March 21st, 1890 — The Crouch Apartment, Paris
The translucent emerald vial clutched tightly in her hand wasn't entirely dissimilar to the one that had drastically altered her life weeks ago. It housed another illegal potion procured through questionable means as a potential solution to an unexpected complication. Melody's limited access to research (one of the hardest consequences for her to bear in the aftermath of eloping) promised no guarantees of its effectiveness. Some cases produced the desired results, whilst others led to horrid outcomes. But, after nearly three weeks of sitting on the realization of her pregnancy, Melody knew she had no other alternatives. She had to rid herself of the babe before it became a more obvious problem.
Changes, both subtle and not, had already begun to make their appearance. Her near constant state of nausea caused a decrease in appetite so severe her already slight build appeared even thinner. Somehow, mercifully really, she had yet to hurl with Ben present (though that record was becoming increasingly hard not to break). Her breasts, while not yet a drastically different size, were overly sensitive and ached from the restrictions of her corset. And now, underneath her heavy layers, was a slight swell unmistakable to someone as familiar with their body as she. Despite her every effort to ignore her condition, there was little denying it now.
All there was left to do was act.
Melody endlessly paced the cramped apartment as she struggled to convince herself to drink the potion. It wasn't a devotion to the baby that extinguished her flash of courage. Motherhood had always seemed like a far off eventuality to her — a reality she had years yet to reconcile with. The responsibility of raising morally decent people was one woefully unprepared for, for how could she teach someone to do the right thing when she'd committed every wrong herself? Even perfect Maisie had waited at least a year before announcing her first pregnancy, as did several of her married friends. It wasn't fair that she (perhaps the most unmarried married person there was) fell pregnant after only one night. What a cruel trick of fate the universe decided to play on her, for had Ben not decided to stay with her she truly would be destitute now.
To speak of fairness would mean to acknowledge the harm she was (once again!) causing her husband. Despite what he may believe, Melody was convinced he would be a wonderful father. He was thoughtful and responsible (when required, anyway). He placed other's happiness above his own. He was always honest about himself with her. Were she not in the equation Ben would grow into an excellent father. However, there was no mistaking her part in parenting this child whom she only recently begun to have dreams of. Thoughts of their beautiful baby came unbidden once more: a boy with her curls and his charm. A heartbreaker from infancy. A warm complexion and sparkling eyes. A bog with wit and knowledge. A mischiveous devil.
An angel.
Tears welled in her eyes and bile rose in her throat as she removed the vial's stopper once more. Ben and she were only just beginning to adjust to their new reality. His trust in her was still, and would likely always be, shattered. The foundation for a bridge between them was only just beginning to form. She refused to bring a baby into a marriage in shambles. Not to mention there was still an insurmountable mountain of obstacles to work through before they could contemplate adding another person to the mix. Melody's rushed actions had hindered his freedoms — she didn't want to further the entrapment with the task of fatherhood. Ben deserved better than that. Ben deserved a chance to be happy when becoming a parent. Melody refused to steal that joy from him too.
It was only by a sheer force of will that she hadn't yet shed a tear. Her hands shook with an unease she had never experienced. This potion didn't just house the means to rid herself of a pregnancy, it also contained heartache and grief. An inexplicable sadness. Apologies to Ben, to the unborn baby, to herself echoed through her thoughts like a well known mantra. Forgiveness was a grace she would no longer deserve.
'This has to be done. It has to be done. It has-'
Behind her, the door to the apartment opened.
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beautiful set by mj