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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

calm after the storm
September 1, 1894 — The Three Broomsticks
Apollonia Honeycutt Philomena Sprout

Protego's shop was not one often visited by students, so it was not usually affected by the start of the new school year, but as a resident of high street, he did notice how the crowds died down once September rolled around. He was sure the increase in business was nice for most shopkeepers, but Protego always thought it was nice to return to a more normal pace for things.

He slipped into the Three Broomsticks at a bit of an odd time--about an hour before the usual supper rush, though there was always someone about, it seemed. He headed toward the bar to order himself a drink and whatever was on the menu for the evening. "Good evening," he greeted at the bar.

The first of the school year had already come and nearly gone, but that wasn’t any excuse for Apollonia  to slow down. She wanted to get this place into tip-top shape, and that meant more customers, which meant more money for her to order new table linens. There was a list as long as her arm of things that needed to be replaced, sent to the repair shop, or sourced.

Speaking of whom: just the man she’d been looking for had wandered in and sat himself at the bar. Abandoning her task of dropping off some papers in her office, Apollonia hurried over to the bar. “Mr. Lochrin, good evening!” She chirped happily, tapping her wand to clear the bar of any extra crumbs. “What can I get you tonight?”

[Image: uRrP6ZQ.png]
"Mrs. Honeycutt," Protego greeted with a smile. "A whiskey and a plate of whatever you've got on the menu tonight," he said, settling himself on a bar stool. He did like keeping up with his fellow high street denizens. He'd grown up in the family shop, and it got a little lonely having his own shop, even if Protego wouldn't trade it for anything. But he was a social creature by nature. "How's business been today?"

“Coming right up,” Pollina replied breezily, a smile on her face as she took out a glass and their mid-shelf whiskey (it was usually what her regulars ordered on an ordinary day, though some came in to celebrate from time to time and treat themselves). “Oh it’s about the usual pace as you’d expect,” She said conversationally while she worked. “Although, tonight’s the sorting, so I imagine some a lot of folks might be waiting at home for owls from their first years.” Placing a glass in front of him, she poured him 2 fingers worth and turned to put the alcohol back on the shelf behind her. “I’ll be right back with your food.”

When she returned, it was with a plate full of steaming hot mashed potatoes, roasted pork and a hearty slice of bread. “Fresh bread from the Ivy Leaf.” She added with a smile, knowing how popular it was. “And when you have a free moment, Mr. Lochrin, I have a question about my magical lock box for you.”

[Image: uRrP6ZQ.png]
"Thank you," Protego said gratefully. "The summer's always such a whirlwind around these parts, it's a relief to get back to something more normal." He wasn't too affected by school schedules, but the high street did get rather crowded in the last few weeks of August. More people was always good for business, so it was a balancing act, always. "And of course, what can I help with?"

Apollonia pulled up a seat to sit with him as he ate, her legs dangling slightly off the ground from the high stool. She crossed them and caught her heel on one of the rungs as she normally did, lacing her fingers in her lap with a sigh. “It’s…been acting up, lately.” She revealed, before a blush hit her cheeks and she avoided his gaze. “I…may have been carrying it the other day, dropped it on my toe and while I was shouting curses,” Quite literally, though she hadn’t meant to actually curse the bloody thing. “…my wand seemed to think I was in danger, and fired off a few experimental shots.”

It would have been hilarious had she not locked some protective documents in it. “Now it won’t open. And when I do - try to open it, that is - it snaps at me.” She revealed her thumb which had a bruise on it as if she’d shut it in a door.

[Image: uRrP6ZQ.png]
Protego made a sympathetic noise. "A right mess, sounds like," he said. "I'll take a look at it. Hopefully it's nothing too complicated." And if it was, hopefully the box itself wasn't sentimental. He wasn't sure what he could do, for instance, if her wand had managed to fire off a powerful sticking charm or something like that, except try to get into it the old-fashioned muggle way. Well, anyway, he had many options before they got to anything so dire.

Apollonia gave a sigh of relief. Both at his acceptance of the task she’d just shoved upon him and that he hadn’t laughed at her tale. Likely he’d dealt with many a stupider customer, but her pride thanked him nonetheless. “I’ll go grab it,” She said, “Then I’ll leave you to your devices.” She left to go to her office then returned with the box which she’d secured with a series of ropes. It still rattled with fury as she approached and set it on the counter.

[Image: uRrP6ZQ.png]

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