Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Twelve Days of Charming 2019
The 12 Days of Charming

Ho ho ho! Santa Kayte is here again this year to bring you the 12 Days of Charming. To those new to our ranks (or extra forgetful), 12 Days is, quite literally, twelve days, in which each day brings with it a new challenge, riddle, or puzzle for you to solve. Complete all twelve to earn the 12 Days stamp!

Stamps not your jam? This is for you anyways—each day has one to ten (or on some days, unlimited!) prizes available to be won on a first done, first served basis! I won’t tell you specifically what they are (what would be the fun in that?), but I can tell you that several Charmers have been enlisted as elves and, as always, the December Challenge stamp is buried in there somewhere…

Check back on Tuesday, December 10th for day one!

The following 1 user Likes Aldous Crouch's post:
   Elladora Black

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Day I

Welcome to this year's 12 Days of Charming!

Today, a trivia question:

Which currently active character is the youngest on board?

PM the answer to this account by 10:59pm EST to qualify!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Day II

The answer to yesterday's trivia question was Leo Lupin—though physically slightly older than the other popular option (Loren Bilton), chronologically he is definitely the youngest active! Everyone who answered took home 5HP for they house of their choosing. 

Today, a  writing prompt:

Victorian Britain saw many a holiday tradition. In a post of 300+ words, depict one! This post must be set during the month of December and be posted on Dec 11th, 2019. It can be a starter or a reply to an existing thread.

PM a link to your post to this account by 10:59pm EST to qualify!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

Yesterday, Fallin, MJ, Kelly, Ocean, and Lauren each earned an Immortality Discount! In addition, everyone who participated contributed to their streak!

Today, we have Three French Hens on the loose!

Find the three characters whose avatars have been changed to the Frenchest of hens!

PM the afflicted usernames to this account by 10:59pm EST to qualify!

The following 1 user Likes Aldous Crouch's post:
   Amelia Evans

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Day IV

@"Eavan MacKay", Gilbert Whitechapel, and Bragi Holm have been transfigured back into their humanoid selves, while Lauren, Kelly, and Lady each picked up an Against the Odds! In addition, everyone who participated contributed to their streak!

Today, though, we're going to spread some love for day four!

Pen some anonymous compliments to be sent to four of your fellow Charmers!

PM your compliments and their intended recipients to this account by 10:59pm EST to qualify!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Day V

Ugh the "write nice things" challenge always makes me feel so warm and fuzzy! Notes will be forwarded shortly, but I wanted to get day 5's challenge up because it's a bit more labour-intensive. Yesterday, Fallin, Lauren, RSG, and Kelly each picked up a set with rotating avatars from MJ! In addition, everyone who participated contributed to their streak!

Today, a writing challenge:

Take one, leave one—reply to one of our lonely threads before creating (and leaving a link to) one of your own!

PM a link to each post to this account by 10:59pm EST to qualify!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Day VI

Yesterday everyone who participated took home the December Challenge stamp. In addition, everyone who participated contributed to their streak.

Today, the “crossword-ish-puzzle” has returned! Simply solve each clue. The bolded letters will form the final “code word”, but to make things more entertaining to me, you’ll need to provide a gif that matches the code word in order to “win” the day! I would encourage the use of a desktop or tablet rather than phone to maximize visibility.

1. The fuzziest Marauder. _ _ _ _ _ [_] _ _ _ _
2. Looks an awful lot like Melody Finch..._ _ _ _ _[_] _ _ _ _ _
3. What are you doing December 19th? I'll be at the _ _ _ _ [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. Had a promising auror career ruined by his family members #ugh[_] _ _ _ _ _
5. It’s bad luck to say his name out loud, probably. _ [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _

PM your gif to this account by 10:59pm EST to qualify!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

More than halfway there! Yesterday everyone who participated took home 10HP for the house of their choosing. In addition, everyone who participated contributed to their streak.

The codeword was JOLLY, and the puzzle can be solved as follows:

1. The fuzziest Marauder. REMUS LUPIN
2. Looks an awful lot like Melody Finch...ASHLEY MOORE
3. What are you doing December 19th? I'll be at the CAND LE LIGHTING
4. Had a promising auror career ruined by his family members #ughJULIUS
5. It’s bad luck to say his name out loud, probably. VOLDEMORT

Today, you'll be writing me a post! It can be any type of post, but must include all of the following words. Please bold them so I can pick them out quickly!
House (Houses)
Mouse (Mice)
PM a link to your post to this account by 10:59pm EST to qualify!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

Yesterday Fallin snagged herself a featured want-ad. In addition, everyone who participated contributed to their streak.

