’ll play. But the cat hadn’t made its attack, and - unlike most hedgehogs he knew - Aubrey was no coward.

So, instead, keeping a careful eye on the creature in case its whiskers bloody quivered, Aubrey extended the finger of one of his claws, and sliced the iced bun up into two pieces. A way to make a truce, he thought, though he did not know cats’ opinions of iced buns. Very deliberately, Aubrey used his nuzzle to push the iced bun half a little along the floor to present it to the intruder, retreating to his corner slowly, warily.

Formerly known as Davis, Elijah Urquart's pet hedgehog.
The gears were turning in the hedgehog's mind. Sweetie could see that in it's eyes. Was she going to like the conclusion? She wouldn't really have appreciated needles smacking her if it decided to charge.

One thing was for sure, this seemed to be a rather unusual situation for the both of them. A cat would have attacked or gotten bored by now. A hedgehog likely would have fled. But how could she be certain. It wasn't like Hedgehog 101 was offered at Hogwarts.

Watching with vague curiosity, her eyes widened a hint as the hedgehog just cut a bun in half. And slid it over. Bloody hell. Could other hedgehogs do that?! If so, she now felt a bit bad about turning such seemingly intelligent creatures into pincushions.

Aubrey was very aware of the cat still sitting there, too aware not to notice the way it looked surprised at him. He was used to the usual cat reactions to a hedgehog: hissing, swatting with paws, knew the ones common to Slytherin, like that one whose ear he’d tried to chew off that time... but this stillness and silent surveyance was unsettling, to say the least.

And the cat had not, as yet, so much as sniffed the iced bun. He’d always considered cats rather predatory, in his situation, but maybe they were dumber than he’d thought. Very deliberately, then, Aubrey lowered his mouth to his half of the bun and took a big bite, chewing as if to say it’s for eating, you bloody idiot.

If the cat was going to try and eat him, he’d rather they got on with that, too.

Formerly known as Davis, Elijah Urquart's pet hedgehog.
That look in the damn thing's eyes. No, this wasn't normal. But then again.... Sweetie glanced at her own paw, then back at the hedgehog. Her eyes widened further before she turned back and grabbed her wand. "Your an animagus! An illegal animagus, I'm sure, given that no one has mentioned you by now. Change back!" She shouted.

Aubrey was used to living a life by sod’s law by now. Everything had gone wrong already; life couldn’t get much worse. So not much threw him off these days, considering. He lived in pockets and schoolbags and shoes, after all. He had pooped in shoes, too. He’d eaten worms. He had hedgehog children out in the forest somewhere, for crying out loud.

But the cat in front of him suddenly becoming a giant human in the small space of the corridor in front of him gave him such a fright he barely avoided the heart attack, and didn’t manage to avoid faceplanting into his half of the iced bun.

Licking sticky icing off his nose, Aubrey scuttled backwards in shock before he heard what the girl (who had owned a cat once, hadn’t she? He hadn’t known she was a bloody cat!!!) was accusing him of. An animagus.

Girl, if it were only that simple, Aubrey deadpanned in abject despair. It only came out in a snuffle, because he was still a hedgehog in body, and no amount of willpower was going to make him sprout human legs again and because able to relay this to her in the damned English language. She could yell at him to change back all day, if she liked. It would do no good.

Formerly known as Davis, Elijah Urquart's pet hedgehog.
Well, she had certainly startled this... this... person - having no clue how to identify the gender identity of a hedgehog. But a startle was all she got from the damn thing.

Oh, what was that spell to change an animagus back into a person? She was sure it had been addressed in club at one point. In all of her animagus studying. Nonetheless, she knew she couldn't just leave some person to go on sneaking around in disguise. "Fine, perhaps Miss Sykes will be able to make you change back." She snapped.

Quickly, yet carefully, snatching the creature up from the ground - holding the hedgehog on her palm by its belly so as not to get pricked. She headed for the Slytherin common room.

OOC - Either Aubrey could escape, or we could get Lauren involved in this and see where it goes. I leave it to you!

She suspected he was a human. This was everything Aubrey had dreamed of for so long. She would take him to Miss Sykes - the matron? - and someone would cast a spell and there he would be, human again, after all this time. Free.

What... what would it be like, being human again? There was some kind of barrier in his mind. You hate being a hedgehog, Aubrey told himself. You want to get out. You’ve been trying to get out for years. Now might be the time. He had been a Gryffindor once, he reminded himself. He would get to see his family again. He would be Aubrey again, not just Davis, not just someone’s pet scurrying around corridors. He would be in the real world, would be a footman again. Would...

In sheer nervousness and a reverie of deep thought, Aubrey did what he often did as a hedgehog, which was chew down on whatever was in front of him.

In this case, the cat-girl’s finger. His teeth sank in fearfully before he quite knew what he was doing, so much so that he began to taste blood.

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   Jupiter Smith

Formerly known as Davis, Elijah Urquart's pet hedgehog.
Quite frankly, Sweetie wasn't sure what to expect. The embarrassment of being wrong - though she didn't think she was - did hang at the back of her head. She hadn't really paid too much attention to her companion, if one was to call him that.

Thus the pain in her finger came as a shock, and as she shrieked in pain, she quickly shook the thing off of her. Tears stung at her eyes as she released a hex before quickly fleeing for the hospital wing. She neither knew nor cared if the hex landed. Later, she would wonder if anyone else would discover who that person was, and if they were to be caught.

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