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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Closer To The Edge
A flicker of hurt passed through her eyes as his question landed like the worst kind of preamble.  She was glad she'd already summoned her escape route; There was comfort in knowing her house elf was there waiting to take her home but she wouldnt break her gaze at him to confirm the creature was still there.

"Yes." she answered firmly.  Lips pursed and jaw set, she would be an active party in his rebuke.

Elliot took a breath. He had not expected her to say no — avoiding such a direct ask would have been unlike her — but he'd almost hoped that she would.

And — how to explain himself? They'd spent years slowly becoming peers, becoming friends, in orbit of each other in a strange relationship. Elliot was not sure that their friendship would exist were it not for their mutual curse. But neither of them knew what life was like without the Sight, so this was the option he had — rapidly planning a confession in the parlor of his father's estate.

A beat passed.

"I would propose to you if I thought you would have me," he admitted, aware of the house elf in the corner of his eye as a witness. But she'd told him to be honest. And she had come here — that had to mean something. "It was never just the potion."

The following 2 users Like Elliot Carmichael's post:
   Elias Grimstone, Temerita Reid

avs by Bee!
The distance between what she'd been expecting and what he said could not have been greater.  She swayed in the aftershocks of it, still fiercely holding his gaze as she fought through the hazy dissonance until her expression slackened with realization.

"That's not funny." she said with a cold timber and turned on her heel to walk away from him, forgetting that there was nothing behind her but a fireplace and that her actual way out was a house elf that was lurking somewhere near by.  Before she managed to remember, she'd made another wobbling turn and was marching right back at him, hands balled into fists at her sides.

"And why wouldn't I have you?" she demanded.  "Its me that's -" she gave an impatient wave of her hand.

The following 2 users Like Temerita Reid's post:
   Elias Grimstone, Elliot Carmichael
Elliot pressed his hands against his trouser pockets; his palms were sweating from his nerves. He had not anticipated that he would tell Temerita Reid of his feelings ever, and certainly not under these circumstances — he blanched, and took a half step back, when she turned with her hands balled into fists.

She was angry with him.

There were, he was sure, a multitude of reasons why she would be angry with them — but his mouth was dry and he was not sure how to respond to her.

He shrugged. "And I'm the one who's —" another gesture, a hand wave to himself. Everything that she was, Elliot was sure he was doubly so.

avs by Bee!
She matched his step backward, barely registering his expression and recoil over the surge of frustration.

"The one who's what?" she demanded again. "Endlessly eligible? Above my station in every way?" she threw her hands up and turned away from him again, oscillating the same small circle. "It's been years, I know it was foolish, and you needn't tease me about it."

She was the drunk one, but Elliot felt so disoriented that he may as well have been — he blinked at her. "I'm the one who's haunted," Elliot said. His Sight hung over everything he did, over every relationship he had — and it had forced him to retreat to Wales, safely away from anyone to alarm.

"But — I'm not teasing," Elliot added, plaintive. He wasn't teasing — but why on earth did she think he was?

avs by Bee!
"Aren't we all?" she asked incredulously, not wasting a beat to think over any of it.  A distant voice in the back of her mind suggested she was being hasty and ridiculous but she didn't have the patience or inhibitions to reign in just then.  Not when indulging frustration felt so right. 

His voice seemed earnest but wherever she was in her oscillations she hadn't quite caught his expression.  "Then what - ?"  she began and planted her feet to face him squarely but after so many turns the room seemed to have other ideas and continued to spin around her.  She swayed where she stood before moving to drop ungracefully into the nearest seat. 

With a grumble of frustration she sat there, waiting for the world around her to right itself until she noticed her ash-covered gloves laying piteously in her lap.  She wrinkled her nose and began to yank them off, plucking at the fingers like each had individually offended her. 

"You never asked."

The following 1 user Likes Temerita Reid's post:
   Elliot Carmichael
She wasn't leaving. She was spinning around and sitting down with a flourish, and clearly irritated with him, but she had not yet disapparated with her house elf. Elliot was relieved, and dropped himself into an armchair. With the two of them sitting, this almost — not quite, but almost — felt normal.

"Miss Reid," Elliot said carefully. That didn't sound right. "Temerita."

He swallowed. "What do you mean?"

He had hoped, he had thoughts — but he did not quite understand her.

avs by Bee!
As she sat there wringing her gloves she could feel the potency of her temper slip away with every twist, taking with it the shelter and relief she'd so quickly embraced.  By the time she heard him take a seat near by she was left with nothing but growing self awareness and bafflement over just how many wrong turns she'd taken since dinner to get to this point. 

