April 24, 1890 - CoMC Classroom
Ricky had dealt with plenty of creatures since her own graduation from Hogwarts. While the Streeler was not one that she dealt with commonly, it was a rather fascinating one. This lead to her hope that her class might actually take some interest in today's discussion. Talking of animals that were too frightening did tend to make the more light hearted ladies of the room actually faint, and a too common animal might already be a student's household pet. While one might adore hearing about Mittens every now and again, it did get rather boring.
Never the less, it was Ricky's job to get this information to her students weather they were entertained or not, and the Streeler was their topic thus far. "Native to Africa, the Streeler has been known to be bred by wizards in Europe, Asia, and North America. Can anyone tell me what Ministry classification a Streeler has, and what reasons this classification has been chosen for such a creature?"
Never the less, it was Ricky's job to get this information to her students weather they were entertained or not, and the Streeler was their topic thus far. "Native to Africa, the Streeler has been known to be bred by wizards in Europe, Asia, and North America. Can anyone tell me what Ministry classification a Streeler has, and what reasons this classification has been chosen for such a creature?"
First poster can assume their hand was picked first. FYI, there is only a drawing of a Streeler on the board. No need for alarm.
Aleksei Nichols, Elijah Urquart, Thomas Montgomery, Cameron Gillenwater, Hestia Fairchild, Madeline Bell, Camille Scrimgeour, Calla Potts, Clue Leverett, Narcissus Laurent, Alcyone Slughorn, Gretchen Lestrange, Holly Scrimgeour, Sloane Bixby