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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Hello Again
February 1st

I'm sorry for writing so suddenly. I realize this will likely prove a monstrous inconvenience to you, but I did not think I could in good conscious stay away from England any longer with what I've heard from the news.

I am returning. Fully returning. With all of my immediate family dead I do not think there is anyone left to be hurt by the news of what I've become, and the Potter name may help my goals.

I realize this will put you in a very difficult position. It is best, I think, if we agree not to see each other.

Lyra Potter

August Echelon-Arnost

Dear Lyra,

What the fuck

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Dear Lyra,

It is for the best that we not see each other, perhaps, but I would like to nonetheless. It's been so long and I still - and then there is our son. Wouldn't you like to see Lysander?

Besides that, there is the grander question of your return. I have previously been linked to the Potter family, through you. We're going to end up linked again whether we seek it or not.

(And of course, perhaps - I do not want to stay away.)


Dear Lyra,

I'll admit that your letter - and your news - comes as somewhat of a shock to me.
I did not expect you to return, although I look forward to seeing the work you do here. I assume that you are up to date on the news re: the issue of 'half-breeds' in our United Kingdom? It's been an interesting few months. The baby, of course, is fine.

I agree. Do let me know if you need anything.

February 6th

Thank you for understanding. I shall do my best not to implicate you in anything from the past, should anything come to light. I did read recently about the dramatics at Hogwarts, but I confess my interest was more piqued by the string of recent murders.

I'm glad to hear your son is
Lyra Potter


Dear Lyra,

I'm interested to see your work when you arrive. I hadn't been aware that the news of the murders had made it, so to speak, across the pond - not sure the DMLE has made any progress, anyways.

February 11th

If they have found the culprits or made progress, that news certainly did not travel. Given the circumstances, though, I can hardly claim to be surprised. Vampires have never made the most cooperative citizens in magical Britain (if you can call them citizens at all; I know the point is debated in some circles).

I arrived in London yesterday.

Lyra Potter


Dear Lyra,

Welcome back across the pond.

Political theory tends to discuss the concept of 'citizen' in terms of who can vote and who cannot. This would place vampires as part of the magical political community, but perhaps not as part of the citizenry - which is not right, as the decisions made by the 'citizenry' (of magical men) directly impact their lives. This is an argument often made in terms of women by my female colleagues. But in terms of membership they are certainly members, or at least some vampires are - making them citizens.

If they've found culprits then they haven't publicized it, and my friends from the other side of the bench haven't mentioned it, either.

[Image: PxGk0D8.jpg]
set by Bree
June 13th

I hope this letter proves no inconvenience to you. I had endeavored not to write if it could be helped, but — well, perhaps with the fog shutting down your neighborhood, the comings and goings of an owl will not prove particularly conspicuous.

I had a letter from Mrs. Potter after the news came out — my brother Bennet's widow. She offered to let me meet the children (one Bennet's, and two Darcy's, though all in her care) which was very kind of her. I believe the plan to do so will be postponed until after the fog has gone, but she did send me a picture of Jameson Potter. I believe he is of an age with your son — or close to it, though I suppose now that I think he must have been at least half a year older, given when Darcy passed — but at any rate — he does look to be something like what I had always imagined — that is —

This will seem horribly sentimental, so much so that I hesitate even to put it down in words, and I am not at all sure of the wisdom of asking but I feel now that I must, having come this far. Could you tell me about him?


Dear Lyra,

I would love to tell you about him.

Lysander is tall for his age (unsurprising.) He's a gentle child and has started to lobby me for a puppy. His favorite playmate is Alexander Pettigrew, T. Pettigrew's son, who is a year older than he is. I'm rather pleased with this, as Thom is also his godfather.

Lysander has always liked books - again, unsurprising - and my nanny has started to teach him his letters, a little earlier than she'd originally intended to but he's certainly interested in them. He likes stories of all kinds, and is constantly asking me to tell him one. My mother purchased him a kaleidoscope in March and he has since been fascinated by it. He also likes - well, really all children's games, although I must confess that he does not play outside very often.

I've enclosed a picture of him*, but it's a tad outdated - I took him to get fitted for eyeglasses shortly after it was taken, and he's been wearing them for the past month. I suppose that it makes him look scholarly, inasmuch as a child can.
* Lysander of a few months ago is lying on the carpeted floor of August's office, tinkering with a wooden soldier and sticking his tongue out at the photographer (presumably his father.) It's a moving photograph.

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   Lyra Potter
June 15th

Thank you for indulging my poor sentimentality. Your words do the boy credit and I am sure he is quite a remarkable child.

I will keep your letter and the picture until both crumble to dust, but for the sake of my heart, please, tell me no more. I ought not to have written to ask in the first place.

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   August Echelon-Arnost

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