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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Tell me!
June 28th, 1888

It's been too long since we've written! I haven't even seen you since we left Hogwarts for the summer and I have so much to tell you!

Has the fog eased at all? I've been writing my brothers though they're about as useful as you'd expect. I've heard it's gotten much worse and oh, Emmy, I am worried!

I'm sure it will clear up soon though! But please, I need something to talk about! How has it been for you? Have you been up to much?

Write me soon!

Your friend,

June 29th, 1888
Oh Sher, I don't know why I didn't think to write you sooner! Life has just been, well.. crazy! I don't know how else to put it.

First, I went to Mr. Whitledge's graduation party. It.. didn't end well. I had firewhiskey for the first time and, well, it was just a bad night and I think it's safe to say that the friendship Mr. Whitledge and I had is no more. But that night doesn't even finish there!

I ran from the Broomsticks and fell and was crying and then there was this nice gentleman. Charlie Caufield.. He's a hit wizard and he saw me home that night and it's been a bit of a whirlwind since.I don't even really know what to think on it all or what any of it means but.. I think I might quite like him. It's silly of course. He's an older man with a career. Why would he ever even give a second look to a schoolgirl?

How are you in London? Any exciting new flavors you're working on with the family?
Your Friend,

[Image: bd4FVx.md.jpg]
June 30th, 1888

Why on Merlin’s earth did you get drunk with Mr. Whitledge, Emmy? What were you thinking!? I never thought him to be a good person – he’s always rubbed me the wrong way, you know? Maybe it’s for the best that you two aren’t friends anymore.

But Charlie Caulfield?! This is something I want to hear more about! A Hit Wizard! That is so exciting! Merlin! Is he handsome? Are you going to drop out of school so he can start courting you properly? Oh! Have you kissed?

Oh, please tell me you have! I am having trouble holding in my excitement! Emmeline Woodcroft – who would have thought you’d find love in a Ministry Man!?

And London is okay. As hectic as ever! And I’m not sure. I’ve been trying a few different things but they all smell awful so they’ll probably taste awful. Father still won’t let me try any of the firewhiskey! Or any alcohol, for that matter. He says alcohol at my age will lead to nothing good!

But that’s enough! Tell me more about your new lover!

Your friend,

July 1st, 1888
I really didn't think Mr. Whitledge was all that bad. But..things have changed. But yes, it's probably for the best in the end.

And you should stop reading romance novels! Of course I'm not going to be dropping out of school or anything so crazy. I've worked too hard to get to where I am and I fully intend to see school through my NEWTs! I want a career and to be able to take care of myself, after all. Besides, I'm still sincerely holding out hope to get a letter saying I've been stated Head Girl. That is my only goal at the moment. Not running off with a Hit Wizard to be a prim and proper little wife.

But yes..he is quite handsome if I'm going to be honest. And you know it's not proper to ever kiss and tell so I guess you'll just have to use that crazy imagination of yours for an answer there. My goodness, I can't believe you'd even think or question some of those things!

And don't try firewhiskey. Truly, it's not worth it. Though I suppose what your family makes may be far different from what I had that night. Though rum.. well I seem to quite like the taste of it..
Your Friend,

[Image: bd4FVx.md.jpg]
July 3rd, 1888

I think it will be for the best too. And you have your Ministry Man now!

And don't make me giggle. Those kinds of novels are the best! Hmm... Emmy, I'm not sure I'd be able to contain myself around a Ministry Man as handsome as you claim!

Though that is smart. Your studies are important. You are a prefect, after all! You need to make sure you get your grades! A working girl like you needs all the help she can get! (I'm joking, Emmy!)

Though I imagine you'd love to be Charlie's head girl! I'm joking - gosh, this has me all flustered! I am so happy for you!

And you've totally kissed him! Oh my Merlin! What was it like? Pray tell, Emmy, I need to know every detail!

And rum? Is that Charlie's drink? I need to find him! Where does he live? I want to meet him!

Your friend,

July 4th, 1888
Oh Merlin, you truly are awful! I can hardly believe the things I'm reading from you! Are you sure you haven't gotten up to some mischief over there in London floundering in your boredom? Or perhaps you really are reading too many of those kinds of books. She really should stop that!

And I already told you, a proper lady doesn't kiss and tell. But..I can say it was far better than the kiss with Mr. Whitledge. But of course, I was drunk then so.. Oh look at you getting me to admit to things!

And I don't know if I want you to meet him. Surely he'd prefer a better off family that works in alcohol! No, I think I shall keep him all to myself!
Your Friend,

[Image: bd4FVx.md.jpg]
July 5th, 1888

What ever could you mean, Emmeline Woodcroft?! I am but a lowly girl! I would never do anything uncouth or otherwise uncivilised! How rude of you!

And these books are story-central, so I don't know what you are on about!

Wait, you also kissed Mr. Whitledge? Oh my! I bet he kissed like you'd imagine a frog would kiss. Slimy, disgusting, and just plain awful!

And oh, Emmy, you should know me by now! I'm not interesting in finding a husband - though I wouldn't mind looking!  Also what do you mean he'd prefer a family that works in alcohol? Is he a drunk? You sure do have a certain kind of taste, Emmy! I hear Whitledge has turned into quite the drunk himself!

Your friend,

July 6th, 1888
I did. It wasn't one of my finest moments. It happened at his grad party. Four shots of firewhiskey in quick succession. I told you it didn't end well. Can you believe he had the audacity to tell me he had liked me for the better part of last year? I told him he was crazy. And.. may have been a bit more rude. Firewhiskey has made me a different person it seems. I wasn't at all kind.

