Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
Now that she was judging more advanced students, those who were supposed to be sitting for their OWLs this year, Edelweiss truly had to brace herself for the results of the spells they’d be hurling at one another. Knowing that they only had a little further to go until her duel, the Gryffindor set her jaw and nodded to both girls before launching into reading the rules. After those were completed she said, “Miss Moony will be the one to start this duel.” She announced. “Whenever you’re ready, Miss Moony!”
You have 72 hrs from now! That's Monday, February 3, 2025.
Anne rolled her shoulders, ready for another opportunity to prove what she'd learned. The competition was getting better, and more people seemed to take dueling seriously, but that only heightened her focus. Bowing to Miss Grace, hating to curtsey (ever), Anne raised her wand and went for a quick end to things. "Expelliarmus!"
Antelope was ready for the duelling after adding her name to the sign up sheet. She was a very talented witch with plenty of power and fancied her chances against most of the other names on the list. There were a few that she would certainly rather not face, and as luck would have it, one of them was now standing right in front of her. She smiled and mimicked Anne's preferred bow with one of her own before pulling her 11 inches of Alder out into a guard position. "If you let me win I'll let you have first pick on anything I grow.". The gardens club president said playfully to the eager potioneer.
Prewett bid them begin so Antelope focused, casting a defensive spells, "Speculo" hoping to reflect whatever Anne cast right back at her. She hoped it wasn't anything too painful.
OOC: the spell is one I found on hpfanonwiki because I didnt just want to use protego for everyone. If that's not allowed I'll just edit it to protego.
The Disarming Spell cast by the Slytherin did its job alright. However Miss Grace’s spell sent it careening off into another direction: right into Edelweiss herself. It tasted sharp and bitter, knocking the Gryffindor back a few steps as her wand went flying out of her hand.
After a moment’s pause to recover, Edelweiss sighed and hopped down from the dais to fetch her wand. (This conveniently reminded her that she needed to work on her wandless casting. Perhaps Rex would be up for practicing later.) “Well casted both of you,” She announced with a wry tone. “This round goes to Miss Grace.”Though the deflection could use some brushing up…
Once Ada was back on the platform with her wand, she faced the both of them. “Miss Grace when you’re ready, you’ll bring us into our next round.”
You have 72 hrs from now; until Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Antelope looked mortified when she saw their judge take the spell and go stumbling. "Sorry, Miss Prewett." she gave a polite apology then looked at Anne with a discrete grin to her unwitting co-conspirator.
As they redied themselves again and Antelope prepared to go on the offensive she checked her inner pocket where she could feel the paper pack containing a small amount of treacle fudge that she would hurriedly share with whomever needed it. "Slugulus Eructo" jinxes were so much fun.
Anne's eyes went wide as her spell did its job, but on the wrong person. Oops. "Sorry, Miss Prewett." She gave, not quite half-heartedly. Usually, flying Gryffindors meant wishing she was still a beater, but accidentally knocking the wand free of one and making her stumble, Anne could be satisfied with that. Still, the Hufflepuff had deflected her attack and Anne was having none of it. "Protego!"
Ada let out a chuckle at both of the girls' apologies. Such was the hazard of being a judge, she supposed.
And with this next round...Miss Moony, it seemed, had a better sense of how to handle deflection than her opponent, because her shield charm protected her from Miss Grace's curse which promptly returned to its caster.
It was...rather effective, because Miss Grace was soon vomiting slugs onto the floor. Ada quickly put her to rights before announcing Miss Moony as the victor and bade her to start the next round for their tie-breaker.
Anne snorted, finding the results of her spell funny until about slug number three. Then she was very sorry for Antelope. Oh well, it was the other girl's fault for bringing slugs into the equation. Determined to end this duel, even though she was enjoying the Hufflepuff's creativity, Anne punched her wand forward with aguamenti.
After the third slug, Antelope managed to dig out her treacle fudge and consume enough to stop the little delicacies from appearing in her throat. She dabbed her mouth gently with the corner of her robe. "Well that was disgusting" she laughed and smiled towards her oppenent before readying herself.
"Glacius" she quickly cast as an aggressive defence to try and freeze the Slytherin girl where she stood before she was hit but the oncoming spell.
Ada watched as yet another contestant was doused with a wall of water from their challenger's wand. “Miss Moony is our victor and shall advance to the next round!” Ada announced before restoring both the room and Miss Grace to rights.