Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
I regret to inform you. My parents are ridiculous and said I can't go to France. I don't know why they are so bleeding silly, but I guess I'm in Hogsmeade for the summer.
Do you get to visit or do you have to spend the whole summer in France? I guess that wouldn't be so bad for you. Have you started your summer reading yet? I know we have OWLs this year, but did every professor have to assign a mountain of reading?
It is delightful to hear from you. It is a shame that you shall not be able to come to France, parents can be awfully silly sometimes, but I am they have their reasons so as they say, c'est la vie.
I shall be boarding at the Pendegrast School for Young Roses for a few weeks over the summer whilst my Governess recovers from an illness.
It gives me solace that I am not the only who feels that out summer reading load is excessive, it pains me to say that reading in l'anglais is still not my strength. But Papa has promised me a trip to the opera should I keep to his schedule. Do you have many engagements planned?
I cannot wait until we can make our own rules. I'm nearly sixteen, I don't need anyone telling me where I can go. After graduation, there won't be anyone that can stop me, either. I can't wait to go where I want.
I'm sorry your nanny governess is sick. I'm extra sorry you have to go to Pendegrast. You shouldn't be punished just because your governess is ill.
I'm finished with Potions and DADA reading, those were fine. If you have trouble sleeping, try the History of Magic book. I don't know why we have to read any of it. If these witches and wizards are sooo important, shouldn't their lives be less dull? If anyone wrote a book about me, I want it to be exciting, not boring. And there would be more duels in mine, too. And don't feel bad. I only read English and half of it is still nonsense to me.
I've never been to an opera, but I like when there are concerts at Padmore Park. I don't know why you like to have people sing at you in languages you don't speak. I'll find way to stay busy. I see Millie loads, which helps. My brother is an auror trainee, so he's too busy for fun this summer. I hate that, but I'm proud of him. Ned is going to be the best auror ever. Unless I want to be one, too. There's going to be a fishing contest on the Black Lake and I get to work for Mr. Grimstone at his broom shop. He married Millie's cousin this spring. I hope that doesn't mean he's going to be boring now. I hate when adults get married and get boring.
Your latest letter made me laugh, I shall see your History of Magic book and raise you ancient ruins for your night time troubles. I currently have a Ghoul Studies text open on my bureau, I shall not recommend that for the night, unless of course the dietary habits of the recently deceased appeal to you? As for the Opera, you should know that all of the best Operas are in French, I shall take you to see Manon or perhaps Carmen. I am certain I can make a woman of culture of you yet mon ami.
Our age is a difficult time I shall concede, we have many expectations but little power, I am in London at the end of the month for the gala at the botanical gardens there, I shall not even be permitted to dance, but at least I get to see the bloom of Titania. I look forward to my sixteenth when I shall at least learn the name of the Monsieur that I am expected to wed, until then though I must assume our parents wish only what is best for us.
Please pass on my regards to Miss Potts, I am pleased that you are able to.find company over the summer.
Dear Violet,
I wish I was in runes, too, but you seem to have a lot of homework, so maybe not. I can’t believe you took ghoul studies on purpose! It sounds fun, but who cares what dead people eat? Aren’t they just bored and sad now that they don’t eat or need sleep? Dying shouldn’t be so dull, should it?
I don’t know who Manon or Carmen are, but it can’t be that bad, can it? Even if it is in French. You can keep culture to yourself. Unless it’s about real art. I would like to see the museums with all of the old muggle paintings.
Why go to a party where you can dance? That’s silly, but at least there will be flowers. I don’t know what kind of flowers are Titania, but I bet they’re pretty if there is going to be a party about it.
I still think it’s barmy that your parents already picked who you’re going to marry someday, and they aren’t even telling you who he is. What happens if you don’t like him? They will at least pick someone you should like, right? It isn’t going to be French Jimmy Fletcher, is it? Eww. You could always run away and see the world with me after school. Or at least we can imagine.
I’ll give Millie your best. I can’t wait to get back to Hogwarts.
Oh my dear, your letter did make me smile to read. Manon and Carmen are french operas, and wonderful ones at that. But I will accept your offer to take in a gallery, wouldn't it be terribly coquin for us each to take a floo to the Lourve in Paris and enjoy croissants by the Niké of Samothrace.
I know you don't understand mon ami, and it's OK that you don't. But my parents will find me a marriage to a good man with excellent connections to my family and French society. I pray that neither of us find horrible husbands, but as ladies we are resilient and can make good of a lesser situation, I shall just not go through the. rigamr rigmarole of being paraded down the street for all manner of undesirables.
