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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

watch me disappear into the sun
September 14th, 1893 — Near the Magical Docks, London
Diana Abbott
William had stepped off the ship and onto the docks of London with nothing but focus and determination. After years of not knowing who he was, of living an assumed life, of seeking out her face everywhere he turned, he was home. Relief swept through him as sure as any wave, his smile broadening as he took in the vaguely familiar streets laid out before him. William might not have known where to start, he might have forgotten the exact addresses of his old homes, he might have begun to fear what he'd find when he finally did find her, but none of it mattered. For now that he was finally back on England's shores, he'd work through it somehow.

He had no other options.

Or, he would have had no other options had the world not erupted into chaos.

The first shriek echoed through the air just as he stepped off the docks and onto dry land for the first time in weeks. Instinctively, Will dropped into a crouch, his arms thrown up over his head and his trunk forgotten entirely at his feet. Terror turned his blood cold as the ships turned into a blaze one by one, the bright flames reflecting off the Thames and casting an eerie glow everywhere he turned. Dragons. The sound he heard was dragons and they were causing mayhem everywhere he turned.

Abandoning his trunk completely, William took off running towards the nearest building for shelter. However, that lock was quickly turned against those seeking shelter as were the next five doors he tried. Blood curdling screams could be heard everywhere now, cries of agony filled the air in between the dragons' furious roars. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide from the destruction as lock after lock was turned against newcomers.

Eventually, Will knelt down in an alcove, determined to make himself as small as possible in hopes of avoiding the attention of any dragon. He couldn't have said how long he remained there, crouched and terrified, watching the crowd run frantically every which direction, nor could he truly explain what was happening beyond the racing beat of his heart. William didn't know anything aside from the one piercing scream louder than all the rest, "Henry!"

He didn't know who Henry was - a lover, a sibling, a friend - but William would recognize that voice anywhere. Diana. Diana was - there and searching frantically for someone without a care in the world. Standing now, he began to make his way towards her, his footsteps falling fast and faster until he was only but a few feet from her. And, truthfully, were the world not exploding around them - were she not so obviously horrified by the loss of this Henry - William would've been content to stand there all day staring. Diana - his Diana - was here in the flesh almost as if he'd conjured her from his dreams.

However, the world was erupting into flames around them and -

"Watch out!" He shouted even as his body moved towards her, tackling her to the ground as a wave of flame erupted down the street.

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   Aldous Crouch

Amazing Set by Lady <3
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Though this had become a regular outing for Henry, there were sometimes when Diana didn’t tag along. Today, of course, was one such day that she ended up telling Nanny to stay home, that she would be just fine to take her maid with Henry. With the day planned ahead, Diana was looking forward to perhaps taking advantage of one of the last warm days of the year before rain and clouds befell the entire country as they were so wont to do. However, before they went to pick up some ice creams in Diagon Alley, Henry wanted to go down by the docks to see the boats.

Before they could reach the piers however, it was as if the sky ripped open above them. Her heart beat rapidly in her throat as terror clutched at her heart. Please no, not today… Recovering from her flinch, her body was screaming at her to grab her son and get to safety. But when she turned to get Henry, he had disappeared. Her stomach dropped, and Diana looked wildly around for her son. All she could see was screaming bodies moving quickly away. She felt a sob tear through her throat; a small child could easily get crushed beneath a crowd like this. “HENRY!” She screamed, and in the back of her mind she was unaware she could make such a desperate sound. All thoughts of her own safety or that of her maid’s had left her, and she took a step in one direction - any direction that she could because she absolutely had to find him.

She refused to go through this life without him, not after losing Will.

Right as she picked up her skirts to start running, searching, screaming for Henry, something collided with her and she fell to the ground. But she hadn’t hit the stones below them as hard as she thought she would have. It took her a moment to realize that someone had shoved her out of the way and had even broken her fall. Even as it was clear that they were out of harm’s way, however temporarily, the stranger hadn’t taken his arms from around her, shielding her as if she didn’t have something else she needed to do. “Please, let me go I need to find my —”

Everything died in her throat as she looked up into the face of the stranger - the man who had pushed her out of the way. “No…” She was dreaming. She was hallucinating, this was not possible. “No, it’s not - it can’t -” Her voice hitched before it all became too much. She reached out, and shoved him with all her might. This person this…doppelganger, who had dared to take on the appearance of a man she had just finished mourning. “Get off of me!” This was a cruel joke, and Diana scrambled backwards, searching desperately for her wand.