It was the third time he'd said her name that night and to her ears it might have rang so similar to the last when she had braced for admonishment if it weren't for his gentle tone.  She swallowed heavily and finally brought herself to look at him again.  When she spoke it was with a deep, wobbling breath.

"You never asked."  She may be the fool after tonight, she may never be able to face him again, but she would defend herself until then.  "It's not fair to blame me when you didn't ask... you didn't come calling..." Once she began to put words to those thoughts they spilled out, one after the other, gathering speed like a train down hill.  "For so long I thought you might - if I could just get past having been your student - if we could just talk and not about visions - but I realized it was foolish to hope. And accepted it was unrealistic. But then you tell me you love me.  And then you say we are friends.  And now tonight..."  She shook her head.  She couldn't even begin to think what tonight was when she was still in the thick of it.  "If we are to be friends or colleagues or strangers now just say it and mean it and we will. I am too old to keep letting that old foolishness hang over my head." 

The following 1 user Likes Temerita Reid's post:
   Elliot Carmichael
Elliot sat down in one of the other armchairs, because she still hadn't left and this was starting to seem as if it would be a longer conversation. He watched her, and sighed, because this certainly would have been easier if he had paid calls on her. But when she'd debuted, he'd been busy — thinking of her in terms of his recently having been her professor, and by the time they had both aged significantly past that, he'd been busy going to war with his Sight, she'd been in Italy, or he'd been hiding bodies with his siblings. The timing had never worked in a way that left pursuing courtship attainable, and now he was here — being scolded.

"Miss Reid," Elliot said, after a beat, "I suppose the question is — would you like for me to pursue a romantic relationship with you, or not?"

The following 1 user Likes Elliot Carmichael's post:
   Temerita Reid

avs by Bee!
What started as defending herself became a rambling confession and worse. The stillness that came after was uncomfortable. She didn't even know what she was doing there any more. The hope of amusing him with her own little potion mishap was long gone and, going by his question that followed, one of them was very confused.

"You can't ask me something like that now." She said with a groan. "When I'm like this and you're -" she finished with a vague wave at his general person. He had his wits about him.

She had a point. He was sober, and she distinctly wasn't. Elliot sighed. He tugged at his shirt buttons and started cuffing his sleeves, because he was feeling regrettably buttoned-up for the circumstances they were in. "I fear if we don't discuss it now, we never will again," he admitted, with a sheepish smile.

avs by Bee!
She watched him for a moment, seeming to settle in. She felt better seated, less like the world was vibrating around her, and eventually she relented. "You're right, I'll probably have to leave country tomorrow out of embarrassment." She turned her head to somewhere over her shoulder (though who knew where the elf was at that point) "Tippit, you can go. I'll call-" but there had been a disappearing pop the instant permission was granted. "Poor thing." Meri muttered as an after thought. "She was a gift from my brother." It was the only explanation she could offer him why someone like her had a house elf.

She settled her full attention back on him and might have squared her shoulders if everything didn't feel so slack and relaxed. "If this is a farce, I won't speak to you ever again."

"It's not a farce, so I dearly hope that you'll speak with me again," Elliot said, with a sheepish smile. He always forgot about her brother and the house elves; he had always been slightly too interested in Temerita Reid and her wands to spend much time on small talk about the rest of her family. The poor house elf, Tippit, had clearly been embarrassed by this whole situation, given how quickly she had fled.

He still wished that they were both in a similar state of sobriety-or-the-lack-thereof, but at least now his shirt sleeves were pushed up. "I should like to ask your family for their permission to court you," Elliot said, "But I suppose we likely ought to discuss some things first."

avs by Bee!
She had been the one to say it but it was starting to feel like someone else had sent her exit strategy away. She was belatedly realizing that she'd indirectly agreed to discuss things when she didn't even know what there was to discuss. What she really wanted to was time to wrap her head around even a portion of what had happened in the few moments or years since she'd arrived in his fire place.

"My mother would probably like that, actually." she said with a distracted tone, smoothing her skirts in a motion that was more nervous habit than conscious choice. She wrinkled her nose when she remembered that ought to have meant her brother but Andy was Andy. Then the full understanding of what he was saying finally registered. And the expression on his face that sent something constricting in her chest.

"I swear, I didn't come tonight to berate you into... into anything." she said, woefully wringing her gloves again.

Elliot frowned at her, just slightly. He thought they'd got over this, but it seemed that he would have to continue to reassure her. That was not particularly surprising, he supposed — he'd needed to confirm that they were actually talking about this more than a few times. He sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I'm not berated," Elliot said, even though he sort of had been. "I'm trying to talk to you about courting because I would like to court you."

avs by Bee!

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