Any excitement that had grown whilst riding the boat up to castle had rather suddenly washed away. Archer felt sick to his stomach with dread as he marched to the sorting along with the other first years. This would determine where he spent, hopefully, his next seven years at school. Not knowing where he was going to end up made him practically nauseated and near to dissolving into a true panic attack.
It was hard to tell if him having to be one of the first to be sorted was a relief or more reason for him to freak out. On the one hand, it would be over with rather quickly. On the other, so many would be staring at him, not yet bored after countless first years had already been sorted.
When his name was called, he made his way up as if he were about to be executed. His hands were balled into sweaty little fists, face starting to go pink around his ears. Once the hat was on, he made sure it fully obscured his eyes.
Quote:"Which house would you like to be in and why?"
"I-I'm not sure. I thought maybe you could tell me?" The boy sat very still, frozen in front of all of the eyes he knew were likely watching him. He figured he should probably give the question a little bit more though, since he truly had. He'd made pros and cons lists for every house and reasons why he think he could be in said house. The problem was, none of them had particularly come out on top.
"Maybe Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff? I'm not so sure I'd fit in Slytherin, and I don't think I'm brave enough for Gryffindor, even though my sister is in that house." In all honestly, he wasn't sure if he would fit anywhere.
Quote:"You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?"
Archer clutched the bottom of his sleeve. He knew what the right thing to do was, but he didn't always know how to follow through, especially if it meant confronting someone else. He knew he should probably call out the person cheating, but the likelihood of him mustering up enough courage to do so was slim. If it were something more serious, or life or death, he probably would, but homework?
"I'd inform my friend. Then, they could decide what they would like to do themselves."
Quote:"Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?"
He had to choose just one? He decided against kelpie since he was sure he would run the complete other way if ever confronted with one. The others were most definitely interesting. However, he seemed to settle on,
"Perhaps, centaur?" They would be the most interesting to speak with, at least.
Quote:"What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?"
Finally, a question he didn't have to spend many painful moments considering. He knew this answer right away, and it was probably the first time he sounded truly confident.
"I would like to work at the Ministry of Magic either in the Beings or Spirits Divisions. I haven't yet decided which I like more. I figure school would help me decide which is best." He was very ambitious about his future plans.
Quote:"Your close friend is miserable, what do you do about it?"
Another people question. He wasn't good when it came to people! Again, he knew what he should do, but he took a moment to decide what he would actually end up doing.
"I'd listen." Archie was very good at that. Sometimes, it was the only thing he felt up to offering up, but others tended to appreciate it. Sometimes, he'd offer up a kind word or a bit of advice if they were truly close.
Quote:"What do you consider to be your best trait?"
The boy's face grew pale. What kind of question was that? Why was everything so personal? Ask him about facts, and he'd be right there able to answer, but abstract queries about his inner self. Forget it.
"I..." What he wanted to say was 'I don't know' and flee from the room, but he couldn't leave any question unanswered. That wasn't his way.
He had shuffled through about a dozen different traits and dismissed them. He was smart, but he didn't think he was the most intelligent. He wasn't going to say that.
"Determination?" His answer was hesitant. He wasn't even sure that was the correct word to properly describe what he meant.
"Persistence?" No, that wasn't quite right either. Perseverance? Hmmm.
"I...I guess I don't give up on things easily? I research until I find an answer and keep trying again with--" Social situations?
"Even if I might be scared or don't want to." He always had to find his answers or a solution. For once, he was at a loss of how concisely describe what he meant. Archer went quiet after that, worrying that he had said the wrong thing.
MJ is the best!