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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Introducing: Mary Spindle

Mary Spindle
Hogwarts Librarian
42 ∘ Widowed ∘ WCHB ∘ Rep. 9 ∘ Ravenclaw 1863-1867

This is Mary! She's been around a little bit having moved to Hogsmeade in 1877 where she met her late husband, Edward, eventually moving to London and staying there for a considerable amount of time, working in various bookshops, libraries and stationers along the way. Almost two years ago, Edward was killed and she's only recently moved back to Hogsmeade where she's found herself back at Hogwarts as its newest librarian.

She's still struggling with his death and can be a little mercurial at times, however she's discovered that helping students wherever possible is slowly piecing her broken heart back together and giving her a new sense of purpose, albeit slowly, especially with no dependents of her own.

Social Life
Most of her time is spent in Hogwarts, though she'd frequent Hogsmeade one weekend a month, or whenever possible. I imagine she likes to drink (appropriately) in town, or find alternate coping mechanisms- she's become a bit more introverted now she's 'alone' in the world. I imagine most of the people she would be becoming familiar with would be Hogwarts faculty & students, though it'd be nice to get her 'out there' a bit, finding new friends and throwing her into the world instead of just being cooped up in the Hogwarts library constantly.

Professional Life
As the Hogwarts Librarian, a lot of her time is spent in the library or around the school. Perhaps there's some emerging acquaintances or growing familiarities between Mary and the rest of the faculty? For students, she's almost always available, and will (most of the time) be more than happy to help find books, help with research/homework or even facilitate study-hall sessions for any & all students; As well as slowly becoming more familiar with students who frequent the library.

She's still 'settling in,' so to speak. As for the restricted section (I feel obliged to mention it), I'd be more than happy to facilitate both reasonable requests as well as students wanting to sneak in for whatever reasons.

Morrigan Selden could be friendly with her - she's a librarian in London!

MJ made this!
Hi! I have Constance Sykes, the Slytherin Matron at Hgowarts, to play with her and I imagine they get on like a house on fire because Connie loves books and good looking women in equal measure!

[Image: NKWBLG7.png]
MJ: still raising the graphics bar as of 2022
Hallo I have Louisa Clearwater who's the Gryffindor matron!! :D

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