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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Black Sheep
Anne was officially in doubt of the street girl's faculties. She was about to double over laughing about accioing Merlin's tits, which was an image Anne was having difficulty unseeing. Oh, hell. Anne broke her. With a frustrated groan, and a silent reminder that this is why she didn't really like the idea of children, Anne tossed the girl's wand back at her.

"You here, you loon. You go about picking fights with people stronger than you, and you can't even summon your wand. Now, pick it up and try. Summon one of those rocks over there, like this. Accio" Anne pointed her wand and summoned a brick laying in the rubble she'd sent the girl into earlier. Catching the brick with ease, Anne pinned the younger girl with a no-nonsense glare. "Now I want you to try it. Don't think about where the rock is, think about where you want it to go. You think hard about what you're trying to achieve, not just what is already there." It all made sense to Anne, but she'd also had four years of Hogwarts and a lifetime of asking her parents about magic.

The following 1 user Likes Anne Moony's post:
   Charley Goode

[Image: rOjzpw3.png]
MJ about made me cry with this one!
Thread Log | Help Anne Blame the DJ
With her wand back, Charley felt the strong urge to just cut and run. It would have been easier, particularly while she still had some dignity left in her. Not that she didn't know the score, and what was left to settle between the two of them. It weighed heavily on side of the horsefaced girl, who was probably cheating by this point. She had been here first, after all, more than enough time to set a spell or enchantment to make all of hers go awry.

"Yer so bleedin' demanding," Charley scoffed, chuckling again at the lunatic girl. It was the only real way she was going to suffer the self-appointed professor, as the joke that she was. The urchin could do spells, she'd proven that enough already. It was generosity that she swished her wand the way the other girl wanted, something that Charley would be reminding her of someday. "Accio! "

Oh, she thought of where she wanted the rock to go. Smashing into that horseface was top of the urchin's thoughts as her wand flicked and the rock went moving. Flying. Sailing. Charley had to admit, it even felt quite satisfying.

For all of two seconds until it dropped to the ground with a clatter, and not even near Miss Professor's face.

Taking the other two steps to meet the rock, the urchin gave it a great, actually satisfying, kick. It flew, farther and longer, off somewhere into the darkness of the alley. She didn't care where, only happy she heard it clattering off somewhere it wouldn't be summoned again. "This is daft."

Her head gave a shake, and Charley put her hand up to support it. It was still wet, from all the soakings before. Heavier now, with the weariness from their duel. She was just plain tired of trying to please the horsefaced girl since she couldn't seem to beat her. "An' so're you. An' reckon I'm the dafter of the pair for even hearin' ya out."

She might as well head back to the shop, if Miss Professor would let her anymore.

[Image: bZbZdaH.png]
Anne watched impassively as she knew how, a smirk growing when the urchin - Charley - managed to send the rock flying, even if it was more of a short trip. It was progress, Anne could work with progress. She also had to make it back to her room before dawn or the watch.

Pocketing her own wand, Anne decided, "That's enough for now. Good effort," She added, remembering that some people needed to be coddled to succeed. "I want you to keep practicing and expect you to hit me next time; well, at least try harder." She smirked, not having to stretch to see through the other girl's rocky intentions.

Anne pocketed her wand and turned on her heel. Before leaving the ally, she added one more thing. "And if I hear you blowing smoke outside of the Potts' store again, I'll do more than soak you. And I don't bluff."

The following 1 user Likes Anne Moony's post:
   Charley Goode

[Image: rOjzpw3.png]
MJ about made me cry with this one!
Thread Log | Help Anne Blame the DJ
It was relief to hear the closing words echoing through the alley, and even feeling relief made steam rise from Charley's still-damp collar. This was supposed to be a duel, not a class. Well, every class needed its clown, and the urchin was here to show the horsefaced girl just how loony her class was.

She stuck her tongue out at the would-be professor. It didn't matter that the girl was already moving off into the darkness, Charley could still blow a raspberry after her. The sound carried enough to echo, and that gave her face a satisfying grin. She wore it gladly, stuffing her wand back in her vest and turning to leave the other way.

"Daftest thing I ever done," she muttered to herself, finding another rock to kick at. It skittered off a ways, only to come into view once more. Charley kicked it again, imagining that it was the face of the loony girl. "And I en't like to stay quiet!"

The words came out softer than she meant to, betraying her fatigue. And, perhaps, a little more caution. Just because the urchin wouldn't say anything in earshot of that one didn't mean she was going to shut up completely. After all, she had to say something to all the folk going into the wrong flower shop. Charley had a cot and roof to earn for herself every day.

One that was looking much kinder than an alley, by this point of the night. She picked up her step, hurrying back to the shop and to a waiting sleep.

[Image: bZbZdaH.png]

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