Today, the “crossword-ish-puzzle” is back to torture you again! Simply solve each clue. The bolded letters will form the final “code word” when unscrambled, but to make things more entertaining to me, you’ll need to provide a gif that matches the code word in order to “win” the day! I would encourage the use of a desktop or tablet rather than phone to maximize visibility.

1. What you did to those muggles was unforgivable!_ _ _ [_] _ _ _
2. The longest-serving member of our admin team[_] _ _ _ _
3. Speak clearly when you're using the..._ _ _[_]_ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. Aces at decapitating elderly house elves._ [_] _ _ _ _ _ _
5. The largest Jewish family in Hogsmeade. [_] _ _ _
6. Sand, sun, and sirens at the_ [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. This is one baby you don't want to hear cry..._ _ [_] _ _ _ _ _
8. Using the spell stupefy will do this to your opponent. [_] _ _ _
9. The most treacherous Gryffindor that ever there was. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _[_]

PM your gif to this account by 10:59pm EST to qualify!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Day IX

Who dropped the ball? Hint: it's me! After an accidental day off, we're back to our glorious days of Charming!

For day 8, everyone picked up a set or moodboard from Lady (Amelia Evans). In addition, everyone who participated contributed to their streak.

The codeword was SNOWFLAKE, with solutions as follows

1. What you did to those muggles was unforgivable!IMPERIO
2. The longest-serving member of our admin teamKAYTE
3. Speak clearly when you're using the...FLOO NETWORK
4. Aces at decapitating elderly house elves.ELLADORA
5. The largest Jewish family in Hogsmeade. FISK
6. Sand, sun, and sirens at theSANDITON
7. This is one baby you don't want to hear cry...MANDRAKE
8. Using the spell stupefy will do this to your opponent. STUN
9. The most treacherous Gryffindor that ever there was. PETTIGREW

Today, a say what you see. These images combine together to make a word or phrase—can you crack the code?

PM your answer to this account by 10:59pm EST to qualify!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Day X

Yesterday, everyone picked up a moodboard from MJ (Elias Grimstone). In addition, everyone who participated contributed to their streak.

The codeword was CHOCOLATE BUTTONS ;)

Today's challenge is simple: simply make a post participating in one of December's many events!

PM your post link to this account by 10:59pm EST to qualify!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Day XI

We're almost at the finish line!

Yesterday, Lauren, Kit, and MJ each picked up 25HP for the house of their choosing! In addition, everyone who participated contributed to their streak.

Today's challenge is to PM me who your favourite character other than your own is (and why!). After all, why should players get all the love?

PM this account by 10:59pm EST to qualify!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

I was going to call it "The Final Day of Charming" but that seemed FAR too ominous xD

Yesterday, everyone who participated contributed to their streak. They also got to gift prizes to other members—after all, isn't generosity what the holidays are all about?

Who are some of Charming's favourite characters, you ask?

Quote:My favorite character is Acacia Ruskin because she is such a greatly written character. I love how she stands up for her beliefs and does her best to not let her half breed status mar how she lives her life. She is protective of her friends and family and just so well rounded in her development. She is just such a beautiful person, inside and out and I always look forward to seeing what Kelly has in store next for her.

Quote:My favorite character is Holly Scrimgeour. I love her sassy attitude and determination to get what she wants. Her inner conflict between her mean spirited nature and what society expects from a lady is marvelous. Watching her relationship with Connie develop is wonderful, especially since it greatly conflicts with Holly's blood purity views. I really look forward to seeing the woman she grows up to be.

Quote:Ugh!!! So hard to pick! But I definitely stalk anything that Tybalt Kirke is in! Mj's characterization of him is so amusing to read. Plus, Tybsie. But still even without the romance he's such a loveable goofball!

Quote:Tybalt Kirke is my favorite. He gets himself into trouble but always has a sense of humor about it. While he does love deeply things arent just given to him and he has to work to get what he wants and sometimes sacrifice it too. Plus his internal dialog is fantastic!

Quote:It seems only right now she's entering her final days to take a moment to celebrate Ursula Black. Since I joined Charming Ursula has been a constant source of amusement and drama: I love her histrionics, her bad decision making, her ability to seduce and dispose of lovers without the slightest shame, her terrible marital relationship but most of all I enjoy threading with her so much. It's been a privilege and a pleasure to witness Olive creating disaster after disaster and the nicest compliment I can give is that I'm genuinely concerned Elladora will never recover after her death.


Today's challenge asks you to break out your inner songwriter to compose lyrics for "The Twelve Days of Charming"! While there are only three large prizes today, I'm throwing in something small for everyone else that participates, too :) I'll share the lyrics with everyone tomorrow!

