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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

In Case You Didn't Know
July 10th, 1888
Fletcher Langley

I have no idea the state of things in Irvingly right now, or when you'll get this, but I thought I'd write anyway in case it reaches you. When you're stuck in a hospital bed with no familiar faces around you, it's hard to occupy yourself. At least the healers are understanding, they've supplied me with some parchment and ink.

I apologize of my writing is hard to read, I don't have the best grasp right now. I couldn't hold anything a week ago after they transferred me to Edinburgh, but it's getting better. I hope you're doing alright, safe and well. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be in here, it was a pretty serious injury, but I'm going to be fine in time.

July 10th, 1888


Pretty serious injury? That's all you give me. Eavan, you've got me worried half out of my mind. What happened? I'm in the infirmary myself. Have been nearly a week myself but only a broken ankle. I'm far from considered a critical case but they still won't let me leave. They actually took my crutch from me upon receiving your letter. They won't let me come to you. Please.. tell me something to bring me a peace of mind.


BEE-utiful Set!
[Image: BCHQCD.png]
July 11th, 1888

Well I was intentionally trying not to worry you. If you'd prefer me to be blunt; I was almost bitten in half by a crocodile. I've had severe lacerations and puncture wounds to my abdomen, upper legs and one of my arms. Are you more worried now? Because that's what I was trying to avoid.

I lost a lot of blood upon arrival at the Infirmary and they couldn't treat me well without magic so I was transferred once they stabilized me. Everything has been handled and I'm on the mend. Please don't lose your mind in worrying over me, I'm in good hands and already feeling better.

I'm sorry to hear about your ankle, that must be painful. I've done that one myself, though I was a little girl at the time. Hopefully I'll see you soon.

July 12th, 1888


I worry about you whether you like it or not, Eavan. As a healer, I prefer having all the facts before me so I know just how much to worry. I don't want to see you in pain in any manner so no matter the extent of an injury, I would worry. I worry even when you aren't injured. I think, as someone that loves you, I get that right to worry. I wish you would stop insisting otherwise.

And I will see you soon. I have to, just to know that you truly are well.


BEE-utiful Set!
[Image: BCHQCD.png]
July 12th, 1888

As someone who loves me, hmm?

I was going to argue with you about the worrying, but now I suppose I can't. I will have have to warn you that I do not do well with being worried over. It makes me feel guilty, like I've done something I wasn't supposed to, though all I was doing was my job. I've been on my own for almost five years, it's simply not something I'm used to, nor will it be any time soon.

I will not ask you not to worry if you can agree to refrain from overly forthcoming with your nervousness. We'll meet in the middle. Feel better.

July 13th, 1888


Would that be so hard to believe? I sincerely hope not.

And I can understand that. I'm not claiming you've done something wrong but it is still within my nature to worry. I don't want to see you hurt in any way and if there's something I can ever do to prevent that, I would. I know you're fully capable of all that you do it's something that's drawn me to you. Except for when it comes to dancing. But.. as it is right now, I'll likely need some lessons again.

I just wish I could see you sooner rather than later but I will try not to terrorize the nurses here overly much in the time being. I suppose it's better here than being in my mother's home having to deal with her fretting over me.


BEE-utiful Set!
[Image: BCHQCD.png]
July 14th, 1888

It's not, no. I suppose I just hadn"t anticipated it so soon, though the sentiment is not unwelcome in the slightest.

You're likely going to have to get used to me being hurt somehow, as you know I possess no grace and a sometimes dangerous job. I'm always injured in some manner. Just part of who I am as a person.

I would very much like to see you as I'm surrounded by unfamiliar faces everywhere I turn. So far the only person I know it's a gentleman from my group who came with me to Edinburgh and even then, he's still relatively new to me.

July 15th, 1888


I suppose it would have been better said for the first time in person, though. I apologize for that..

And if I'm the one tending to your injuries or being a familiar face for you through them, I would likely worry less. But not being able to be there only increases the worry. I wish you weren't in such a predicament on your own. Clearly, this expedition was a bad idea for the both of us. I'll just have to hope neither of us end up with lasting issues because of our injuries.

A gentleman from your group? I hope he's on his best behavior.. Though I'll likely need to thank for him seeing to your care.


BEE-utiful Set!
[Image: BCHQCD.png]
July 15th, 1888

I promise from here on out you can take care of every bump, bruise, scrape and bite that befalls me. I warn you, I'm a terrible patient and I suspect you'll grow tired of it quickly.

I wish you were here too, but I can handle myself. I'm not allowed up yet for fear of accidentally opening something up, so I'm mostly just bored. These letters help.

I'll have you know I successfully made it past an enraged water buffalo before meeting my match in the croc. You must have made it further than my group, did you learn anything if the fog? So far as we learned was that it was somehow related to Egypt. At least that's where all the animals I saw were from.

