January 29th, 1895 - Zoo's Birthday Party
Greer was not a particularly social person, this was not news to anyone who knew her, but she did enjoy the events at the zoo. Maybe it was because she had finally gotten over the homesickness the diricawls gave her and she purposefully went in search of them to bring a smile to her face. They seemed equally as enamored with the snow as she was at the moment, watching their little footprints sink into the fluffy white blanket that Greer only begrudgingly enjoyed, from the window, of her warm flat. Being out in it was still hit or miss.
She had on a thick cloak, a warm scarf and the mysterious mittens that had appeared her first winter here to battle the cold. Thankfully it seemed pretty mild, as long as the sun peeked out and there was no breeze. She wouldn't categorize it as warm at all, but it was bearable. She had a steaming mug of hot cider in her hands, which helped while she meandered between the stalls, following the diricawls.
They seemed to be allowed to roam, unperturbed by the snow (which was funny, given that they originated from far warmer climates) and Greer was too charmed by them to let it bother her. One stopped nearby and she reached out to waggle her fingers at him. Bastien, he was called, or so she'd gathered from the redhead that was often hollering at him. He was the largest by far and easy to pick out. He seemed interested, but what happened next sort of happened in slow motion. She felt the mitten slip from her fingers and then watched as the little beast ran away with it.
"Hey!" She squeaked, obviously dismayed; they were her favorite! "Get back here!" She added after a brief moment to give chase.
She had on a thick cloak, a warm scarf and the mysterious mittens that had appeared her first winter here to battle the cold. Thankfully it seemed pretty mild, as long as the sun peeked out and there was no breeze. She wouldn't categorize it as warm at all, but it was bearable. She had a steaming mug of hot cider in her hands, which helped while she meandered between the stalls, following the diricawls.
They seemed to be allowed to roam, unperturbed by the snow (which was funny, given that they originated from far warmer climates) and Greer was too charmed by them to let it bother her. One stopped nearby and she reached out to waggle her fingers at him. Bastien, he was called, or so she'd gathered from the redhead that was often hollering at him. He was the largest by far and easy to pick out. He seemed interested, but what happened next sort of happened in slow motion. She felt the mitten slip from her fingers and then watched as the little beast ran away with it.
"Hey!" She squeaked, obviously dismayed; they were her favorite! "Get back here!" She added after a brief moment to give chase.