PM your lyrics this account by 11:59pm PST to qualify!

The following 2 users Like Aldous Crouch's post:
   Melody Crouch, Ursula Black

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
All Wrapped Up!

Yesterday, Kelly, Kit, Nichole, Fallin, and Lauren each earned a Golden Ticket allowing them to bypass one round of the upcoming Winter Labyrinth! I know I said only three people would but hey, it's Christmas ;)

And thus, the 12 Days of Charming come to an end! Kit (Roberto Devine) and Kit alone has completed the full streak, but I have full confidence y'all can do it next year ;)

Before we go, some lovely songs for you to cherish this holiday season!

Acacia Ruskin Wrote:The Twelve Days of Charming

On the first day of Charming
My true love gave to me
A whole lot of plotting with thee

On the second day of Charming
My true love gave to me
Two crazy disasters
And a whole lot of plotting with thee

On the third day of Charming
My true love gave to me
Three French debutantes
Two crazy disasters
And a whole lot of plotting with thee

On the fourth day of Charming
My true love gave to me
Four calling cards
Three French debutantes
Two crazy disasters
And a whole lot of plotting with thee

On the fifth day of Charming
My true love gave to me
Five gold ships
Four calling cards
Three French debutantes
Two crazy disasters
And a whole lot of plotting with thee

On the sixth day of Charming
My true love gave to me
Six animagi transforming
Five gold ships
Four calling cards
Three French debutantes
Two crazy disasters
And a whole lot of plotting with thee

On the seventh day of Charming
My true love gave to me
Seven lovers eloping
Six animagi transforming
Five gold ships
Four calling cards
Three French debutantes
Two crazy disasters
And a whole lot of plotting with thee

On the eighth day of Charming
My true love gave to me
Eight potions a brewing
Seven lovers eloping
Six animagi transforming
Five gold ships
Four calling cards
Three French debutantes
Two crazy disasters
And a whole lot of plotting with thee

On the ninth day of Charming
My true love gave to me
Nine witches laughing
Eight potions a brewing
Seven lovers eloping
Six animagi transforming
Five gold ships
Four calling cards
Three French debutantes
Two crazy disasters
And a whole lot of plotting with thee

On the tenth day of Charming
My true love gave to me
Ten lords a courting
Nine witches laughing
Eight potions a brewing
Seven lovers eloping
Six animagi transforming
Five gold ships
Four calling cards
Three French debutantes
Two crazy disasters
And a whole lot of plotting

On the eleventh day of Charming
My true love gave to me
Eleven owls flying
Ten lords a courting
Nine witches laughing
Eight potions a brewing
Seven lovers eloping
Six animagi transforming
Five gold ships
Four calling cards
Three French debutantes
Two crazy disasters
And a whole lot of plotting

On the twelfth day of Charming
My true love gave to me
12 adoptabes taken
Eleven owls flying
Ten lords a courting
Nine witches laughing
Eight potions a brewing
Seven lovers eloping
Six animagi transforming
Five gold ships
Four calling cards
Three French debutantes
Two crazy disasters
And a whole lot of plotting with thee

Roberto Devine Wrote:One the first day of Charming Christmas, my muse gave to me: a golden snidget in a pear tree.
On the second day of Charming Christmas,  my muse gave to me: two amortentia spiked tea cups
On the third day of Charming Christmas,  my muse gave to me: three Ewart Fraser singing hats
On the fourth day of Charming Christmas,  my muse gave to me: four French Beauxbaton graduates
On the fifth day of Charming Christmas,  my muse gave to me: five questionable bachelors!
On the sixth day of Charming Christmas,  my muse gave to me: six Olive andectodes!
On the seventh day of Charming Christmas,  my muse gave to me: seven witch weekly "exposed" scandals
On the eighth day of Charming Christmas,  my muse gave to me: eight Ministry disasters!
On the ninth day of Charming Christmas,  my muse gave to me: nine sentient snowmen
On the tenth day of Charming Christmas,  my muse gave to me: ten debutantes dancing in Tig's dancing plague
On the eleventh day of Charming Christmas,  my muse gave to me: eleven Missed Connection plots
On the twelfth day of Charming Christmas,  my muse gave to me: twelve Charming Stamps!