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   William Abbott

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The force of her shove was the only reason Will released his grip on her waist at all, rolling over onto his side and quickly scrambling to his feet. He'd dreamt of this moment for months now, had meticulously planned his speech to her, had countless carefully thought out apologies to offer, and could now rely upon none of his plans. She was horrified by the sight of him (or by the loss of her - something) so much so that she had refused to acknowledge who he was. Even without the dragon, the missing person, and the chaos all around them, Will now knew his reception would never have been well received.

"Diana, please." Will pleaded brokenly, his hand outstretched to help her up despite his knowing it would most likely be met with a refusal. Still he pressed on, their lives in too perilous a condition to do anything but try to reason witu her. "It's me. William Abbott. Your husband. I'll explain everything later, but we need to move. It isn't safe here." Nowhere was safe now, not with the dragons soaring about. Although, at this point William would take even the imagined safety of the alcove over the chaos of the streets.

"Please, Di. We can't stay here." He pleaded again.

Amazing Set by Lady <3
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“NO!” Her voice ripped from her once more, through the fury that had burst in her chest. “No you are not - don’t you DARE say his name!” She had to fight the tears in her eyes before a sob broke through her composure. This couldn’t be. He moved like Will. And he - he spoke like him. Merlin, even the way he said her name — how many times had she begged the universe to hear him say her name in her dreams, just one more time? Every facial expression, every minute detail told her it was him; it was as if he’d been resurrected to tug every last memory of her husband from her in an effort to remind her just exactly who she’d lost. “Stop it, stop it. You’re being cruel.” She shook her head vigorously and cowered away from him. She couldn’t look at him either. He looked too much like Will, and if he said one more word to her, her resolve would break and she would run straight to him and Henry would be lost.

Nausea began to take over, quickly curdling in her stomach. Henry, she had to get to Henry before this man got to him and took him from her. She’d promised Will she would protect their son and she had all but failed within the span of a few minutes. “I don’t know who you are, but you need to leave me and my son alone. You need to —”

Another thunderous roar vibrated the air around them which seemed to reach into Diana’s core and jolt her out of her fury. She needed to find Henry. Eyeing the man in front of her, Diana felt desperation gnaw at her and she struggled to stand up. “Please…please, I’ll do anything you want me to,” She beseeched, “Just let me find my son first and make sure he’s safe.”

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In all his musings over how this reunion would go, being named 'cruel' was never part of it. He had imagined being called a coward for not fighting the Captain harder, for not attempting to flee at every port. He'd envisioned being named selfish for returning at all and ruining whatever new life she had established for herself. Never cruel. And to hear her sob the word now was worse than any of his imagined scenarios. To watch her grief become so volatile and enraged at the mere mention of her 'dead' husband was enough to make Will wish he'd never come back at all.

It was suddenly true, too, that he would return to the empty pit from which he'd come if she asked it of him.

Will wasn't sure what to say. In another life, he might have reached for her, might have hauled her to her feet and kissed sense into her. He would have found a way to talk her through her hysterics without further stressing her. But this - being the source of her screams and sobs - Will was at a loss on how to proceed.

That was, at least, until she begged him to help him find her son.

(Their son?)

Henry, the name she'd been screaming above the crowd. Henry was her son, and presumably old enough to be mobile, otherwise he'd still be in a pram and not lost. Henry, a boy Will never once imagined but knew he'd love instantly if given the opportunity.

He helped her to her feet and placed two hands on each arm to steady her. It was too intimate, he knew, to stand so close when she was so distraught, but he had to get her to focus. He had to help her find her son. "Henry - the name you were yelling. How tall is he? Does he like to hide yet? What color clothes was he wearing?" Will's voice was steady, his eyes clear. Nevermind that there were dragons overhead and fire blazing everywhere. Nevermind that blood - her blood - was dripping down the side of her face. None of it mattered - not until they found her son.

"We'll find him, I promise." It was the most solemn vow he'd ever taken, one he meant more than the marriage vows they exchanged.

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   Diana Abbott

Amazing Set by Lady <3
[Image: q0qVwr.png]
Had she not been so panicked, maybe she might have seen the blow that her words dealt him. As it was, the only thing she was focused on was getting away and finding Henry. She thought he might have stepped aside and let her pass and then follow her, but instead he stooped down and hauled her up onto her feet. Diana was too shocked to say anything except nod in confirmation. His touch felt too familiar, even her body almost reacted automatically and had her lean into him. This wasn’t possible, though. Will was gone. But this was exactly how Will had sometimes helped her to focus. He’d grasp her by both arms, staring into her eyes and speaking in a low voice to her. Exactly what this man was doing.

We’ll find him I promise.

