What had she got? A despairing, self-loathing nothing was the answer that came most readily to mind, but he couldn't say it. It was too close to an admission, and he wasn't brave enough to be honest with her yet no matter how pitiful she looked when she spoke of living a delusion. He didn't want to tell her until he had fixed it. He still wanted to fix it; someday he'd have paid her dowry back, even if it was only to their household account and even if she never knew he'd spent it in the first place. Someday there would be a budget that wasn't exclusively red. Someday... but even then he would still have secrets, wouldn't he? Because there was no degree of fixing things that could undo the past, and no world in which he would ever feel comfortable admitting to where he'd been before the coat room.
"I would have told you before we married, if there had been any other option," he argued desperately. If she had not been forced to marry him no matter what, he would gladly have given her reasons not to — or he thought he would have. Even that probably wasn't entirely true, though. He wouldn't have been honest with her, he would have simply called things off. Still: "I wouldn't have tricked you into marrying me."
"I would have told you before we married, if there had been any other option," he argued desperately. If she had not been forced to marry him no matter what, he would gladly have given her reasons not to — or he thought he would have. Even that probably wasn't entirely true, though. He wouldn't have been honest with her, he would have simply called things off. Still: "I wouldn't have tricked you into marrying me."

Set by Lady!