Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
As long as you are by my side I care nothing of what is thought of us. By family or by society.
Tomorrow would not be soon enough, but you are right, if this is to work we must have a plan. Too much rests on our secrecy. If anyone were to find out I worry what might become of the last visages of my freedom.
I have a friend who may be willing to help. I will write to her and see if she is amiable. When shall I tell her?
Write to me with a date so I may anticipate it with the most ardent hope and desire.
Employee in the Department of Magical Education & Sponsor of the Appleby Arrows
21 year old Pureblood
ft. in.
❤ Widowed
Played by Kelly
229 Posts
September 6, 1889
My Dearest L.,
I love you.
It already feels like so long, but we must wait longer. The 16th is the most reasonable date my boss could agree to. It will also give me time to get any travel plans in order.
If you trust her to speak the truth, do so now. If not, wait for a few days and ask for a reason you feel she will be more willing to accept.
Ten days. I shall count each passing day knowing I will find myself in your arms not a day past the 16th.
I trust her almost as much as my trust myself. She will help, all I need do is ask.
I love you. It feels so wonderful to finally write that. To see those words looking up upon me from their place on a page. I long to hear them from your own lips.
Thank you MJ for an amazingly Lucy set!
September 11, 2019 – 11:46 PM
Last modified: September 11, 2019 – 11:46 PM by Ace Lukeson.
Each letter I send you I worry someone will find out our secret. Yet the thought of going a day without a letter from you is even more maddening. I shall have to content myself with only a letter a day, more than that might attract attention.
It is harder to focus on my tasks each day, harder to care what flowers shall be placed at what tables when my heart is so light. I wish I could be planning for our own wedding, but knowing this planning is only a farce makes it easier to bare.
Only eight more days my love! My love - how my pen dances across the page at that very word. Only eight days until I may look upon your face and utter those dear words to you. My time pass quickly until then.
Thank you MJ for an amazingly Lucy set!
September 12, 2019 – 12:23 AM
Last modified: September 12, 2019 – 12:28 AM by Ace Lukeson.
Employee in the Department of Magical Education & Sponsor of the Appleby Arrows
21 year old Pureblood
ft. in.
❤ Widowed
Played by Kelly
229 Posts
September 9, 1889
My Dearest L.,
My apologies for the delay, my love. Given my approaching absence of work, I have been sent home with many files that take up far more time than I would prefer. Only seven more days, and I do hope they will get easier until I may see you again.
Perhaps next summer we can host a proper ceremony. I am sure my siblings would all wish to be there. Then you can plan for a wedding that makes you truly happy. Declaring my love for you in front of our family and friends, even by simply announcing our marriage, would bring me great joy.
It is less than a week until I see you again. Yet it is sure to be a trying week. Keeping up this facade is more tiring than I imagined. I want the whole world to know my happiness and excitement yet they can not. Not yet anyway.
I would like that. But simply being with you is enough of a consolation.
I hope you do not over work yourself. For my part I am hosting a tea for the Lecuyer sisters tomorrow and will likely spend my day in preparation of it. Knowing I will see you in only a few days after that shall help me through it .
This morning I received the greatest news. My friend has agreed to help us. She shall vouch that I will be staying with her on the sixteenth. That leaves only a few details left. I know you are working on travel plans to Gretna Green, but where shall I meet you the evening of?
I know that it is tough to keep this to ourselves. Every day I look at my mother and wish to confide in her. But she would only stop us. She has her reasons and I can’t fault her for them, despite my own ardent desires to be with you rather than Mr. Lecuyer.
I had few interactions with them in school, but they were tolerable enough then. Given the current situation you can image that the tea was a less than pleasant affair. Few daughters desire their new mothers to be their own age. I had the thought of you to console me through the afternoon.
Four days more until I find myself in your loving arms, the hours can not pass quick enough.
Employee in the Department of Magical Education & Sponsor of the Appleby Arrows
21 year old Pureblood
ft. in.
❤ Widowed
Played by Kelly
229 Posts
September 12, 1889
My Love,
Where does your friend live? We can meet in a muggle village just out of the area. We can then apperate to Gretna Green from there.
I have been tempted to reach out to Avril, but she might accidently give something away to someone who might stop us. As she is a seer, I do still wonder if she may already know. Though her visions are not always reliable.
I am sorry for any stress they have caused you. We will be together soon. I love you.
She lives in London. I know a small village not far from London - just outside of Ashwell that may serve our purposes well. There is a farm near the end of Lucas Lane that my maid knows. I shall meet you there, if you believe that would work for you.
If you thought she might help us, but I would not risk our entire future unless you are sure of whom you are confiding. It is only a few days before we can tell not only your sister, but everyone.
In the meantime I do hope that you enjoy the weekend before for you. I plan to spend it preparing. I am not sure what will come of my holdings after I leave and as such I wish to be prepared for all cases.
Any stress I may have had to endure, is worth it for the thought that I shall soon be with you. I would gladly bear this burden knowing that it is for the betterment of us. You have saved me, heart and soul, and it is that knowledge that makes every second I must wait worth it.
Employee in the Department of Magical Education & Sponsor of the Appleby Arrows
21 year old Pureblood
ft. in.
❤ Widowed
Played by Kelly
229 Posts
September 14, 1889
My Love,
It does work for me, my love. Thank you. I look forward to seeing you, and am glad that we must only wait a little longer.
You are right, waiting would be for the best. I'll write to each of them once we have left.
As the head of my household, I doubt anyone can take what my father left me. Though I doubt my mother's father will be pleased with me either way. I don't worry much on that, he's not pleased by much.
In any case, it matters not. As long as we have each other. I love you, and want to see you happy. It brings me great joy that your happiness is with me.
It is late as I write this letter, or perhaps very early is more accurate. My thoughts of what are to come have kept me awake. It is not long now until I become your wife, shorter still till I see you once more.It is a moment that I look forward to more than anything else. Yet, I admit, while I do not have any reservations and could not be more sure of our future, that I fear you might. Foolish to admit, I know. But I want you to know that if you are having second thoughts, I understand. You would make me the happiest woman alive if we were to marry, but I can live with my lot in life if you have changed your mind.
Employee in the Department of Magical Education & Sponsor of the Appleby Arrows
21 year old Pureblood
ft. in.
❤ Widowed
Played by Kelly
229 Posts
September 15, 1889
My Love,
Please do not let these thoughts plague you any longer. I hold no doubts. Our love and happiness are more important to me than what society thinks of us. I care for you, not silly rumors mainly brought about by strangers. I love you Lucille Flint. Unless this marriage would no longer make you happy, I would be honored to marry you tomorrow.
I love you Ace Lukeson. I care not for the idle tongues of our peers only for the solace your love provides me. You will find me waiting an hour after dusk.
Tomorrow can not dawn soon enough nor pass quick enough.