Anne was officially in doubt of the street girl's faculties. She was about to double over laughing about accioing Merlin's tits, which was an image Anne was having difficulty unseeing. Oh, hell. Anne broke her. With a frustrated groan, and a silent reminder that this is why she didn't really like the idea of children, Anne tossed the girl's wand back at her.
"You here, you loon. You go about picking fights with people stronger than you, and you can't even summon your wand. Now, pick it up and try. Summon one of those rocks over there, like this. Accio" Anne pointed her wand and summoned a brick laying in the rubble she'd sent the girl into earlier. Catching the brick with ease, Anne pinned the younger girl with a no-nonsense glare. "Now I want you to try it. Don't think about where the rock is, think about where you want it to go. You think hard about what you're trying to achieve, not just what is already there." It all made sense to Anne, but she'd also had four years of Hogwarts and a lifetime of asking her parents about magic.
"You here, you loon. You go about picking fights with people stronger than you, and you can't even summon your wand. Now, pick it up and try. Summon one of those rocks over there, like this. Accio" Anne pointed her wand and summoned a brick laying in the rubble she'd sent the girl into earlier. Catching the brick with ease, Anne pinned the younger girl with a no-nonsense glare. "Now I want you to try it. Don't think about where the rock is, think about where you want it to go. You think hard about what you're trying to achieve, not just what is already there." It all made sense to Anne, but she'd also had four years of Hogwarts and a lifetime of asking her parents about magic.