I hope this letter finds you well in fog-free London! I hadn't really intended to write..I didn't really know what there might be to say or if it was even truly proper. But in light of recent events, I thought why not? Surely, you'd be one to give me honest opinions.
I'm not sure if you read the Daily Prophet but a troll destroyed Honeydukes yesterday. I just happened to be there on the hunt for a specific treat. I was lucky compared to the others though. A few stitches in my cheek but worst of all, a broken right wrist. I suppose you could liken it to breaking your dominate throwing arm.. As a result, I'm forced to work with my left hand for the time being. Just sincerely hope that even with the lack of magic, my wrist will heal properly so one day I'll be able to go back to using it.
So...I've enclosed a sketch of a snitch I've done. Calla, my youngest sister, described the different balls to me that are used in Quidditch. The quaffle didn't sound like much of a challenge to draw even though I know that's what you typically deal with as a chaser. Hopefully I captured the snitch well enough based solely on what I was told. What are your thoughts?
Z. Potts
Fab Bee Set!
![[Image: B3Itpe.png]](https://k.nickpic.host/B3Itpe.png)