Through her anger and confusion she believed him. She had no choice; there wasn’t a world where she could both search for her son and fight this…stranger at the same time. And if he was going to help her, then she couldn’t stop him. They were wasting precious time. “He - he’s almost two. Ninety centimeters. He was wearing white trousers and a blue jacket.” The same color blue she was wearing.

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Despite there being no time to truly when she might've given birth in comparison to when he went missing, Will still felt a single thread of tension loosing itself within him. Henry wasn't a babe but a toddler, one old enough to still have been sired by him. There was still a chance, of course, that she had disregarded the mourning period and remarried or simply had a momentary lapse in judgement, but - Henry could be his. His son.

Their son.

He released his grip on her arms in favor of holding her hand, if only to keep from losing her in the crowd too. "Keep calling for him." Will directed her. He'd helped look for a lost child once somewhere in his travels, the poor thing was more frightened by everyone calling her name than she was being lost. The last thing they needed was Henry continuing to hide because he was afraid of some man calling out for him.

They moved slowly with Will in front and her behind him. The crowd was beginning to thin now - either from the magnitude of deaths the dragons had caused or by those finding shelter. (Will refused to consider that Henry might be amongst the charred bodies they were cautiously stepping over. Soon, they had to find him soon before the dragons returned to take care of the remaining crowd.

Amazing Set by Lady <3
[Image: q0qVwr.png]
Feeling his hand enclose around hers - she almost jerked away until she realized that they would need to keep close together if they didn’t want to lose each other in the crowd. So Diana swallowed whatever protests she had, gripped his hand and shoved down the fact that this man was wearing her husband’s appearance. He’d promised to help her find Henry and she couldn’t afford to think he was wrong or lying. There wasn’t time for questions like that.

As she walked behind him, she took the time to look at him - really look at him. His hair had grown longer, his skin had tanned, but his gait…the way he moved was so exactly like Will’s that Diana couldn’t help the thought soon swirling in her head. What if this was Will? He’d only been declared lost at sea, not —

A high-pitched wail split through her thoughts and she immediately tore away from the man and struggled to make her way through the crowd. “Henry!”

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The wail had distracted her so thoroughly that Will could do nothing but follow her as she sought after the crying child. Henry, the crying child had to be Henry. Will kept a hand tight around hers as they shoved through the crowd in search of the sound. If he lost her now - if they parted after being so recently reunited - he didn't think fate would give them a third chance. Even if she hated him or didn't believe him or whatever else, he wouldn't let go of her hand. Not until they were safe, not until he knew he might be able to pick it up again later.

The sound was louder now, and he scanned the crowd before finally catching sight of two small feet tucked tight under a bench. "There!" He shouted, pulling Diana towards the bench.

Amazing Set by Lady <3
[Image: q0qVwr.png]
She didn’t have time to yank away from him. Urgency bit at her heels as she looked desperately around for the source of the familiar sound. He had to be somewhere, he had to be alive. She would know if he was gone, Henry was her son. The image of him flooded her mind, the first time he took his first steps, so proud and triumphant as Diana and Nanny clapped enthusiastically. She wanted nothing more than to press a thousand kisses into the dark-as-night curls that stood in a wild mess on his head.

Diana was about to shout for him again when the man holding her hand spotted him. She almost forgot to be mad at him, and willingly followed as she looked to the direction he was pointing. Henry’s shoes. Those were her son’s shoes, and if she looked hard enough, she could see his hands clasped as if he’d tucked himself in a ball and pulled his legs to his chest. “Henry!” She shouted again as the voice in her mind told her that if he’d been dead, she wouldn’t see the visible tension in his body. “Henry, it’s me, it’s your mother!” She cried, desperate to reach him. Just ten more steps. Then five. Then two, then one.

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Will knew he had to release his grip on her as they neared the bench. He knew she had better and more important priorities than ensuring she didn't let go of his hand in this crowd. And yet, with the final step made and them both kneeling down to coax the young boy out from beneath the bench, it took considerable effort for Will to let go. He'd only just gotten her back after years of dreams and months of effort. He'd only just found her again, only for her to have someone far more important to focus on now.

Someone with such a similar mop of curls that made Will grateful to have already been on the ground.

There was no mistaking it now - the timing, the similarities, all of it - Henry was his son, too. He had a son. They had a son.

"Diana, we need to move." Will said urgently despite his body being frozen in place. His knees felt like jelly, his head swirling with all these new unknowns. But still, they had to find somewhere safer to conduct this reunion. Somewhere without dragons and collapsing buildings and frightened people. "Where can we go?"