Calla Potts Wrote:One 12 Days of Charming for your amusement
On the first day of Charming
My potterverse gave to me
A PM in my inbox

On the second day of Charming
My potterverse gave to me
Two ruined reputations
And a PM in my inbox

On the third day of Charming
My potterverse gave to me
Three magical cities
Two ruined reputations
And a PM in my inbox

On the fourth day of Charming
My potterverse gave to me
Four new skins
Three magical cities
Two ruined reputations
And a PM in my inbox

On the fifth day of Charming
My potterverse gave to me
Five family scandals
Four new skins
Three magical cities
Two ruined reputations
And a PM in my inbox

On the sixth day of Charming
My potterverse gave to me
Six Quidditch teams
Five family scandals
Four new skins
Three magical cities
Two ruined reputations
And a PM in my inbox

On the seventh day of Charming
My potterverse gave to me
Seven years of Hogwarts
Six Quidditch teams
Five family scandals
Four new skins
Three magical cities
Two ruined reputations
And a PM in my inbox

On the eighth day of Charming
My potterverse gave to me
Eight sitewide plots
Seven years of Hogwarts
Six Quidditch teams
Five family scandals
Four new skins
Three magical cities
Two ruined reputations
And a PM in my inbox

On the ninth day of Charming
Me me me me me me
Nine years of memories
Eight sitewide plots
Seven years of Hogwarts
Six Quidditch teams
Five family scandals, badam-pam-pam
Four new skins
Three magical cities
Two ruined reputations
And a PM in my inbox

On the tenth day of Charming
My potterverse gave to me
Ten reputation points
Nine years of memories
Eight sitewide plots
Seven years of Hogwarts
Six Quidditch teams
Five family scandals, badam-pam-pam
Four new skins
Three magical cities
Two ruined reputations
And a PM in my inbox

On the eleventh day of Charming
My potterverse gave to me
Eleven new replies
Ten reputation points
Nine years of memories
Eight sitewide plots
Seven years of Hogwarts
Six Quidditch teams
Five family scandals, badam-pam-pam
Four new skins
Three magical cities
Two ruined reputations
And a PM in my inbox

On the twelfth day of Charming
My potterverse gave to me
Twelve wand innuendos
Eleven new replies
Ten reputation points
Nine years of memories
Eight sitewide plots
Seven years of Hogwarts
Six Quidditch teams
Five family scandals, badam-pam-pam
Four new skins
Three magical cities
Two ruined reputations
And a PM in my inbox

Percival Adlard Jr. Wrote:On the first day of Charming my true love gave to me an article in Witch Weekly
On the second day of Charming my true love gave to me two butter beers and an article in Witch Weekly
On the third day of Charming my true love gave to me three new wands, two butter beers and an article in Witch Weekly
On the fourth day of charming my true love gave to me four leaping brains, three new wands, two butter beers and an article in Witch Weekly
On the fifth day of charming my true love gave to me five golden snitches, four leaping brains, three new wands, two butter beers and an article in Witch Weekly
On the sixth day of Charming my true love gave to me six potions brewing, five golden snitches, four leaping brains, three new wands, two butter beers and an article in Witch Weekly
On the seventh day of Charming my true love gave to me seven werewolves howling, six potions brewing, five golden snitches, four leaping brains, three new wands, two butter beers and an article in Witch Weekly
On the eighth day of Charming my true love gave to me eight house elves baking, seven werewolves howling, six potions brewing, five golden snitches, four leaping brains, three new wands, two butter beers and an article in Witch Weekly
On the ninth day of Charming my true love gave to me nine veelas dancing, eight house elves baking, seven werewolves howling, six potions brewing, five golden snitches, four leaping brains, three new wands, two butter beers and an article in Witch Weekly
On the tenth day of Charming my true love gave to me ten owls a flying, nine veelas dancing, eight house elves baking, seven werewolves howling, six potions brewing, five golden snitches, four leaping brains, three new wands, two butter beers and an article in Witch Weekly
On the eleventh day of Charming my true love gave to me eleven vampires biting, ten owls a flying, nine veelas dancing, eight house elves baking, seven werewolves howling, six potions brewing, five golden snitches, four leaping brains, three new wands, two butter beers and an article in Witch Weekly
On the twelfth day of Charming my true love gave to me twelve vicious dragons, eleven vampires biting, ten owls a flying, nine veelas dancing, eight house elves baking, seven werewolves howling, six potions brewing, five golden snitches, four leaping brains, three new wands, two butter beers and an article in Witch Weekly

Elladora Black Wrote:Twelve Roaming Debutantes,
Eleven Hogwarts Teachers,
Ten Fisks Lighting Candles,
Nine Silvered Play-Bys,
Eight Played Canons,
Seven Staff A-Stressing,
Six Lively Forums,
Five Known Vampires,
Four Werewolves Hiding,
Three Exhausted Matrons,
Two Fairchilds Praying,
And the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.

The following 2 users Like Aldous Crouch's post:
   Billie Farrow, Elias Grimstone

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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