But then I met Mr. Caufield afterwards. He walked me home when I was a crying, blubbering mess. He was ever the gentleman even though he didn't need to be. And it's just.. kind of gone on from there. I'm certain my mother is smitten with him as well and is already planning a wedding. I don't know though. I still don't understand why he'd want me.

And from my understanding, he's a bit of a recovering alcoholic. He does like his rum though. He drank all my father's one night when he showed up randomly at our home. He then brought a new bottle over when my mother asked him to join us for dinner. It is really quite deleicious..
Your Friend,

[Image: bd4FVx.md.jpg]
July 7th, 1888

Oh, my dear Emmy! I'm glad you're no longer friends with him! He sounds like he just wants an easy skirt - which you are most definitely not! He deserved everything you gave him. He is an absolute ass! If I ever see him, I am going to slap him so hard he'll be dizzy for two weeks.

But oh my! I am absolutely blushing for you. Mr. Caulfield seems like an absolute gentleman. And he wants you because you are fantastic, Emmy! Look at you! You have so much potential! You're prefect, you're doing well in your studies - and you are attractive!

And hang on. He showed up randomly at your house? What? Why? Surely not to steal your fathers rum - and oh, Emmy! You're drinking his alcohol that he bought! And you are completely smitten!

I do hope you don't end up married before your seventh year! What does your father think of all of this?

Your friend,

July 8th, 1888
That is exactly what I said to him! And he looked absolutely appalled that I would say such a thing. I'm glad I'm not the only one that would have thought that.

Oh, stop. You flatter me when you know very well there are far better catches out there than I. Even if you don't want a husband, you have far more to offer than I do. You've also got a sister that isn't married! Surely he can still do better.

And he thought we were in danger. He'd heard that there was a problem here in Pennyworth and thought to come and make sure we weren't. I'm glad I got home when I did or he likely would have kicked the door in. I'm not sure how he'd have explained something that like.. It turned into quite the eventful night.

You've no need to worry I'll be married before seventh year. I've made it quite clear what my plans for the future are. Marriage isn't one of them. Not now anyways. But again, he's likely to find someone better while I'm away at school. What man would sit around waiting for a silly girl to finish her final year of school anyways? And honestly, I've hardly spoken to my father on it. Who knows what he's thinking but my mother likes to ask when he'll be around again. She clearly thinks something more is going to happen but she's just as crazy as you are to think so.
Your Friend,

[Image: bd4FVx.md.jpg]
July 8th, 1888

I'm angry just thinking about him! I cannot wait to slap him! It's a shame he graduated, though! I'll have to hunt him down and entice him with some firewhiskey laced with... poison something awful tasting.

And nonsense! All I have to offer to my name is the fact that I helped create a really nice (apparently) flavour for father's firewhiskey! And there is no better than you, Emmy!

But oh that is ever so sweet of him. What happened? Is that when you kissed? Are you to say he came to save you and he ended up with his tongue in your mouth!? This is just like the novels! I need - need to know more!

And if he's anything like what I think he is, Emmeline, I think he will wait for you. He would not have hung around - or come to your rescue when you weren't in danger - if he didn't want to hang around!

And we are not crazy! I bet if a seer could see, they'd see a future between you two! Oh! Can I please, please hire that seer that's saying she can help peoples romantic lives? You and Mr. Caulfield need it!

Your friend,

July 9th, 1888
Oh please don't do anything so rash. Can we just forget about him and his existence. I'm sure he'll ruin his own life in his own way.

You truly are absurd, you know that right? There has been no tongues in anyone's mouths thank you. Like previously mentioned he's a gentleman. I probably should never even told you such things! If he were to find out, he'd likely feel as if I betrayed his trust so please, don't speak of any of this to anyone. I'd hate to hurt him in any way after he's been so kind to me.

And don't you dare! All of that nonsense is just that, nonsense! If it truly is meant to be, then it will be. Everything clearly has a way of working out as it should.
Your Friend,

[Image: bd4FVx.md.jpg]
July 10th, 1888

Gladly! And I'm sure of it too. Going by what I've read, he seems to already be going down that route! I feel sorry for his family, really. Though I guess boys will be boys.

No tongues in mouths? So there's been other things in your mouth?! Oh, Emmy! That is crude! I'm joking - sorry! I couldn't help myself. And who could I speak it to? My herb station? Hey, mandrake, guess what! Emmy snogged a man! I'm not sure a mandrake would be too interested in that - even if I am!

But aww, you are really sweet. I really want you two to marry now! Please, please can I find her and hire her for you two? It would be so fun!

Your friend,

July 10th, 1888
Oh how I miss you even if you are a bit of a savage. I feel bad for your mother. You surely have kept her on her toes, haven't you?

And no! You cannot contact her. It would be a waste of time. Now tell me about London some more. Tell me more about what you've been up to!
Your Friend,

[Image: bd4FVx.md.jpg]
July 11th, 1888

Savage? Not at all! I am an angel! My mother adores me, thank you very much!

Though in all honesty, Emmy, I haven't been doing much. Mostly watching my father work and trying to improve on his firewhiskey formulae. It's not as fun as it sounds. I don't have too many friends around London and there's truly not much to do despite being in the city. I long to be back at Hogwarts.

You've been getting much more action than I!

Oh, that did not come out right. I meant socialising!

Your friend,

July 12th, 1888
I don't even know what to say or where to start. Truthfully, I wasn't going to tell you any of this at all but after a week of hardly any sleep, I don't know what else to do!

Charlie was here just over a week ago. Or rather, we met in the park. And we talked and things got rather.. I don't know, intense? Sherry I told him I loved him! And then.. well, I may have told him I wanted to learn things from him if you catch my drift. And while nothing actually went that far it got me feeling all sorts of things I'm sure my mother would murder me for if she was aware.

What in Merlin's beard do I do now!?
Your Friend,

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