[premise]Month ##, 1894[/premise]
<blockquote><i>Relevant news here.</i></blockquote>
Examples of appropriate content: births, deaths, marriages, minor crimes, etc.!
NOTE: Please do your best to post notices within one month of IC publication!
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.Where will you fall?
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
[premise]Month ##, 1894[/premise]
<blockquote><i>Relevant news here.</i></blockquote>
Mr. and Mrs. Potts of Hogsmeade are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Daffodil Potts, to Hogsmeade's Mr. Elias Grimstone.
Mister and Mrs Roman Crouch, are happy to welcome their son Cereus Rowan Crouch on the 28th of January.
Mother and baby are in good health.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Alfred Darrow announce the birth of their daughter, Carina Baret Darrow, on February 3rd, 1894.
Mr. and Mrs. Ikenna Farley of Tutshill are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Jemima Farley, to Mr. Fortitude Greengrass of Bartonburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Aldous Crouch of Bartonburg, Hogsmeade are pleased to announce the birth of their sons. Hadrian Malachi Crouch and Orson Aldous Crouch were born on 6th February. Mr. and Mrs. Crouch are not presently accepting calls, but are grateful for the well-wishes they have received thus far.
Mr. and Mrs. Fitzroy Prewett of London welcome to the world their son, William Cesare Prewett. Born 3rd February, young Master Prewett will be introduced formally to family and friends at a party in March.
Mr. and Mrs. Evander Darrow of Irvingly are happy to welcome their son, Edmund Laurence Darrow, born 27th June, 1894, brother to Lillian Grace.
Mr. & Mrs. Rhys Gallagher, of Hogsmeade, are pleased to announce the arrival of a healthy baby girl, Emery Evangeline Gallagher, on 01 July 1894. Both mother and child are recovering well.
Mr. Augustus Lissington of Strandhill and Ms. Sophia Voss of Hogsmeade are pleased to announce their engagement. Nuptials are being planned for the end of summer.
Mr. & Mrs. Quincey Honeyduke, of Hogsmeade, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby girl, Marigold Gladys Honeyduke, on July 19th, 1894. Both mother and daughter are doing fine.
Wednesday, March 20, 1894 saw the marriage of Miss Daffodil Potts, of the Bartonburg Potts' and Mr. Elias Grimstone of Bartonburg. The couple were married in a small ceremony that took place at East Ridge Farm.
Mr and Mrs Atticus Foxwood are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Keshi Violet Foxwood. Mother and baby are doing wellAtticus Foxwood
Mr. Julius Scrimgeour, of Hogsmeade, and Mrs. Eloise Manwaring, of London, announce their engagement. The pair will wed amongst family in September.
Following the final reading of their banns, Mr Salvatore Howlett and Miss Cordie Middlemiss are pleased to announce their wedding shall be on Saturday 19th of October at the Hogsmeade Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Cassius Lestrange, of Wellingtonshire, announce the birth of their son, Perseus Louis Lestrange, on October 19th, 1894. The couple are not currently accepting calls.