Amazing Set by Lady <3
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Collapsing by the bench, Diana reached under and tugged Henry out from his hiding spot. The terrified expression on his face saw her heart fracture again, and she pulled him to her chest. Tears fell down her cheeks as she murmured to him quietly. He was still too stunned to do anything other than sob and hold onto her. The roar of dragons above wrenched her out of her relief. The man’s voice beside her caused her to freeze and remember what had happened just moments before.

He’d claimed that he was her husband, come back from years at sea and she had screamed at him to get away, because there wasn’t any possible way that the man in front of her was William. He looked like him and sounded like him of course. But even so, Diana clutched Henry to her chest as she stood up and eyed him cautiously. He wasn’t wrong, they needed to get to shelter and quick. The only place she could think of was: “The Crowdy Memorial Library.”

It made the most sense. She knew the debate had taken place there, which meant at least half of the Ministry’s officials would be present. Even if she was wrong, there was no other option.

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The Crowdy Memorial Library. While the name was familiar, the location and architecture of the building were not. Even before the accident Will had never been great with directions and the aftermath of nearly drowning hadn't done him any favors. And in this setting - with people running for their lives and chaos everywhere they turned - Will wasn't sure of where anything was other than the ship he'd come in on.

"Here - give me the boy. You lead us there." Will instructed, his arms already reaching out to take Henry. They'd be able to move faster if the woman in heels wasn't burdened by the additional weight of a child. "Now, Diana. We need to move now."

Amazing Set by Lady <3
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Give me the boy.

Terror seized Diana’s heart as she thought of handing Henry over to the man impersonating her late husband. Was this all just a nightmare, and a ploy to give him the child How many times had superstition and folklore told her of child-snatching demons, or —

The urgency of his voice whipped through her panicking, and Diana flinched, staring at him in horror. But there was no way she could run and guide them there with a boy in her arms. It was hard enough navigating over cobblestones sometimes, and took all the recall she had to remember her finishing training to keep an elegant stride. Of course, there was nothing elegant about running from homicidal beasts, but there was no getting around the fact that the man in front of her would be better off carrying her son than she did. Her hand came up to cradle the back of Henry’s curls and she whispered to him hurried assurances that she would be with him all the way but needed to give him to the stranger. Cautiously, painfully, Diana relinquished Henry over; all the more reason for them to hurry.

Now it was her turn to seize his hand, and she did so with a vice-like grip. Wand in the other hand, she looked around to try and determine where they were. “This way,” she breathed, and took off.

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He could see the look in Diana's eye - her reluctance and unwillingness to let go of her child that they just so recently found. It was the same vice like grip he'd had on her only seconds ago, that same nauseating fear of losing her to the insanity. Still, he nearly sighed a breath of relief when she handed Henry over without a fight. They had little precious time before another dragon flew by, to use it arguing would be a waste of it all.

The boy was surprisingly sturdy, his weight a comforting presence in Will's arms. (His son!) Will kept a tight grip on him as Diana led them through the street. It wasn't until they neared a charred wagon that he realized Henry was trembling from terror - the sights of their destroyed city too scary for a toddler to process. Shifting Henry to one arm, Will drew a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Henry. "Squeeze your eyes shut and cover them with this. You'll be safe with your mother-"

They hadn't made it back to the library in time.

The dragon was roaring with fury as it flew down the very street they were turning onto.

Amazing Set by Lady <3
[Image: q0qVwr.png]
Every step forward led them closer to refuge. It was what Diana had to keep telling herself as she led them through the streets, already completely torn apart from the beasts. The smell was nauseating, and Diana fought to keep the bile from rising up her throat, warm and thin. She fought to keep her eyes ahead and to not pay attention to anything that might distract her from leading them to safety. She couldn’t hear what was whispered to Henry, but she saw the man hand her son the kerchief to cover his face, and momentarily she felt relieved that they’d been found by him. The terror of potentially not finding her son had overridden any protective measures she might have employed otherwise.

Her relief only lasted a few seconds as she looked back at them though. Behind them was a large, scaly mass that hurtled towards them with frightening speed. Its jewel-like eyes glittered maliciously as it opened its jaws. “WILL!” The scream tore from her before she realized what she’d said, and she immediately threw up a shield behind them only seconds before a wall of flames sought to engulf them. She saw plenty of others do the same as they ran for cover. In her panic, Diana’s foot found something (Merlin she didn’t want to know what it was) and she felt herself thrown backwards.

What began as a quick burning sensation easily morphed into an agonizing pain as Diana realized the gate had been heated from within by the dragon’s flames. A dizzying determination overcame her and she winced as she pulled away from the gate; nauseating sickness followed as she felt resistance at first before finally tearing herself away and stumbling forwards into a strong grip.

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