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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Parthenope Lufkin
Full Name: Parthenope [Parth-en-o-pee] Dorothea Lufkin
Nicknames: Thea
Birthdate: December 17th, 1854
Current Age: 35
Occupation: Hufflepuff Matron
Reputation: 8 — she was born into the upper class but due to lifestyle choices since the death of her parents she has slunk down to the middle class. She is very opinionated and unashamed of it.
Residence: Hogwarts during term time,
Ottery St. Catchpole the rest of the year
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: 13” Ash & Phoenix Feather
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle class
Family: Amaranth Lufkin nee Urquart — Mother
Erastus Lufkin — Father
Fullbright Lufkin — Brother
Avelot Lufkin — Sister
Appearance: A little taller than average at 5'4", Thea only really cuts an imposing figure when she's got a fire in her eyes and is feeling passionate about something. Her eyes are a dark blue which contrasts somewhat with her dark brown hair although not as much as a lighter of blue shade might. Generally she has a kindly expression on her face but when the mood takes her it can vanish in an instant. Her figure is quite curvy with or without the aid of a corset but not to an extreme. She favors dresses that make her look smart and functional and rarely opts for excessive frills and lace. She is right handed for wandwork and writing.

December, 1854 | Parthenope Lufkin is born the second child and first daughter to upper class parents.

1855 | Not quite a year old, Parthenope catches a life-threatening respiratory illness which nearly kills her. The start of her illness was picked up earlier than it might have been when she started sneezing sparks. Initially her parents were pleased to hear their youngest child was indeed magical but it was this close attention to her that brought symptoms of her illness to light and prompted medical attention. Her mother would later retell the incident as the story of how she saved her own life.

1859 | Fullbright goes to Hogwarts leaving Parthenope as the only child in the house.

1860 | Briefly. Avelot is born and Thea finds it all very confusing. The experience of gaining a sibling becomes distressing when her mother is sent away shortly after. Unbeknownst to Thea at the time, Amaranth Lufkin had nearly died in childbirth and on the recommendation of the healer she was sent off to an easier climate to convalesce as soon as she was able to travel.

December, 1861 | A lot has changed since Avelot's arrival including long periods without either parent while Erastus visited his ailing wife and Avelot herself, now over a year old. Thea has grown a little impetuous and rambunctious in the hopes of seeking the parental attention that suddenly isn't there anymore. Her governess struggles to keep her charge in line and laments that she is 'too clever for a girl'. Just in time for Christmas (and Thea's birthday), however, Erastus returns home with his recovered wife in tow.

1866 | Parthenope is finally old enough to attend Hogwarts. Having eventually grown into the role of older sister, it is a little bittersweet leaving Avelot behind but the allure of going to school far outweighs it. To everyone's surprise, including her own, she is passed over for Gryffindor and placed firmly in Hufflepuff. She is sure the hat misread her brain and for the first few weeks is at odds with her house. Eventually, however, she starts to make friends and settle in.

1868 | Parthenope chooses her electives which are Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies, and Ancient Runes.

1871 | OWL year! Thea performs above averagely in most of her subjects thanks to a fair amount of studying. This is the year that her female classmates start talking about their futures all the damn time. Or so it seems to Parthenope who doesn't really enjoy these discussions when they crop up. Her budding feminist views prove to be a little out there for most of her friends so she learns quickly to keep them to herself.

Avelot joins her at Hogwarts come September.

1873 | Dreading the NEWTs because they signal the end of her time at Hogwarts, Thea tries to bury herself in her studies but stress holds her back. Her results are not as impressive as her OWLs but as those trying to reassure her say, 'you won't be needing them anyway'.

To her own surprise her first season in society isn't as bad as she thought, she makes the acquaintance of Mr. ___ and they hit it off.

1874 | Mr. ___ formally starts courting her and it becomes something of a whirlwind romance. At least on her end anyway. Several months in and he seems to be hinting at plans to propose to her by dropping not so subtle hints about his expectations in a wife. For Parthenope this is where she came crashing back down into reality. For all of Mr. ___'s fine, progressive and moralistic talk, when it came to women his feelings were very much in line with the rest of upper class society. It wasn't so much that she'd expected him to be a radically liberal husband, but it showed her that he didn't respect her in the way she thought he had.

The proposal eventually comes and Thea firmly declines. He's not heartbroken but he makes it emphatically clear that he doesn't understand why and she's making a huge mistake. Thea disagrees.

The sense of betrayal from her once suitor encourages her to start reading feminist literature, a choice that does not go down well with her parents who are still displeased that she'd turned down Mr. ___.  Her interest in politics heightens also and she starts growing further disillusioned with society.

1875 | Hoping her strange behavior was just a phase after her failed courtship, Thea's parents decide that after several months it probably isn't and they send her off to Finishing school in Europe. This does not go down well. If anything, being in such a restrictive environment deepens Parthenope's resentment towards society. She does poorly at the school until she makes a likeminded friend.

1876 | Parthenope returns to Britain a finished lady. At least that's what her parents believe until she opens her mouth. Time at finishing school indeed drummed strict etiquette into her head but it also fostered a deeper cynicism and greater confidence in expressing her opinions. Surprisingly this does not make her wildly popular in society, although many are intrigued by her initially.

1877 | The muggles find out about magic and things get a bit ugly. The family shut up the house in Ottery St. Catchpole and acquire a shiny new residence in Hogsmeade.

1878 | Avelot graduates Hogwarts and Parthenope takes her under her wing. Her parents grow concerned for their unspoiled daughter and ship her off to finishing school to keep them apart.

1880 | Avelot returns and they start learning how to be sisters again. Thea wants her sister to understand her views so she might avoid a miserable life but she gives the impression she's more receptive than she actually is. A gentleman shows interest in courting her sister and Thea makes the mistake of very openly opposing it, thus pushing her sister away. Their relationship fractures as Thea does everything she can to break them up to the point that her parents send her away to stay with an elderly great aunt while the courtship plays out. Thea isn't allowed back until the evening before her sister's wedding day which doesn't stop her from making one last ditch effort to make her sister see things her way the morning of. Avelot is furious and demands she leave and not attend the wedding at all.

1881 | Parthenope secretly joins a secret feminist society and continues to be estranged from her sister. In the meantime she is now living as a companion to her elderly aunt which she doesn't hate as much as she thought she would.

1884 | Her cousin is elected Minister of Magic. Fire in Hogsmeade takes the lives of both of her parents in one fell swoop. This upsets her greatly, especially as they hadn't seen eye to eye in several years and hadn't yet reconciled. Her parents leave her the shut up house in Ottery St. Catchpole while everything else, literally everything, goes to Fullbright. Unwilling to ditch her aunt whom she has grown fond of, she doesn't immediately move.

1888 | Her aunt dies and she is suddenly almost alone in the world. She's still in contact with her brother who is fond of her but he's largely unsympathetic with her plight, believing she could have avoided it all if she hadn't been an idiot. Thea moves into the old house which has fallen into light state of disrepair in the 12 years it stood empty. With some money she inherited from her late great aunt, she is able to make the place at least livable but it's a severe decline in living standards.

1889 | Money grows tight and her brother gives her only enough to keep food on the table and a maid. She decides it's time to seek an occupation now that she's out of mourning and in serious need to renovate the house. She finally finds employment as a matron at Hogwarts, not that that salary is going to restore a mansion but it does put a dry roof over her head.

1890 | Hello Hogwarts!

Personality: Headstrong. Loyal. Outspoken. Friendly. Fair. Just. Hardworking. Confident.
Other: N/A
Name: Olive
Age: No
Contact: PM for IMs

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— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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