She still couldn't shake the feeling that some great misunderstanding had happened somewhere in the whirlwind of the last few minutes but when she searched his face she found no mirroring uncertainty.
"To what end?" She protested after a few miserable moments. This was a unique torture made just for her but she'd wanted candor for years and now she had it. "I wouldn't know how to run your house or - or host things. Your society wouldn't have me." She was somehow rambling another unplanned list at him. "Children are... And I work. I won't give up wandmaking." She added defiantly as if the possibility had just occurred to her.
"To what end?" She protested after a few miserable moments. This was a unique torture made just for her but she'd wanted candor for years and now she had it. "I wouldn't know how to run your house or - or host things. Your society wouldn't have me." She was somehow rambling another unplanned list at him. "Children are... And I work. I won't give up wandmaking." She added defiantly as if the possibility had just occurred to her.