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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

schoolhouse blues
April 15, 1894 — Irvingly School
Lucy Fawns

It was the end of another day, and Chastity was currently alone in the schoolhouse, tidying. She was exhausted--it had been a long day, and sometimes handling many children felt like a lot after so many years of only handling one or two at a time. Not that she was truly complaining--she liked her job, most of the time. But Lord, she was tired after a long day.

She was cleaning the blackboard when the doors to the schoolhouse opened. Turning, she called out, "Can I help you?"

Lucy hadn't been to the schoolhouse since registering her son, Eli, for classes, and even then, it still made her feel...awkward. She had never been to a schoolhouse herself as a child, and the fact that her own children weren't learning from a governess still, even now, felt a little odd. Yet here she was, seeking an update on her children's education that she couldn't get without visiting the schoolhouse and meeting with the teacher.

Even that word, teacher, felt alien to her brain.

"Sorry to bother you," Lucy began as the young teacher — gods, was she even younger than Lucy? How could she manage so many children at once? — turned. "My name is Lucy Fawns, two of my children attend school here? Susie and Eli." She did not mention that Lois would be joining them soon enough. "I was wondering if I could speak to you briefly about them."

"Of course, Mrs. Fawns," Chastity said, putting on her best dealing-with-parents smile. She didn't mind, of course--she'd rather parents come to her with questions or concerns than not.

"Would you like to sit?" Chastity gestured at the desks in the front row. "I'm afraid I can't offer better seating, unfortunately, but please, make yourself comfortable."

Lucy looked at the desks briefly before shaking her head politely. "I'll stand, thank you," she said, a little sheepish. She didn't want to admit that the chairs looked uncomfortable aloud, but it seemed Miss Bentley was perfectly aware of the fact. "I just wanted to know how Susie and Eli are doing with their schoolwork." If she had still been part of the upper class, she would have been able to get daily updates. As it was, Roger had to stop her from going down to the school on a weekly basis for information about her eldest two.

Chastity nodded. A very reasonable request. "They're both progressing as well as I'd expect at this stage," Chastity said. The Fawns children were not ones she was concerned about--or at least, not more concerned than she was for any of her students. "Miss Susie is perhaps more easily distracted than is preferable, but it's a difficult thing to avoid sometimes, with so many classmates." Chastity was much more used to teaching students one-on-one, or with one other pupil, which was easier in many ways. But on the other hand, she thought those students who were bound for Hogwarts eventually ultimately benefited from the experience. And it didn't seem to hurt those who weren't.

Lucy sighed. Of course Susie was quite distractable. She was quite a lot like her aunt Cordelia, when she'd been that age — not rambunctious, but easily distracted by things that captured her attention, and Lucy imagined it must be much worse with, as Miss Bentley said, so many classmates. "I hope she doesn't give you too much trouble," Lucy admitted, shifting to clasp her hands in front of her for a moment before relaxing. "She has shown a similar tendency at home, though likely not as much as she has here. After all, as you say, there is simply more to focus on here."

Chastity offered an understanding smile. "The good news, I think, is that she does seem receptive to correction, usually. I would take that as a promising sign." Certainly it made her life easier when there were at least some students who were easily receptive to such things. With so many students at so many different levels, Chastity's attention was often stretched very thin. "And if she's bound for Hogwarts eventually," she added, "it might be to her advantage that she be accustomed to such distraction now, so that she might be prepared."

Honestly, Lucy was glad to hear that her daughter was listening to Miss Bentley. Grateful, even. She would have to work closer with her daughter in the days before she went off to Hogwarts, though, to ensure that she wasn't as easily distracted. It simply wouldn't do for her daughter to receive detentions. "She is bound for Hogwarts," Lucy stated. "I have high hopes for my daughter. I hope one day she'll follow her father's footsteps."

Chastity smiled. "Well," she said. "I wouldn't be too worried about that. She is very bright, and I'm sure she will do just fine." Teaching at the school was a bit different from what Chastity had grown used to--regardless of their magical status, most of the children here would expect to find careers after their schooling was complete. That hadn't been a guarantee when she'd been a governess--particularly not for the girls.

It was good to hear that her daughter was otherwise doing well in school. Lucy had been worried. But... "That is all well, of course, but how is Eli doing? I know he is relatively newer to your charge. I just...a mother's worry, you know."

"Of course, I understand." Chastity's smile was kind. "Believe me, I appreciate being brought concerns." It actually made her job easier, most of the time. And of course it helped when parents like Mrs. Fawns were polite about it. "Your son is settling in well enough, though I admit he hasn't stood out particularly for his age group." This wasn't necessarily a bad thing--at this age, when children were still getting used to school at all, there were still a lot of factors to be determined as far as scholastic success went.

To Lucy's surprise, she was quite okay with the fact that Eli hadn't stood out yet one way or the other. At least he wasn't showing to be a troublemaker, a trait she'd feared when Roger had told her of his own youthful hijinks. She wasn't hoping for model student, but she was hoping at least for average, and it seemed so far that both of her children in Miss Bentley's care were on track for that at the very least.

"Thank you very kindly, Miss Bentley," she said, shifting her skirts ever so slightly. A habit she'd had since girlhood, adjusting her skirts so that they wouldn't look strange as she turned. "I should get back; I've left the children with their grandmother long enough." She would always be grateful that Roger's parents were the type to dote on their grandchildren, that they didn't really care that Lucy and Roger couldn't afford a maid dedicated to the children. Lucy knew her father would likely have a conniption fit if he saw how his daughter was living. Luckily, he had never reached out since the engagement. "Have a wonderful rest of your day."

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