I too look forward to returning to school for our fifth year, my nights are too quiet without you across the room. I am not looking forward to our OWLs, but at least I shall finally know how not to appear delicious for the ghouls.
You understand I had to ask my mum to translate multiple words from your last letter, yes? And who bloody cares about that? alright. I'm glad my parents don't bother me about such things. I'm to focus on school and being the best witch I can be. What else matters in our OWL year? After my OWLs, I'm going to be in Alchemy and it's going to be brilliant. Do you even think about that or are you still going to leave? and pretend you're an idiot
Dear Anne,
Your misunderstanding is noted, I shall try to keep my language a little less, what was that word you used before. Flouncy? You might have to remind me.
You are right, I keep forgetting that this year shall be our OWLS. You are going to do so well mon ami. I have no doubt that you are the smartest girl in fourth fifth year? I think about my own OWLS, whatever my parents wish to happen shall certainly come to pass, but I keep thinking about how much I might miss school if I am forces to leave. But then I think about finishing school in Paris and how lovely that shall be.
Oh Anne, I am so disappointed I didn't get to show you my country this summer. Maybe next?
Flouncy is the perfect word for it, mon ami. That's what you said. Mum says that means friend, and I can say that easy enough. It's the easiest of the French you've said.
I agree Thank you, Violet. I am excited for OWLs, and running a club. I'm also a year away from being Quidditch captain and I'm going to do Slytherin proud. I hope your parents care about what you want. You're not stupid, and I think leaving school would be a waste. Wouldn't you be a better wife or whatever if you learned more?
I hope we can go to Paris next summer, at least after school. That will show my parents.
Oui, mon ami means friend, and you are mine. I do appreciate your complements on my potential, perhaps a more learned wife would be preferred, but I have certain duties upon myself that I am proud to honour. Perhaps I shall be like Mademoiselle Flitwick and find that my betrothed intends me to stay for finish my NEWTS, maybe not. Cest la vie.
You shall make captain, of this I am certain, Gryffindor got lucky with the cup this year, it will be back where it belongs in our little oubliette very soon. We shall definately find a way to get you to Paris, perhaps if I convince your parents your are my maid but then conveniently forget our stations like something out of a Flaubert!.
This is all nonsense. Don't you dare be like Emma Flitwick. She's wicked smart but wasn't smart enough to avoid getting engaged to a professor. I don't know what happened between them and I don't want to, but whatever it was, don't do that. And it seems a proper waste to let someone who doesn't even know you're great at Charms decide if you get to stay in classes or not.
I need to talk to Sirius Black when we get back to school, but I should be succeeding him. It's what's right, after all. I suppose you'll take French Club over. That will be good for them, they can have someone that knows what they're saying in charge again. I think you're the first real French person since Miss Bonaccord.
I have no idea what Flaubert is, but if you call me your maid again, I will jinx you, Violetta.
Don't be too hard on Miss Flitwick, she has responsibilities to her family and is doing her best to honour them. You have quite the way with words Anne, your willingness to speak your mind is admirable.
You are sweet. They would be silly not to choose you as captain, you are a fantastic player, If Monsieur Black can vouch for you I hope they can overlook that you are a girl, I shall cheer you on again this year.
I do not doubt that you would jinx me, so I shall apologise for my words. And besides, you are too smart and too stubborn and generally just a bit too "Anne" to be anyone's maid.
I remember that today is a special day for you. I'm not sure why muggles breaking into a French prison is such an accomplishment, though. Muggle prisons probably don't have dementors, so I guess it wouldn't be too hard to get in and out. Either way, happy Bastille Day, Violetta! (I guess that's what I'm supposed to say).
And I don't want anyone to forget I'm a girl. I want to be the best and do it while being a girl. Boys always walk around like they are so special and most of them can't seem to walk and think at the same time. I swear, wizards and witches are made of different metal and ours is far stronger.
And I guess it's good I'm so myself. I wouldn't want to try and be anything else.
Merci, Anne. My family and I attended the celebration in Paris on the 14th, it was quite fun, although Luca scraped his knee on the cobbles. Bastille day is not about the prison mon ami, it is about the end of the monarchy and absolute rule by the King in France. Before that, low people like you or I could never hope for the gift of power, Vive la République.
You should be proud to be yourself, and you are right, girls have a strength that the boys will never understand. It might not seem like it now, but my Maman needed me find great strength when I was first told of my promise to a strange man.