Oh no!! I've forgotten about Bastien, he was with us at the croc, I don't know what happened! Has anyone said anything about a rogue diricawl in town? I hope he went back to the zoo.

July 16th, 1888


I find that doubtful. I've had many years of dealing with patients. Some I'd never like to see again if I can help it. You, however, I wouldn't say no to seeing daily. But I am glad to be of some help even if it is just distracting you with letters. If I could send something else, I would. They won't let me leave the infirmary though.

And I hadn't realized anything in regards to Egypt. We were hit with abnormally large hail as well as rain that was on fire. I took
a large piece of hail to the shoulder, the bruise is quite awful but I fared better than some. A few in our group were burned by the rain. We had to hunker down under a porch until it ceased. And then I broke my ankle not long after. I have heard from Miss Scrimgeour, though. She mentioned mosquitos and malaria so that fits with your mention of Egypt.

If I could look for him, I would. I'll keep an ear out about one though. Perhaps one of your cousins could be of assistance?


BEE-utiful Set!
[Image: BCHQCD.png]
July 16th, 1888

Oh my goodness, what a predicament. It seems that whatever has befallen Irvingly and Hogsmeade is a little more sinister than we've all anticipated. I'm glad your injuries were not so bad, though I'm sure you're enjoying being stuck in a hospital bed about as much as I am. I hope Miss Scrimgeour is recovering alright, Malaria is no laughing matter.

I'll owl Amelia and Una to see if they can locate Bastien. I'm not overly worried, he should have been able to get back into the zoo or home if he really wanted. Unless he's found some poor person assault and steal their shoelaces. He's pretty resourceful when he wants to be. Never goes hungry, that's for sure.

July 17th, 1888


It was very strange, honestly. A group of all men. One of them your father. He's a bit of a gruff ass, you know? I'm thinking it may be best we wait on telling him anything of us following all that happened. He didn't seem to like any of the men we were with. But we were stuck with two young boys. It was.. Well let's just say I won't be joining an expedition again any time soon.

I'm sure Bastien's main issue will be that he doesn't have you now. Though, I don't envy the poor soul whose laces he goes for. Especially if you're not there to reign him in.

My sister came by and gave me hell for not letting them know, as I believe I told you. I had to appease her by saying once we can, I'd take her to the zoo to meet you. I will put it off as long as you see fit though. Especially considering your injuries. Abigail can be.. a bit of a handful.


BEE-utiful Set!
[Image: BCHQCD.png]
July 17th, 1888

Oh really? I haven't heard from him, he must still be on the expedition then. He can be a bit... stubborn when he wants to be, I'm aware. He's very much a solitary creature; he has been in the Amazon, mostly on his own for the last four years grieving the loss of my mother. He's incredibly savvy in a wide variety of situations, we've done our fair share of expeditions ourselves, though we knew exactly what we were getting into ahead of time. I daresay we've all had our fill of unexpected adventures for a while.

Amelia can more than handle Bastien, he'll be fine in any way. I would just like to know where he ended up and hopefully he's not terrorizing people for their laces.

Well I suppose I would have thought you'd have written them as well, but I can understand why you didn't. I haven't written to Da yet either, but that's just how we operate... Just what exactly did you tell her so I can be prepared. I have no idea when they'll let me out, the healers are not very happy with how the punctures to my upper right leg and near my appendix are healing, so she may have to wait a bit.

July 18th, 1888


That he is. Stubborn I mean. His sleeve caught fire at one point thanks to the fire rain. I helped to put it out and tried to assist him off the ground. I was wholly ignored though. But last I knew, he was well enough so I'm sure he's still with the other man though there's no knowing what they've all gotten into since.

And I did not tell her much. Simply that I was taken with an American magizoologist that works at the Zoo. She's tried prying more information from me but I've remained rather quiet on the matter. I don't need her getting any ideas in her head to pass along to my mother otherwise I'm sure they'll have a wedding planned before the year is out. They're quite ambitious women when they get an idea into their mind.


BEE-utiful Set!
[Image: BCHQCD.png]
July 19th, 1888

Well, it's a relief. At least I know he's still very much himself in some respects. I'm not too worried about him. This is akin to what he does and we used to do together when I was his apprentice.

Oh, my goodness, she seems rather enthusiastic. I hope I don't disappoint too much in that respect. I've never thought of having a wedding or anything of the sort. I'm not exactly the most feminine of creatures after all. It's hard to picture myself in a fancy dress and all the frill of it.

July 20th, 1888


Well if I've learned one thing from the small amount of time I spent with him, it's that I know exactly where your independence comes from. I'm just glad I've been able to at least sway you somewhat into my direction.

And, I mean this in the best way possible, I'm not sure I can picture you in a big fancy dress either. I think I'd quite prefer a more simple and laid back sort of event. Not that there's a rush there.. Though I suppose I've already admitted to loving you it'd be silly of me to deny I'd like for it to go that way sometime in the future.


BEE-utiful Set!
[Image: BCHQCD.png]

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