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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

way too young to lie here forever
Summer 1880 — Applegate House, Cotswolds

"Hurry up in the bathroom, I need to shave," Ezra called through the door as he passed it, then dropped into the chair closest to the door in the dining room. He didn't, actually — his facial hair existed, but to his frustration it was still slow-growing and patchy, and if he failed to shave before heading off to his Ministry internship that day positively no one he worked with would notice. But the act of shaving made him feel grown-up, so he was insisting on the ritual as a rite of passage; there wasn't much else happening at the moment that marked any real transition from school to adult life, so he had to cling to the things he had. The girls in his year had all gone down the staircase in the Great Hall and entered society, and they were busy this summer being women, going to dinner parties and balls in the evening and in the morning taking callers or going out to shop for a myriad of things they apparently newly needed each day; it was all very grown-up. Ezra, meanwhile, was still in the same house he'd grown up in, surrounded by the same people he'd grown up with, and while he technically had a job it wasn't much of one. It was just killing time until his NEWT scores came back, and everyone knew it, including his coworkers. Maybe in the autumn things would start to feel different, but for the moment Ezra felt for all intents and purposes as though he were just another kid on summer break, while the rest of his year had gone and started doing things, so — shaving each morning was his small act of self-assertion, his proof to himself that this was really happening.

The shaving itself was something of an ordeal. His father had never taught him — by the time Ezra was old enough to have anything to shave, he wasn't sure if his old man was even allowed to hold sharp objects anymore. (Not that he had ever been dangerous, to Ezra's knowledge, but there was a sort of progressive infantilization that had been happening for years now; he didn't get to pick out his own clothes most days, either). Ezra was the oldest son in the house, so he didn't have brothers to lean on here. He might have asked a servant, but most of them were women and the man they had in twice a week to do landscaping was intimidating and unapproachable. So Ezra had taught himself, through trial and error, and it still took him probably twice as long as it should to get through it each morning. Still.

He picked an orange out of the fruit bowl at the center of the table and eyed the newspaper dubiously. That was another of those habits Ezra had been trying to pick up, as a symbol of his budding adulthood, but he found most of the news boring. He wondered: did anyone read the whole paper? Was he expected to?

He was saved from the looming endeavor by the arrival of his younger brother. Conversation — even with someone six years his junior — was preferable to trying to get through some foreign affairs piece in the politics section of the Prophet. "What are you up to today?" he asked, not expecting any particularly interesting answers. Byron was eleven and in the middle of summer vacation; what was there to do except nothing?
Byron Applegate

[Image: 5WWaDR1.png]
Byron had finished his first year at Hogwarts and had amassed himself plenty of friends. He could hardly wait to go back but he was content enough to roam the grounds of their Cotswolds home in the meantime. Byron had never had any trouble finding things to entertain himself. There was lava in the backyard to save the family from or brigards intent on stealing the precious jewel they had hidden within the home. Never mind that said jewel was an old crystal that had been adopted into Byrons collection of playthings sometime over the years. Point was that he lead a very busy life.

The oldest of them was in the dining room and Byron got himself settled before answering. "I have a sword fight scheduled for noon and have to rescue Leonardo da Vinci from the pirates at two. So I will be quite busy." The cat, of course, not the human. The young kitten he had gotten as his school familiar seemed to have begrudgingly accept its role as an actor in Bryons playacting though did not always seemed pleased about it. The grumpy young cat was an amusing contrast to his ever-shining, exuberant master. Of course, this recounting of his schedule was delivered quite seriously as Byron grabbed himself a biscuit.

Ezra frowned, wondering briefly if Byron was making fun of him, but quickly decided against it. It was quite believable to think one of his siblings would have taken an opportunity to tease him about all of his efforts to force his newly gained adulthood to permeate his life, but it was also perfectly believable to think Byron was the sort of person who would be sitting around at breakfast already planning his make-believe games at two.

"I don't think real sword fights get scheduled," he pointed out as he worked through the peel on his orange. He wanted eggs and toast for breakfast in addition to the orange but was hoping that someone would materialize in the kitchen door bringing out plates full of them rather than him having to go looking. "Is the sword fight with the pirates? Seems like you might rescue the cat then and save yourself a little trouble."

[Image: 5WWaDR1.png]
"And how many sword fights have you had?" Byron asked teasingly. Ezra was all grown up now and going to be an auror soon though so.. "I bet you'll have a lot when you're an auror." But they would probably also just use their wands, how boring. Swords were more dramatic.

He sighed like he was long-suffering when Ezra asked his next question. "Of course not, what do you take me for?"

Ezra was about to cut in with a deflection about how they didn't even know if he'd be accepted into the training programme yet, much less become an auror — he was not particularly fretful about not making the cut, but given how selective the program was he thought it best to hedge everyone's expectations whenever possible — but Byron's question distracted him. What did he take him for? Was this a trick question? Byron was looking at him as though it was rhetorical, as though the answer was obvious, but Ezra felt he'd missed some crucial bit of make-believe context.

"... A pirate?" he guessed, hoping that this was the right answer — or at least not the kind of incredibly false answer that would provoke the eleven-year-old's outrage.

[Image: 5WWaDR1.png]
"A hero, like you are going to be," Byron said. The fact he admired his eldest brother was not a fact he generally chose to display. But the hint of it was there, all the same. "The sword fight is with a man who dishonoured Johanna." Never mind that none ever had (that he knew of) but he was going to take care of this pretend-hooligan who had spoken against their sister.

Like he was going to be — well, no pressure, or anything. It was perfectly logical that Byron should consider Ezra a role model, because really, who else was there? Their father hadn't been of a particularly sound mind for ages; he was hardly in the best position to be doling out advice on how to be a man. It seemed unlikely that in one year at Hogwarts Byron would have formed any particular attachment to men like Phineas Black or Meserimus Valenduris. Still, it was a strange thing to carry. It sat rather uncomfortably on his shoulders.

"Ah, so you're going to present his head to her on a spike," Ezra said with a nod. "Very reasonable."

[Image: 5WWaDR1.png]
Blissfully oblivious to his brothers inner turmoil about the way Byron perceived him, the younger Applegate continued on with his meal. "Of course. Then I'll have to be Cecelias bodyguard." Which really meant that he was likely to annoy her by hovering "out of sight" nearby as she went about her day within the house.

Quite the day planned, then; he hadn't been exaggerating how busy he was. "What exactly does Cecilia need protecting from today?" he asked as he turned his attention back towards the paper (superficially; he didn't want to read it but did want to make a Good Show of being Very Grown Up and having only a passing interest in the antics of his younger brother). "Trolls? Dragons?"

[Image: 5WWaDR1.png]
"Bad guys," Byron answered unhelpfully. "If I must take on a dragon then I suppose I must. But dragons don't usually wander around Cotswolds." Never mind that 1) he had claimed only two days ago to have fought a dragon in the gardens (it had actually been a newt) and 2) pirates also were not typically found invading the Applegate estate.

Ezra chuckled. "Maybe you'll be a novelist someday," he remarked. Byron certainly had the imagination for it, if he didn't lose the knack as he grew up. Dragons weren't typically found in the Cotswolds, indeed. "But I think I ought to get to work."

[Image: 5WWaDR1.png]

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