Full Name: Angeline (An-juh-leen) Astoria Malfoy.
Nicknames: Angel.
Birthdate: 21st June, 1867.
Current Age: Twenty-two.
Occupation: Debutante.
Reputation: Nine. No specific scandal but there are hints she may often be less than sober.
Residence: London.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin.
Wand: Cedarwood, flexible, 12 inches, cat whiskers core. Angel is left handed.
Blood Status: Pureblood.
Social Class: Upper.
Roderick Malfoy | Father | 1822-
Elisabeth Malfoy née Moreau | Father's First Wife | 1842-
Philippe Malfoy | Half-Brother | 1862-1862
Zandra Malfoy née Carrow | Mother | 1839-
Raphael Malfoy | Brother | 1865-
Estelle Malfoy | Sister | 1870-
Victoire Malfoy | Sister | 1872-
Barnabas Malfoy | Uncle | 1814-
Gwendoline Malfoy née Pierce | Aunt | 1831-
Titus Malfoy | Cousin and family | 1851-
Gaius Malfoy | Cousin and family | 1854-
Claudia Rowle née Malfoy | Cousin and family| 1858-1884
Flavia Malfoy | Cousin | 1864-
Appearance: Pale skinned as per the fashions – largely because she rarely goes out in the daytime – and in possession of startling green eyes, Angeline is as pretty a girl as any of her contemporaries and carries a number of the classic Malfoy traits. Standing at 5’3 she wears her sleek blonde hair up in the latest fashion unless she is alone or with family when it becomes slightly messier. You know Angel likes you if you've seen her with a less-than perfect coiffure. She dresses immaculately, as befits her wealth, and frequently copies Tig.
Pre-birth After losing one child in the crib and two more in the womb Roderick Malfoy begins to consider that his bride, despite being twenty years his junior and as elegant a creature as he could have hoped to marry, might well be useless to him in the pursuit of putting children on the family tree. He bears her no specific hatred and divorces her with as little fuss as can be managed. She is well-provided for and never returns to England to the best of Roderick's knowledge. He doesn't much care if she does.
Within six months he opts to take his chances with a girl of English stock. Zandra Crabbe is attractive and comes with a sunstantial dowry but is quite a bit older than he would like. By the time they marry in 1865 she is already twenty-six years old, but Roderick discovers his gamble was a good one when Zandra swiftly becomes pregnant and is delivered of a son within their first years of marriage.
1867: Angeline swiftly follows her brother into the world and, blessedly, is a happy, hearty baby that gives her nurses no end of headaches with her constant, petulant cries. It is music to her father's ears.
1873-75: By the time Angel is six they are a nursery of four, though over the next year it is decided Raphael is too old to spend his days with only girls for company and a tutor is engaged for him. Meanwhile the girls are cared for by a governess and by merit of age Angeline takes charge of everything her little sisters do outside of lessons. The day after Angeline turns eight she displays magic for the first time.
1876: Raphael goes to Hogwarts and is sorted into ___.
1878: Angeline attends Hogwarts for the first time and, along with her lifelong best friend Bellona Zabini, is sorted into Slytherin. She also makes the acquaintance of Antigone Lestrange, another housemate but for the time being Angel finds her of little interest. Her blood might be pure but her family name is obscure and besides, she already has a best friend who never argues with her decisions so why should she befriend the other girl??
1880: The first two years of schooling pass without much incident and the only really significant change to Angel's world comes in third year when the twosome of her and Bellona become a trio with Antigone, largely because Angeline is suddenly quite fixated on the other girl.
1881: Angel is pleased with her foresight in picking Tig as a friend when it becomes public knowledge that Bellona is not quite as pureblooded as they all thought she was. Angel doesn't drop her as a friend but she is intensely grateful that she has Tig too and begins to more or less do everything the other pureblood girl tells her to.
1884: Her father, believing Angel is being unduly influenced by the Baudelaire girl - and not being wrong about this - decides it would be more beneficial for Angeline to be out of her sphere of influence and thus pulls her from Hogwarts before she can complete her NEWTs, sending her off to Mrs Pendergast's finishing school.
1885: After a year of being apart Angeline is thrilled to see her old school friends, however it is slightly less thrilling to see Tig marry Tiberius Lestrange.
1887: With Bellona for company Angeline actually rather enjoys the rest of her time at finishing school, feeling a sense of comfort at it just being the two of them again. Their first season doesn't yield any results though Angeline isn't especially worried just yet.
1889: Ever so slightly more worried now.
Personality: Malleable. Soft purist. Probably the friendliest of the three. Unintentionally funny at times. Frivolous.
+ Angeline is pursuing animagus studies. This is entirely because both her best friends have already done it.
+ As a teenager she was prescribed a potion due to especially heavy menstrual cycles that is essentially laudanum. Thus a habit was born once a month Angel is even more wan and listless than usual.
Age: 29.
![[Image: m6ryy4h.png]](https://i.imgur.com/m6ryy4h.png)
time of death: when MJ dropped this heart-stopping set