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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

After Christmas Comes New Years You Know
December 16, 1889 - Diagon Alley
Christmas shopping had been done over a month ago, Earth had been so excited. The tree was up, and it looked like a true vision. At the moment, she was looking for supplies for her New Years night party. Perhaps it was a bit foolish of her to be out and about shortly before the baby was due, but she couldn't get herself to stay still for too long.

Her house was almost ready, but she wanted to buy more candles. Pretty ones with fancy designs. Perhaps some with little mice running around in the wax. Not real mice of course. Just little carvings. Oh, they could even be enchanted to look like they danced. She was sure that she had seen that in one of the windows.

Everyone passed by. Some looked at her with an odd look for being out and about this pregnant, especially in this could weather. But she was snug in her coats and always one to wish to keep busy.

Upon bumping into someone as she was glancing at one of the window displays, she shrieked and felt terribly sorry for the other person who had dropped a few things in the process. It wasn't like Earth could really bend down and help pick things up. "I am so sorry."

MJ made magic
Eli had been sent out to run a few errands. Even those who frequented Knockturn Alley needed to peruse Diagon Alley from time to time. His arms were wrapped around a basket that included some food, some nice bits of parchment, and a couple miscellaneous parcels whose contents he wasn't sure of.

It had been quite some time since he had completed his tasks, and he now found himself aimlessly wandering about, just taking in the general holiday hubbub and decorations. It was all so magical in its own way that he found himself transfixed.

While staring at a rather enchanting display of a miniature Hogwarts Express, decked out in holly, flying behind a pane of glass, he felt someone collide with him. His basket caught the brunt of it, and he fumbled about to catch it, but it ended up clattering to the ground.

Without looking up, he hurriedly gathered everything back into his arms before turning to stare at the pregnant belly that he was practically eye level with. His gaze drifted up to the woman's face, and he gave her a noncommittal sort of shrug. Perhaps, he was used to being trod upon. After all, he was a scrawny waif of a child who made such little noise; it was fairly easy to not realize he was even there at all.

It was a little boy, which made her feel even worse about bumping into him. With only a shrug for a response, she made a small noise of distress. "Are you alright? Can I help you with something?" She asked quickly.

She looked around briefly, wondering when his parents were going to come and fret over him even more. But no other adult looked overly concerned. Odd. "Where are your parents, or nanny?" She asked softly as she looked back to the boy.

MJ made magic
Eli didn't quite understand Earth's noise of distress. He just hoped it didn't mean she was about to suddenly have her baby right then and there. To her first two questions, the young chimney sweep answered them in order with a swift nod and quick shake of his head respectively. He was no worse for wear, even though his basket items had been jostled all over the place.

Although, quiet, his face could be rather expressive when he willed it to. His gaze flicked down to Earth's stomach, and he raised a concerned eyebrow as if he was more worried about harming her than anything else. He didn't want to be responsible for accidentally murdering an unborn child.

Her final question had the lad blinking in confusion. He was certainly old enough for a profession, which meant he was past the age of needing parents or some sort of nursemaid shadowing him all day. It always perplexed him that children of his same age, in higher social classes, were babied in such a way.

[Image: sit32P.jpg]

Cuteness thanks to Lady <3
What a quiet little boy. No wonder Earth hadn't noticed the poor boy. The responses were rather creative in lack of speech. Was he a mute? Poor dear. Looking down at her stomach after he gave it a concerned look, she laughed softly. "Oh no, dear. I'm fine." She assured in a way only a mother could.

He was confused, and that didn't sit well with Earth. Then again, many orphans did find themselves on the streets at some point if they didn't come from a more well off family. "I see. Well, would you like me to escort you to your destination? It would be no trouble." She offered.

MJ made magic
Eli didn't appear to be all that convinced that Earth would be okay. She certainly looked as if she might just give birth any day. Then again, he didn't quite know that much about reproduction to begin with. He just knew that his mother, who had birthed more children than he could even remember, had looked that way, and it seemed like it had happened very suddenly.

Her question had him looking uneasy, but likely not for any reason she might think. He was headed to Knockturn Alley, and he was sure someone like her probably wouldn't want to find herself down that way. She seemed a bit too proper for their likes.

Eli quickly shook his head and held on to his basket a bit more securely.

[Image: sit32P.jpg]

Cuteness thanks to Lady <3
Did the child really not trust her? She supposed that this was likely given that he didn't know her. "Are you sure?" Just wanting to make it clear. It would eat at her all day if she didn't make sure he didn't want help.

MJ made magic
Eli nodded rather quickly, trying to be sure she understood that he was absolutely sure. He didn't want to be responsible for a woman, who looked near enough to pop, being robbed blind or injured by some strange magical object. He had some morals. Some.

[Image: sit32P.jpg]

Cuteness thanks to Lady <3
Of course, Earth was oblivious to these worries of the child. How could she possibly know? All she knew was that he certainly didn't want her help. "Well, alright then. Get somewhere warm, alright? You must be freezing." She advised. At least she could try to do some good before he was on his way.

MJ made magic
Eli lifted his shoulders as if to say he didn't particularly feel the cold, but, whether she'd glean his meaning from the single shrug was up in the air. He followed it up with a bob of his head. He really shouldn't be dawdling anyhow. He needed to get the supplies back to the shop. With one last look at her, he skittered off, disappearing in a crowd of people. He didn't need her following him to Knockturn Alley.

[Image: sit32P.jpg]

Cuteness thanks to Lady <3

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